[Spotlight] Sensible Shoes by Cindy Causey ~ #Contemporaryfiction #WomensFiction @GoddessFish @cindycausey2 @TheWildRosePress

Sensible Shoes by Cindy Causey

Sensible Shoes by Cindy Causey is a delightful and relatable read for anyone seeking a heartwarming and humorous exploration of self-discovery, love, and finding one’s true worth, particularly women in their 40s and 50s as they navigate life’s twists and turns with wit and resilience. 

Sensible Shoes PIN Pale Pink Book Cover with confetti & cake blog graphic, women's Fiction by Cindy Causey

A book blog tour from Goddess Fish Promotions.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and Marianne & Judy at Goddess Fish for providing me with the information for this tour.

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[Spotlight] Sensible Shoes by Cindy Causey ~ #Contemporaryfiction #WomensFiction @GoddessFish @cindycausey2 @TheWildRosePress

Book Details

[Spotlight] Sensible Shoes by Cindy Causey ~ #Contemporaryfiction #WomensFiction @GoddessFish @cindycausey2 @TheWildRosePressSensible Shoes by Cindy Causey
Published by Wild Rose Press on January 6, 2025
Genres: Fiction, Contempoary Romance, Women's Fiction
Format: eBook, Paperback
Pages: 290

At her fiftieth birthday party, Tess Thomason, a plain-Jane, divorced mother and decidedly unprepared women’s newspaper columnist, is blindsided by her well-meaning family with a stack of gift cards she interprets as meaning she’s fat, frumpy, and wrinkled.

Facing a lonely future and failing career, Tess embarks on a journey of self-discovery, taking her readers along for the ride. But her resolve is nearly derailed by a hilarious season of family chaos that includes a surprise pregnancy, rushed wedding, and unexpected houseguests. In the midst of it all, Tess is drawn into a confusing new relationship with a man who is impossibly perfect for her.

But, if she can keep herself, her family, and her willpower firmly seated on the crazy roller coaster of her life, maybe Tess will find her own self-worth and a new love in the bargain.

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Excerpt from Sensible Shoes

But first, I needed to think.

If I were to embark on this perilous journey of reawakening and discovery, I needed to consult my sweet muse, to experience the warmth of an old friend, to snuggle into the comfort of the familiar.

I needed a full caf, mocha hazelnut latte, with a double whip….

I leaned back in the chair, sipped on the sweet mocha froth, and sighed aloud.

“It can’t be that bad.” The sound of a rumbling male voice, laced with humor, made me turn to my right and stare at the man seated there, newspaper on the table in front of him.

“I beg your pardon?”

He leaned forward a little, and I could see traces of gray in his temples and laugh lines around his eyes. They were very nice brown eyes.

They went with his very nice face, which was perfectly proportioned and just rugged enough to be interesting. His mouth quirked up a little at one corner as if he were slightly amused.

“Whatever those cards are, they seem to be upsetting you.”

“They’re gift cards.”

“Mmm, don’t you hate those?”

I chuckled. “Not normally, but these are particularly evil.”

“Ah, gift cards for the seven deadly sins. You don’t see those every day.”

The guy was intriguing. A sense of humor. And those eyes.

Excerpt provided by the author/publisher for use in this post.


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About Cindy Causey

Cindy Causy author image

Cindy Causey taught herself to type in the 8th grade because she couldn't write in her diary fast enough in longhand.   A degree and career in advertising were the result.  A fifteen-year stint as a copy chief at JCPenney Catalog led to the position of  Internet Marketing Manager for JCPenney.com.


After 20 years at JCPenney, Cindy retired in December, 2007, and began working full time with her husband Scott in their multi-media production company, Dallas Media Center. They specialized in audio/video production and editing, vintage media transfer to DVD and CD, as well as website design and hosting.  Cindy shuttered the company in 2021, three years after Scott passed away.

After her first book, a non-fiction work called Cherish the Gift: a Congregational Guide to Earth Stewardship, was published, Cindy began writing fiction.  She found her voice in romance, the stories of the struggles two people endure on the road to happily ever-after. Her debut novel, A Different Drum was published in May 2009 by The Wild Rose Press, followed by A Hot Time in Texas that same year.

In early 2025, her latest novel, Sensible Shoes, a humorous look at a woman struggling with life after 50, was published by The Wild Rose Press.  It will be followed in late 2025 by a romantic suspense novel entitled, Saving Samantha.

Cindy makes her home in Dallas, Texas.  In addition to writing, she enjoys traveling and spending time with her 5 grown children and 4 grandchildren.  She would like to see the edges of the entire world from the deck of a cruise ship.




Cindy Causey will award a randomly drawn winner a $20 Amazon/BN gift card.

Visit more stops on this Goddess Fish tour for extra chances to win!

Official Tour Page for Sensible Shoes

Full Tour Schedule:

January 13
1: Wake Up Your Wild Side
2: Straight From the Library
3: Edgar’s Books
4: Read Your Writes Book Reviews
5: Beyond Romance
6: Westveil Publishing
7:  Stormy Nights Reviewing & Bloggin’

January 14
1: Locks, Hooks and Books
2: The Faerie Review
3: Long and Short Reviews
4: Sandra’s Book Club
5: The Avid Reader
6: Fabulous and Brunette
7: Author C.A.Milson

January 15
1: Dawn’s reading nook
2: It’s Raining Books
3: Wendi Zwaduk – Romance to Make Your Heart Race
4: Tina Donahue Books – Heat with Heart
5: Frugal Freelancer
6: Deal Sharing Aunt
7: Moonlight Compass Books

January 16
1: Gina Rae Mitchell
2: A Wonderful World of Words
4: Author Deborah A. Bailey Blog
5: Hope. Dreams. Life… Love
6: Wine Cellar Library
7: Celticlady’s Reviews

January 17
1: Welcome to My World of Dreams
2: Joanne Guidoccio review
3: Guatemala Paula Loves to Read
4: Our Town Book Reviews
5: Of Books and Bookish Things
6: Sea’s Nod
7: So Many Books


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Posted 01/16/2025 by Gina in Blog Tour, Book Promotions, Books, Fiction / 6 Comments

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