Welcome to the September 1 – 2018 Newsletter informational blog post. Below is the info from the newsletter. Subscribers receive this up to a week earlier. If you wait to ready it on the website, many of the sales, specials and links are no longer valid. Please consider subscribing.
If you live in the USA, HAPPY LABOR DAY weekend!
Labor Day is a U.S. national holiday held the first Monday every September. Unlike most U.S. holidays, it is a strange celebration without rituals, except for parades, festivals and barbecuing. For most people it simply marks the last weekend of summer and the start of the school year. Labor Day was originally founded in the late 1800’s as a means of unifying union workers.
Do you have plans to celebrate Labor Day this year?
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What to Read from the September 1 – 2018 Newsletter
I am always reading and sometimes several books at once. It’s been a full month so the August Book List will be a good one. Look for it on the blog later this week. I hope you enjoy it. What’s your favorite genre to read? I can never choose just one.
Recently I ‘ve been reading “Flash Fiction”. If you aren’t familiar with this style, they are quick, complete stories that take just minutes to read. Check out this great story.
This week I started reading Advanced Reader Copy Christmas books that will be released later this fall. I am working on the reviews to be listed as soon are the books are live.
My main focus right now is on planning so I am re-reading Kirsten Oliphant’s Yearly Content & Strategy Guide
I also picked up a kindle edition of Pinterest Power: How to use Pinterest to market your small business or blog by Kelley Grant
A Gift Horse: A Christmas Carousel Story (12 Days of Heartwarming Christmas) by Beth Carpenter is now available for pre-order and I think you will love it. This heartwarming story will be delivered on Oct. 9, 2018
Look for many more books on the August Reading List on the blog.
You can find past reading lists here!
What to Eat from the September 1 – 2018 Newsletter
Check out these recipes!
Chicken Salsa – I love this recipe. You can make it in the slow cooker, pressure cooker, or stovetop. It’s great for using up left-overs & sneaking some veggies into your diet.
44 Labor Day Recipes from Delish.com. Everything you need from appetizers to main dish, desserts to drinks. Seriously! A bloody Mary Burger!
Since the above link has 44 recipes, I am not adding any more this week. Enjoy your holiday eats.
What to Make from the September 1 – 2018 Newsletter

This video has 10 craft projects for kids that adults can’t quit making. LOL
Have a wonderful week my friend and keep in touch by commenting on this post, on the website or on my Facebook page.
Please forward this to any friends you think might be interested. The more the merrier… how’s that for ending with a cliche!!
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