Shine His Light 3, Instructions in Life by Marie McGaha, a Christian Devotional | Guest Post ~ Spotlight ~ Giveaway

Shine His Light 3, Instructions in Life by Marie McGaha, a Christian Devotional | Guest Post ~ Spotlight ~ Giveaway

A book blog tour from Goddess Fish Promotions.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and Marianne & Judy at Goddess Fish for providing me with the information for this tour.

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Book Details

Shine His Light 3, Instructions in Life by Marie McGaha, a Christian Devotional | Guest Post ~ Spotlight ~ GiveawayShine His Light 3: Instructions in Life by Marie McGaha
Series: Shine His Light, #3, #3
Published by DWB Publishing on September 2, 2022
Genres: Motivational, Religious, Essays
Format: Paperback
Pages: 137

Shine His Light 3: Instructions in Life is the third in the Shine His Light series.

This devotional takes everyday situations and shines the light of God's word on them to help the reader understand that we all go through the going through, but God is in control.


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Excerpt from Shine His Light 3

When I was a kid, the series “Star Trek” was the greatest sci-fi show on TV, with the most up-to-date special effects. People disappeared in the transporter, we saw the Enterprise fly through the stars at warp speed, and of course, we saw really strange people and creatures from other planets. Sometimes, the planets were inhospitable and wouldn’t support life as we know it, so the crew moved on.

Of course, it didn’t take long for technology to leap forward and when I watch the old “Star Trek” episodes now, the special effects seem so antiquated, they’re something we laugh about. We can take what is already there and turn it into something better, something brand new and more efficient but we can’t take nothing and turn it into something. Only God can do that.

When God’s Spirit hovered over the face of the waters, He did not think it was inhospitable or that nothing could ever come from it. God looked at the waters and thought, I can make dry land. I can make light. I can take some of that dirt and form a human being. And that is exactly what He did.

But He did not stop there, He formed a human being from a pile of dirt and then, He did something remarkable, He breathed His own Spirit into that pile of dirt and gave it life. That pile of dirt became the first man—a living, breathing, moving, thinking person. And God said it was “very good.” Up until then, everything created was called “good,” but man and woman were “very good.”

Excerpt provided by the author/publisher for use in this post.


Purchase Links for Shine His Light 3

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Guest Post from the author of Shine His Light 3

Hello everyone, and thank you Gina, for allowing me to be a guest on your blog! I’m not sure where today’s post is going to go, but let’s see!

My book, Shine His Light 3 Instructions in Life, came out last October and is the third book in the Shine His Light series. Book 4 will be out this spring, which is also the final book of the series. What began as blog posts has become four books! My friend, Carolyn, asked why the posts weren’t in a book, and I thought, hey, why not? So, there was book one, and enough material for three more books, but this summer, I have a really great surprise coming out and it’s dedicated to Carolyn!

I also got married on February 4th, which was a real surprise for me! After my husband of 23 years, Nathan, died, it never crossed my mind I’d marry again. But after my entire life changing, and going through an intense grieving period, and moving back to Oklahoma, I met a wonderful man who is a pastor. I have dedicated book 4 to Nathan, and now, I’m moving on with a new life, a new husband, and a new book.

As I look back over the time since Nathan first got sick, it’s amazing how God has moved in my life. From praying every day for Nathan to beat cancer, to praying that he would survive the 5-7 years that was “normal” for his type of cancer, to him dying only 7 months after diagnosis, and the upheaval in life that it caused, I’m surprised I survived it.

There’s no course on what to expect when a spouse dies! The paperwork alone takes months, the courts, and lawyers (if you have one. I didn’t and handled the paperwork and court filing myself), plus calling all the creditors, and having to sell my house, move cross country alone with five dogs, it’s the most stressful thing I’ve ever been through.

But looking back, I see how God was with me every step of the way, from the first night of Nathan’s death, to buying the house Daniel and I live in now, and how, if any single thing had gone a different way, I wouldn’t have met Daniel! It’s quite amazing to be able to look back and see God’s hand in everything, when I remember trying to look forward then and not being able to see anything but the grief that tried to consume me.

I hope that my book gives people hope and faith to keep going no matter what the circumstance in their life may be. I also hope this bit about losing my husband will help others who are widowed or have experienced other loss, to keep going. We never know what tomorrow holds, but God does and if we have just a smidgeon of faith, He will see us through all of our tomorrows.

If anyone would like to contact me, has questions, or are experiencing loss, please email me at


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I love my Amazon Kindle Unlimited Subscription. So many books, so little time!


About Marie McGaha

Marie McGaha Author image

Chaplain, author, editor, and inspirational speaker Marie McGaha lives in the beautiful Ozarks of southeast Oklahoma.

After losing the love of her life, Nathan, Marie returned from the mountains of Idaho to their native home, where she lives with a houseful of yapping furbies, pigs, chickens, and a horse named Horse!

She attends Family Praise & Worship and is very grateful for her church family and their support.

Shine His Light 4, the series' final book, is due out next spring.


Easy Amazon Info Link

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Please send me a note if your country isn’t listed and you would like to purchase using my links. Using my link does not change the price you pay. Amazon pays me a minimal amount out of their share. 



Marie McGaha will award a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Visit more stops on this Goddess Fish tour for extra chances to win!

Official Tour Page for Shine His Light 3

Full Tour Schedule:

January 18: All the Ups and Downs
January 25: The Avid Reader
February 1: Literary Gold
February 8: Hope. Dreams. Life… Love
February 15: Sandra’s Book Club
February 22: Lisa Haselton’s Reviews and Interviews

March 1: Fabulous and Brunette
March 8: Gina Rae Mitchell
March 15: Rogue’s Angels
March 15: Welcome to My World of Dreams
March 22: Westveil Publishing
March 29: Straight From the Library
April 5: Long and Short Reviews


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Posted 03/08/2023 by Gina in Blog Tour, Book Promotions, Books, Non-fiction / 8 Comments

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8 responses to “Shine His Light 3, Instructions in Life by Marie McGaha, a Christian Devotional | Guest Post ~ Spotlight ~ Giveaway

  1. Nancy

    Shine His Light 3: Instructions in Life by Marie McGaha sounds like a book that will be helpful for many readers.