The Menagerie: Passion, Power, and Poison in the Court of the Sun King by J..
The Menagerie by Judy Willmore:
FranÇoise-AthÉnaÏs de Rochechouart de Mortemart had to have Louis, King of France, but his other mistresses stood in the way. Then she meets the very helpful sorceress and AthÉnaÏs gets her wish. But soon Louis hears tales of witchcraft and poison, a conspiracy spreading through his court—like the beasts in the Versailles menagerie, courtesans are clawing their way to his favor, and his bed. He orders Lieutenant General of Police Gabriel-Nicolas de la Reynie to investigate. Mysterious deaths mount while La Reynie presses on, hauling in witches, charlatans, and the nobility alike. Grimy fingers point to AthÉnaÏs, the King’s mistress, with whispers of a black mass celebrated over her naked body. Then La Reynie discovers a plot to kill her.
Learn more about the book and author, read an excerpt, and enter the $15 gift card giveaway.
#HistoricalFiction #Mystery #LouisXiV #SunKing
@GoddessFish @ArtemesiaGeoff