The Beached Ones by Colleen M. Story | Giveaway (ends July 18, 2022), Author Interview, Trailer, & Book Info

The Beached Ones by Colleen M. Story | Giveaway (ends July 18, 2022), Author Interview, Trailer, & Book Info

A book blog tour from iRead Book Tours.

Thank you to the author, publisher, & Lauren at iRead for providing me with the information for this tour. iread book tour logo -

Book Details

The Beached Ones by Colleen M. Story | Giveaway (ends July 18, 2022), Author Interview, Trailer, & Book InfoThe Beached Ones by Colleen M. Story
Published by CamCat Books on 07/26/2022
Genres: Fiction, Magical Realism, Paranormal, Urban Fantasy
Format: Audiobook, eBook, Hardcover, Large Print Paperback, Paperback
Pages: 400

He came back, determined to keep his promise.

Daniel and his younger brother grew up in an abusive home. Daniel escaped. Now an established stunt rider, he intends to go back to rescue his brother. But then one jump goes horribly wrong . . .
He recovers to find himself in Iowa, unscathed, yet his life has drastically changed. His best friend won’t answer his calls. Even his girlfriend is hiding something. Increasingly terrified, he clings to the one thing he knows: He must pick up his brother in San Francisco. In five days.

From the isolating fields of Iowa to the crowded streets of San Francisco, Daniel must fight his way through a fog of disjointed memories and supernatural encounters to face the truth and pay a debt he didn’t know he owed.

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Book Trailer for The Beached Ones


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About Colleen M. Story

Colleen M. Story Author Profile image

Colleen M. Story inspires writers to overcome modern-day challenges and find creative fulfillment in their work.

Her book on author platforms, "Writer Get Noticed!," was a gold-medal winner in the Reader’s Favorite Book Awards and a first-place winner in the Reader Views Literary Awards. "Overwhelmed Writer Rescue" was named Book by Book Publicity’s Best Writing/Publishing Book in 2018 and was an Amazon bestseller. Her novel, "Loreena’s Gift," was a Foreword Reviews INDIES Book of the Year Award winner.

Colleen frequently serves as a workshop leader and motivational speaker, where she helps attendees remove mental and emotional blocks and tap into their unique creative powers. Her first course, “How to Finish the Creative Projects You Start,” is available on Teachable.

Go to Colleen's website for free chapters of her books.


Interview with Colleen M. Story: THE BEACHED ONES



Which was the hardest character to write? The easiest?

It seems like in every story I write the hardest character is the antagonist—the one working against my hero or heroine. That was the case in The Beached Ones too—the hardest character was Brent. Once I got into it, though, he showed himself more clearly to me.

The easiest character is always the main character, in this case, Daniel Shepard. He was just there from the very beginning, almost fully fleshed out.

Do you have another profession besides writing?

I am a freelance writer for my “day job.” I work for a variety of clients around the nation. For them, I write magazine articles, blog posts, ebooks, web copy, newsletters, press releases, and more. I started the business over 20 years ago so that I would have more flexibility in my schedule and be able to focus on my own writing.

The only downside is that sometimes I end up spending far too much time at the computer!

Do you ever get writer’s block? What helps you overcome it?

I have experienced writer’s block. I got stuck in the middle of The Beached Ones, for example, and it took me over a year to get unstuck. I tried a lot of things—reading books and blogs about writing, taking a break, listening to interviews with other writers, starting over again, and breaking down the book into chapters and sections. Nothing worked.

It was only after seeing a movie one night that I figured out how to tell the story a different way. I changed what my character knew and when he knew it, and then I was able to finish the story.

I don’t think there is any one way to break out of writer’s block. We all have to just keep trying until we find what works. It varies from project to project, too.

What genre do you write in and why?

In fiction, my writing has always involved some sort of fantasy element. I’m not sure “why” that is, only that I find it interesting to play around with bending reality a little. Without that element, I think I would get bored with my own stories!

Do you write every day?

I try to write every day, but often I don’t succeed. Work and other responsibilities can take up my time. But every day I recommit to writing. If I don’t, too many days go by without it, and then I have a hard time remembering what was going on in my story. It’s much easier if I write almost every day as then it stays fresh in my mind.


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Win a copy of THE BEACHED ONES, bookmark, beach-themed notebook/journal, and pen. (one winner)(USA only) (ends July 18)

Please visit more stops on the tour for extra chances to win!

Official Tour Page

Full Tour Schedule:

June 14 – Cover Lover Book Review
June 14 Viviana MacKade
June 14 – Rockin’ Book Reviews
June 15 – Celticlady’s Reviews
June 15 – The Official Blog of Amy Shannon 
June 16 –  Working Mommy Journal
June 17 – @twilight_reader
June 20 – Review Thick And Thin
June 21 – Gina Rae Mitchell
June 21 – Ravenz Reviewz

June 22 – Kam’s Place
June 23 – Book Corner News and Reviews
June 24 – Splashes of Joy
June 27 – Mostly Mystery Reviews
June 27 – My Reading Getaway
June 28 – Olio by Marilyn
June 29 – The Momma Spot
June 30 – Locks, Hooks and Books

uly 1 – fundinmental
July 5 – My Fictional Oasis
July 6 – Bigreadersite
July 7 – Deborah-Zenha Adams
July 7 – From the Book Reviewer’s Desk
July 8 – Jazzy Book Reviews
July 8 – Literary Flits
July 11 – Sadie’s Spotlight
July 26 – Amy’s Bookshelf Reviews


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Posted 06/21/2022 by Gina in Blog Tour, Book Promotions, Book Reviews, Books, Fiction / 3 Comments

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