The Lazarus Child by Jay Raven | Spotlight & Book Blog Tour
Book Blog Tour from Rachel’s Random Resources
Thank you to the author & Rachel for providing me the information for this tour.

Series: Blood Riders #3
Published by Jay Raven Books on 01/28/2021
Genres: Dark Fantasy, Fiction, Horror, Paranormal, Vampire
Format: eBook
Pages: 236
Buy on AmazonLegendary vampire hunter Anton Yoska is on the edge, tormented by the rumour that the precious child he once thought dead is still alive and lost in a world of monsters.
One creature alone knows for sure what happened to Gretchen, but Terek Modjeski won’t divulge his secret - reveling in the twisted power over his long-time foe.Despairing and drinking heavily, Anton stumbles from near disaster to near disaster as he puts his team in jeopardy, testing their friendship and loyalty to the snapping point.
Only one diabolical solution is possible - to confront Terek in his maximum-security cell and force the bloodsucker to end his game of cat and mouse. But making the cunning infernal talk will mean employing brutal methods that go against every code Anton has ever lived by, forcing him to become as much of a demon as the leeches he hunts.Face to face with the taunting vampire, the desperate slayer takes a decision that will change his destiny forever - sending him hurtling into danger to confront a terrifying truth about his lost child that risks not only his sanity but the future of mankind.
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Excerpt from The Lazarus Child by Jay Raven
In this extract slayer Anton Yoska, his sidekick Quintz and their apprentice boy Tomas stumble across a cottage attacked by vampires.
It felt as if he was in a dream, all sights and sounds distorted. Somewhere in the distance, Anton Yoska vaguely heard his name being called, the voice growing more and more frantic.
“Yoska, for Christ’s sake, what’s the matter with you? Snap out of it. You’ve got to get the hell out of there.”
It was Quintz, the older of his two slaying companions, hollering through the smashed window – that much he comprehended, but why the dwarf was so insistent, he couldn’t fathom.
Gazing down at the eight-year-old girl’s mutilated form, he found himself paralyzed, the dead child’s resemblance to Gretchen causing him to breath in gasps, fighting the urge to weep. But the tears wouldn’t be for the lost life he witnessed here, he understood, but for his missing daughter out there somewhere in this world full of monsters; lost and afraid.
Kneeling, he gently stroked the stricken child’s cheek. It was still warm. Death had only been minutes before. Taking out his handkerchief, he laid it across her face, granting her whatever dignity he could, but the edges quickly turned sticky as they soaked up the oozing matter from the gaping hole where her throat had been.
Quintz’s voice grew more agitated, but Anton couldn’t hear clearly through his fug of despair and shattered memories.
Woozily gazing around the cottage, he took in the devastation – the wrecked furniture, torn-down curtains, overturned table, and the scattered plates and remnants of food.
The family had been enjoying their evening meal when it happened. They’d been taken by surprise by the speed and ferocity of the attack, yet from the upheaval and the crimson spray patterns across the walls and ceiling, they’d put up a desperate, spirited struggle.
But it had been futile – their defiled bodies lay twisted in unnatural poses, faces frozen in absolute torment.
A husband, wife, and three children – the girl and two older brothers. Slaughtered. Partially devoured and bathed in blood from head to foot. A family once full of energy, joy, and life, now just so much unwanted meat.
The Lazarus Child by Jay Raven
Buy the Book Here:
The Lazarus Child: An actio...Shop on Amazon Release date: January 28, 2021

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