the Light by Jim Alexander | Review

Published by Planet Jimbot on 11/11/2019
Genres: Fiction, Psychological Thriller, Speculative Fiction
Format: eBook, Paperback
Pages: 248
‘the Light’ explores a world where you wake up and know this is the day you die. How would such a world shape the way we think, our views on each other and society, how we conduct our personal and financial affairs; how we live and how we will die?
On a daily basis, people are required to take the Light; a device that ascertains whether this will be their last day. Between investigating this new world order and the story of one ordinary person forced to cope in extraordinary circumstances, discover a world so achingly similar to our own, but different in one shattering, all-encompassing way.
When approaching death, whether dying in your sleep or experiencing your whole life flashing in front of your eyes, in the end it is no longer a case of floating towards the light. ‘the Light’ wants to find you first.

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Source: Received from the author or publisher for review.
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the Light is also available on Kobo, Barnes & Noble, The Book Depository, Apple Books, and Etsy.
My thoughts on the Light by Jim Alexander
the Light by Jim Alexander is a novel for current times. There’s nothing like reading a story with such deep, thought-provoking storylines on death….in the middle of a pandemic.
If you knew today was your last day alive, and you could do whatever you pleased, what would you choose? Some choose to go out with a fight, while others take matters into their own hands and plan their exit.
We follow the main character, Si, as he interacts with last dayers, squatters, protesters, and more as he goes walkabout searching for the meaning of his life. Scattered throughout the novel are smaller plot lines that you know will eventually weave together to impact the story. As the many characters go through their day, they’ll provoke your most profound thoughts on life and what means the most to you.
I loved the dark underlying tone of this book. I could almost hear the menacing music playing as a soundtrack to the words. The Light is speculative fiction at its finest.
Jim Alexander is a master storyteller. I have reviewed two of his books. He knows how to craft a story that you can’t put down.
I received a review copy of this book. The above is my honest, unbiased opinion.
the Light by Jim Alexander
Author Interview
How long have you been writing?
Certainly since secondary school. I remember my English teacher used to complain at the inordinate length of my short stories I submitted to class. There was a page limit which I always heartily ignored. I like thinking back to this. It was my first rebellion at authority, but I think in an honourable and literary way.
How do you choose your character names?
It’s a mixture of people I know, popular names that occupy film and TV and the stratosphere in general. Everywhere, basically. For the character to work the name has to fit. It’s a textual thing. I like a nod sometimes to other literary characters (there is a character in GoodCopBadCop called Mrs MacPhellimey in honour of the larger-than-life character from the novel At-Swim-Two-Birds).
What inspired you to write in this genre?
I’ve always liked the idea of speculative fiction. ‘What if’ we lived in such a way? How the world of the Light (and to a lesser extent GoodCopBadCop) reflects back on ourselves. I like the idea of world building. How a new way of thinking and way of life set in a fantastical environment is still rooted in the human condition. Ultimately we are all the same warts and all.
Do you need silence to write, or can you work in any environment?
I like background noise. I need at least part of my brain to be focused on something else as I write. I like to be opened to all kinds of external stimuli (within reason of course)! Otherwise the act of writing becomes too oppressive. I can’t stand the pressure.
Which three words best describe you?
Over the course of a single conversation I can be:
Earnest, humorous, grumpy
Is there anything you would like my readers to know about you and your book?
I needed to write the Light. I needed it to come out the way it did. To take the characters on a certain journey. To change the world the novel populates in a certain way. The fact I needed to do this doesn’t mean you need to read it of course, but I hope you might consider doing so.
Buy the Book Here:
the LightShop on Amazon eBook
the LightShop on Amazon Paperback
the Light is also available on Kobo, Barnes & Noble, The Book Depository, Apple Books, and Etsy.
More from Jim Alexander:
On a daily basis, people are required to take the Light; a device that ascertains whether this will be their last day. The story alternates between showcasing and building up this new world and telling the story of an ordinary person having to cope in extraordinary circumstances. We will see through his eyes a world so achingly similar to our own, but different in one shattering, all-pervasive way.
When approaching death, whether it’s dying in your sleep or experiencing your whole life flashing in front of your eyes, in the end it is no longer a case of floating towards the light. The Light wants to find you first.
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Wow, seems like such an interesting book! I’ve got no idea what I would do if I knew this was my last day. Go out with a bang, I think 😛
It’s entertaining but certainly does make you think.
Omg once I read the plot I was like this must be a mind-bending novel. Great post and I enjoyed your questions for the Author Q&A!
Thanks, Jenny. It’s a unique story that I’m still thinking about.