The Secret of Alviton by L.V. Clark | Spotlight ~ Excerpt ~ $15 Gift Card | #YAFantasy

The Secret of Alviton by L.V. Clark | Spotlight ~ Excerpt ~ $15 Gift Card ~ Guest Post

A book blog tour from Goddess Fish Promotions.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and Marianne & Judy at Goddess Fish for providing me with the information for this tour.

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Book Details

The Secret of Alviton by L.V. Clark | Spotlight ~ Excerpt ~ $15 Gift Card | #YAFantasyThe Secret of Alviton by L.V. Clark
Published by Tellwell Publishing on October 13, 2022
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult
Format: eBook, Hardcover, Paperback
Pages: 465

Alviton was a strong, prospering country, full of light. The people worked side by side with the Fae, creatures blessed with magic. But that was before the war. Massive genocide and fear of the Fae touched everyone as brother turned against brother. Years later, and still reeling from the war, the new generation has clawed and connived to remove the stains left by their predecessors.

Sheltered from this reality, Nydia lives her life relatively happy and ignorant, surrounded by smoke and mirrors. But eventually glass shatters and smoke settles. As she struggles to unveil the truth about herself and the people around her, danger lies on the horizon, threatening to extinguish the small flicker of light in this dark and twisted country.

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Excerpt from The Secret of Alviton

“Magic is as real as you and me. It flows, like life, throughout everything, though humans don’t necessarily have access to it, though I hope to figure out a way,” he mused.

“Well, have you ever heard of a human using them to share visions like this?” I asked.

“Heh,” he lugged over two large blue and red books, “I haven’t even read of the Fae doing something like that. So, you’ve actually given me something else to be looking into.”

I wrung out my hands, feeling anxiously defeated. “So, tell me more about yourself Brian. You’re obviously different from most people in our kingdom,” he asked, not really looking up from his desk. “Well, I’m a merchant. I’m married to a designer named Lillian. I grew up in Valicitor,” I started.

“Ah, Valicitor? That’s interesting.”

He looked at the map again. “You wouldn’t happen to be related to the new governor of that city, Kale Valen?”

A mix between pride and shame that I couldn’t quite pin shadowed over me. “Yes, he’s my brother.”

“No kidding? Heh,” he crossed his arms and propped against the table.

“Please tell me how a man like Governor Valen and you get along?”

I looked at the ground, conflicted. “It’s okay. It must be hard, but rest assured my family and I are doing everything in our power to stop the branding, isolating, selling, and abusing our citizens because they lack a piece of paper stating their lineage. Such an outdated practice that has only been proliferated by greed and selfishness.”

A ray of light shone through the shadows of my mind. “You are?”

Excerpt provided by the author/publisher for use in this post.


Purchase Links for The Secret of Alviton

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Guest Post from L.V. Clark

So, this book is something I’ve been thinking about for years! And I never actually planned on
publishing. It started as a need for a creative outlet. I used to sketch when I needed an outlet, but
it was like the pencils and charcoal just weren’t speaking to me anymore.

So, at the end of the year 2020, I decided to pick up the story I tried writing in high school. I had spoken about it to
two of my sisters and my mom about it, and they seemed interested. I shared the chapters with them as I wrote, and got great feedback. I also let a few other people, including one of my students and my sister-in-law, read it.

With lots of encouragement from all of those who read it and my husband, I decided to go through with publishing. Now we are here, and I’m excited and anxious about the knowledge of people reading my book!


Kindle Unlimited book w paper boats image used in

I love my Amazon Kindle Unlimited Subscription. So many books, so little time!


About L.V. Clark

Goodreads generic author image

L.V. Clark has had this story in their head for over a decade, and they finally got it on paper. Clark used their other hobbies—weight lifting and crocheting—to help develop ideas and work through any blocks. They grew up in the south of the United States with their large family. Clark is happily married with two sweet dogs and an apathetic ball python.

"I hope you enjoy this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. Expect more to the story!"


Purchase The Secret of Alviton online from a local bookstore.


Easy Amazon Info Link

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If your country isn’t listed and you would like to purchase using my links, please send me a note. Using my link does not change the price you pay. Amazon pays me a minimal amount out of their share. 



L.V. Clark will award a $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Visit more stops on this Goddess Fish tour for extra chances to win!

Official Tour Page for The Secret of Alviton

Full Tour Schedule:

January 11: Gina Rae Mitchell
January 18: Sandra’s Book Club
January 25: All the Ups and Downs
February 1: The Avid Reader
February 1: Books in the Hall
February 8: Kit ‘N Kabookle
February 15: Lisa Haselton’s Reviews and Interviews
February 22: Hope. Dreams. Life… Love
March 1: B-Gina Review
March 1: Long and Short Reviews
March 8: Fabulous and Brunette
March 15: Literary Gold
March 22: The Faerie Review – review only
March 22: Lady Hawkeye
March 29: Westveil Publishing


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Posted 01/11/2023 by Gina in Blog Tour, Book Promotions, Books, Fiction, Young Adult / 27 Comments

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27 responses to “The Secret of Alviton by L.V. Clark | Spotlight ~ Excerpt ~ $15 Gift Card | #YAFantasy

  1. Bea LaRocca

    I like the cover art, synopsis and excerpt, The Secret of Alviton sounds like a must read for my teen-aged granddaughters and I. Thank you for sharing your guest post, bio and book details and for offering a giveaway, I have enjoyed reading about you and your work

    • L.V.Clark

      Thank you so much! I hope you and your granddaughters like it. Let me know what your favorite parts are. And stay tuned for more to the story 😉

      • Bea LaRocca

        L.V., I will definitely let you know what I think and I have been encouraging my grandchildren to leave reviews even if they are short and sweet. I am glad to hear that there is more to come from this story, I love a good series!

  2. xjanelx78

    The excerpt was intriguing and the cover is wonderful. Can’t wait to read this one!

    • L.V.Clark

      Thank you so much. The illustrator and I worked very hard to get my vision completed.

  3. Tiffany Greene

    L.V. Clark is a new author to me. I look forward to reading this!! The excerpt sounds good; I love the cover too! Thanks!

    • L.V.Clark

      I’m a new author to everyone! Haha! I’m so excited for you to read it. Let me know your favorite parts and characters.
      Thank you so much for the love!

  4. Nancy

    The Secret of Alviton by L.V. Clark sounds like an interesting book for YA readers.

    • L.V.Clark

      Thank you! Young adults are definitely one of the audiences this book is targeted toward.

    • L.V.Clark

      Thank you so much! Hope you love the rest of the book as much as you love the excerpt!

  5. Audrey Stewart

    L.V. Clark is a new author to me, but I want to thank this blog for the introduction.
    I look forward to reading this book.

    • L.V.Clark

      I’m so excited for you to read this book! I hope you like it! And stay tuned for the sequel! 😉