The Spinster, the Rebel, and the Governor by Charlene Bell Dietz ($25 Gift Card Available) | #HistoricalFiction #WomensLit @GoddessFish @inkydancestudios

Blurb Blitz| The Spinster, the Rebel, and the Governor by Charlene Bell Dietz | #HistoricalFiction #WomensLit @GoddessFish @inkydancestudios

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Book Details

The Spinster, the Rebel, and the Governor by Charlene Bell Dietz ($25 Gift Card Available) | #HistoricalFiction #WomensLit @GoddessFish @inkydancestudiosThe Spinster, the Rebel, and the Governor by Charlene Bell Dietz
Published by Artemesia Publishing on February 20, 2024
Genres: Historical Fiction, Women's Literature
Format: Audiobook, eBook, Paperback
Pages: 370

Murderous rebels and bigoted gentlemen can't prevent spinster Lady Margaret Brent from wielding her power to defend Maryland settlers from plunder and obliteration.

Lady Margaret Brent is compelled to right wrongs. Under the rule of Charles I she risks her life by illegally educating English women, placing her family at risk. She fights to have a voice, yet her own father and brothers exclude her from discussions.

Worried the king's men may know of her illegal activities, she flees to the New World where she can enjoy religious tolerance and own land, believing she will be allowed a voice. Once in Maryland, she presents cases in provincial court where she's hired as the first American woman attorney.

While navigating the amorous attention of Governor Leonard Calvert Margaret discovers the rebellious actions of other colonists, prompting her to build a fort to shield those she loves from being murdered.

Margaret will need to rely on her integrity and ingenuity to protect the fledgling colony of Maryland from being destroyed.

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Excerpt from The Spinster, the Rebel, and the Governor

The Wells girl covered her eyes with both hands. Margaret, ignoring the buzzing of flies and the damp heat of the morning sun, worked to untangle the girl’s words in her mind.

“If the river doesn’t take me, then I shall have my baby alone and will have to live with Master Cole, and I shall never see my dear Tom again.” With that, she burst into tears.

“You do not look like you are about to have a baby. Why do you say your time is up?”

“Master Cole brought me here four years ago. He said after I had worked for him for four years, I wouldn’t owe him a tad more, and now he says I can’t leave, and so I might as well marry him. Lady Brent. I worked hard from early morning until after dark every day, and my time is up. Even the devil would say this isn’t right.” She sniffed and looked away.

Margaret set her jaw. “Heaven help us if other masters here in Maryland treat their servants in this manner.”

“There’s nothing I can do.” She bit her lip. “I thought maybe the next time you talked with Governor Calvert you might say something on my behalf, and I pray my request is not one of cheekiness.”

“Mary.” Margaret called sharply across to the soap making group. “Would you please come here?”

When Mary finished saying something, she trotted over to the garden. “Hello, Carrie. Are you not feeling well—your face seems flushed?”

“So, you are acquainted with Carrie Wells?” Margaret studied her sister, slipped the basket from Carrie, and moved it into Mary’s hands. “She brought these for us and herbs to scent your soap.”

“Sometimes on Sundays after church Carrie walks with me in the woods and shows me barks, roots, and herbs that heal.” She glanced at the basket. “Why, these are lovely.” She glanced at the young woman, then put her hand on Carrie’s arm. “Are you still having trouble with Jacob Cole?”

“Jacob Cole is about to have troubles with her. Has Giles returned from Kent for Assembly today? Will both our brothers be at the meeting?” Margaret’s frogs roiled inside her.

How dare these men take advantage of their servants?

“I saw him and Fulke along with some other men heading to Lewger’s home earlier.”

“Come, Carrie Wells. We shall also attend Assembly.”

“But—Margaret,” Mary grabbed her arm. “Certainly, women would not be allowed—”

Margaret shrugged Mary away, snatched Carrie Wells by her hand, and stomped off down the path.

“Sister,” Mary called after her, “you must take off that filthy apron. You’re covered in soil.”

Margaret jerked it untied and slung it. “There is a difference between God’s soil and men’s dirt. Carrie Wells and I are about to sort this very thing out with all those fine gentlemen of Assembly.”

Excerpt provided by the author/publisher for use in this post.


Purchase Links for The Spinster, the Rebel, and the Governor

The Spinster, the Rebel, and the Governor
  • Amazon Kindle Edition
  • Dietz, Charlene Bell (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 314 Pages - 02/20/2024 (Publication Date) - Artemesia Publishing, LLC (Publisher)


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About Charlene Bell Dietz

Charlene Bell Dietz author image

Charlene Bell Dietz writes science and historical-suspense, award-winning mystery novels, and short stories.  Her award-winning short stories have been published in the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers 2016 Anthology and SouthWest Writers 2019 Anthology.   The Flapper, the Scientist, and the Saboteur combines family saga with corporate espionage. The Flapper, the Impostor, and the Stalker propels readers back into 1923 frenetic Chicago during the Roaring Twenties. Both these novels were named to Kirkus Reviews’ Best Books of 2018, and each won the coveted Kirkus Starred Review.  Her latest novel, The Scientist, the Psychic, and the Nut, gives readers a frightening Caribbean vacation. Her current work in progress, a biographical historical novel, starts in England in 1638 and ends in precolonial Maryland.

Charlene, a retired educator, traveled the United States as a consultant for Houghton Mifflin Publishers after a career of teaching little ones, older ones, and college graduates. Surrounded by forests and meadows, she currently lives in the foothills of the mountains in central NM, several miles from the small village of Torreon.

Charlene is the current president of Croak & Dagger, New Mexico Chapter of Sisters in Crime. She belongs to Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers, Rocky Mountain Mystery Writers, Mystery Writers of America, and SouthWest Writers.


Easy Amazon Info Link

The Spinster, the Rebel, and the Governor
  • Amazon Kindle Edition
  • Dietz, Charlene Bell (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 314 Pages - 02/20/2024 (Publication Date) - Artemesia Publishing, LLC (Publisher)

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The author will award a randomly chosen winner a $25 Amazon/BN gift card.

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Official Tour Page for The Spinster, the Rebel, and the Governor

Full Tour Schedule:

February 12: Read Your Writes Book Reviews
February 12: Gina Rae Mitchell
February 13: Momma Says: To Read or Not to Read
February 14: Boys’ Mom Reads!
February 15: The Book Connection
February 16: Hope. Dreams. Life… Love
February 19: Beyond Romance

February 20: Dawn’s Reading Nook
February 21: Stormy Nights Reviewing & Bloggin’
February 21: Wendi Zwaduk – Romance to Make Your Heart Race
February 22: Sandra’s Book Club
February 23: FUONLYKNEW
February 26: Country Mamas With Kids
February 27: Westveil Publishing

February 28: The Avid Reader
February 28: Long and Short Reviews
February 29: Fabulous and Brunette
March 1: The Faerie Review
March 4: A Wonderful World of Words

March 5: Wake Up Your Wild Side
March 6: Literary Gold
March 7: Teatime and Books
March 8: Our Town Book Reviews


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Posted 02/12/2024 by Gina in Blog Tour, Book Promotions, Books, Fiction, Historical Fiction / 21 Comments

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21 responses to “The Spinster, the Rebel, and the Governor by Charlene Bell Dietz ($25 Gift Card Available) | #HistoricalFiction #WomensLit @GoddessFish @inkydancestudios

    • Thank you, Denise. When I think about the difficulties of just surviving in pre colonial Maryland in 1638-1648, I’m super impressed with all she accomplished. Here’s to strong, independent women! Yay for you!

      • Denise Duvall

        I have doing genealogy research and discovered some of my ancestors moved to the Montreal area circa 1640. From records I learned a few lost their husbands in Indian attacks. What a life they must have had!

    • Thanks , Sherry! This book challenged me to the max. However, it turned into a book I absolutely adore. Once I figured out what others didn’t know, but only guessed about Lady Margaret, I realized how important good research can be. As difficult as finding the facts were, when I did, they filled my story with intrigue and gave my characters heart.

    • Tracie, how would you answer that? Do you have a favorite place? Do you travel a lot, or do you dream of traveling?

      I’ve traveled many places, but as Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz said, “There’s no place like home.”

    • Hi Nancy. This book is full of suspense, and the settings delighted me when writing about them. One of the most fun scenes to write was when Spinster Lady Margaret was assigned to govern a young Indian princess. She found the natives terrifying. I love it when we have to face our greatest fears, and here was my main character historically placed in that position.