Dorothy Rosby, Author of ‘Tis the Season to Feel Inadequate, Shares a Christmas Memory.
Tis the Season to Feel Inadequate, Holidays, Special Occasions and Other Times Our Celebrations Get Out of Hand by Dorothy Rosby, Dorothy Rosby is a delightful read for anyone who has ever felt overwhelmed by the chaos of holidays and special occasions and is looking for a lighthearted and humorous take on the absurdities of modern celebrations. (Storygraph)
A book blog tour from Goddess Fish Promotions.
Thank you to the author, publisher, and Marianne & Judy at Goddess Fish for providing me with the information for this tour.
Dorothy Rosby, Author of ‘Tis the Season to Feel Inadequate, Shares a Christmas Memory. #BookReview #Excerpt #Humor #Essays @GoddessFish @dorothyrosby $20 Gift Card Available
Book Details

Published by Unhinged Press on 10/03/2022
Genres: Non-fiction, Essays, Humorous
Format: Audiobook, eBook, Paperback
Pages: 258
Source: Goddess Fish PromotionsChristmas comes but once a year; chaos never ends! Happy Halloween, merry Christmas and joyful Lumpy Rug Day. We didn’t make that up. Lumpy Rug Day is celebrated every May 3, though “celebrated” might be too strong a word. It’s the American way to create a celebration for everything, then turn it into a chore or worse, a nightmare.
’Tis the Season to Feel Inadequate is a collection of humorous essays about holidays, special occasions and other times our celebrations make us feel not-so-celebratory. It’s understanding for those who think Christmas form letters can be honest—or they can be interesting. And it’s empathy for anyone who’s ever gotten poison ivy during Nude Recreation Week or eaten all their Halloween candy and had to hand out instant oatmeal packets to their trick-or-treaters.
Excerpt from ‘Tis the Season to Feel Inadequate
Excerpt from Essay: The First Year of the Rest of Your Life
… I’ve studied the topic of New Year’s resolutions. And from my extensive research, I’ve gleaned the following tips for keeping them:
1. Write them down. The simple act of putting your resolutions on paper will make them seem more doable and make you feel more committed to them. Also, if you fail, you’ll have your list ready when it comes time to make resolutions next year.
2. Frame your resolutions in a positive way. For example, instead of saying “next year I will stop being a couch potato,” say “Next year, I will become a couch asparagus, which has fewer carbohydrates.”
3. Don’t let setbacks discourage you. If you fall off the wagon, get right back in the saddle! Tomorrow’s another day. Never say die. Then next year resolve to stop using clichés.
4. Keep a journal of your progress. It could look something like this. January 1: I resolve to walk the dog daily. This is going to be so fun! January 2: Spotty and I walked four blocks. We are bonding and getting fit at the same time! Tomorrow we’ll do five. January 3: Spotty and I walked four blocks again. It’s okay once we’re walking but I hate getting up early. January 4: Spotty and I walked just two blocks today. It’s so cold this time of year. January 5: I forgot to walk Spotty. January 6: Spotty isn’t my dog. We got him for the kids. Let them walk him.
Excerpt provided by the author/publisher for use in this post.
Purchase Links for ‘Tis the Season to Feel Inadequate
- Amazon Kindle Edition
- Rosby, Dorothy (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 210 Pages - 10/03/2022 (Publication Date) - Unhinged Press (Publisher)
Also available in Paperback and Audiobook.
If the above links do not take you to your country’s Amazon page for ‘Tis the Season to Feel Inadequate, please let me know, and I’ll gladly get you a link.
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My Thoughts on ‘Tis the Season to Feel Inadequate
I love good sarcasm, and Dorothy Rosby is the best!
From the opening essay to the very end, I smiled, chuckled, and laughed out loud.
As someone with unrealistic expectations for all holidays, it’s like the author spoke directly to me. I highlighted so many quotes throughout the book. Maybe I should print them off and include one in each Christmas card this year. They would be the real me…not the sappy expressions you usually find in holiday cards!
If you want to lighten up your mood during any holiday, read a few essays from ‘Tis the Season to Feel Inadequate. Dorothy Rosby is my new “Queen of Snark!”
I can give the book no higher recommendation than to say I thoroughly enjoyed every page.
I received a copy of the book for the tour. This review is my honest, unbiased opinion.
I love my Amazon Kindle Unlimited Subscription. So many books, so little time!
Guest Post by Dorothy Rosby, Author of ‘Tis the Season to Feel Inadequate
Please share a memory, a recipe, or a tradition from Christmas with us.
It’s funny how all the happy Christmas memories kind of smush together like those green popcorn balls you make during the holiday season, while the memories that aren’t so good stand out. On the bright side they make a good story later. Or at least a story.
My mom lived with us for several years at the end of her life so my very large family often celebrated holidays at our house. We’d have guests for Christmas, guests for New Year’s and guests in between. I cooked endlessly and one year, everyone got sick. But not from my cooking. And I’m hurt you would think that.
No, we shared a wicked cold that year and like a hurricane leaving damage in its wake, it left me with a bad case of laryngitis. Like all other body parts, we completely take our vocal cords for granted until they aren’t working properly. And mine didn’t work at all for three long days—in the middle of the holiday season with a houseful of guests. It was very nearly torture for me, though the guests may have felt differently.
At least my son was concerned. Sort of. He was around 12 at the time. And on my first full day of silence, he asked, “How are you going to call us for supper?”
The most painful part of my forced silence was the shocking realization that I must talk a lot more than I realize—though it may not have been as shocking to everyone else.
Not only that, I learned that much of what I say would be better left unsaid. Each time I was tempted to speak during those three long days, which was often, I had to weigh the importance of what I wanted to say against the pain and effort of forcing a whisper. Most of the time, it wasn’t worth it.
I wanted to yell at my son for misplacing his shoes—again. I was glad I didn’t. I’d misplaced mine too. I wanted to tell the man in front of me at the grocery store that he had more than thirteen items. Then I realized I had fourteen. I wanted to scream at a truckload of teenagers that nearly ran me over in the parking lot. Just as well I didn’t. They may have turned around and finished the job.
The experience led me to vow to weigh my words more carefully once my voice returned. I promised myself I would become a woman of few, well-chosen words in the new year. And then, in the middle of my fourth silent night, I stepped on a Lego and swore out loud—few words, but not well chosen. That’s when I realized my voice was back. It sounded like a Canadian goose, but it was back.
Of course, with my first words in three days being swear words, I’d already failed in my pledge. That was almost as sobering as realizing that the most important thing I say all day is, “Supper’s ready.”
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Official Tour Page for ‘Tis the Season to Feel Inadequate
Full Tour Schedule:
November 25: Sandra’s Book Club
November 26: Lisa Haselton’s Reviews and Interviews
November 27: Read Your Writes Book Reviews
November 29: Kenyan Poet
December 2: Ellwyn’s Blog
December 3: Westveil Publishing
December 4: A Wonderful World of Words
December 5: Fabulous and Brunette
December 6: The Avid Reader
December 9: Long and Short Reviews
December 10: The Pen and Muse Book Reviews
December 11: The Faerie Review
December 12: Gina Rae Mitchell – review
December 13: Author C.A.Milson
December 16: Guatemala Paula Loves to Read – review only
December 17: Straight From the Library
December 18: Hope. Dreams. Life… Love
December 19: Sorchia’s Universe
December 20: It’s Raining Books
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[…] Dorothy Rosby, Author of ‘Tis the Season to Feel Inadequate, Shares a Christmas Memory. #BookRevie… […]
Great cover and the book looks really good.
Sounds like a really good read.
Sounds like a great read.
Thank you so much for hosting and reviewing today!
I would like to read this book because it sounds very entertaining!
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com