Tricked with Treats (Alicia Connected Book 2) by Derek Fisher | Giveaway, Author Interview, Review

Tricked with Treats (Alicia Connected Book 2) by Derek Fisher | Giveaway, Author Interview, Review

A book blog tour from iRead Book Tours.

Thank you to the author, publisher, & Lauren at iRead for providing me with the information for this tour. iread book tour logo -

Book Details

Tricked with Treats (Alicia Connected Book 2) by Derek Fisher | Giveaway, Author Interview, ReviewTricked with Treats by Derek Fisher
Series: Alicia Connected #2
Published by Amazon Digital Services LLC - KDP Print US on 07/17/2021
Genres: Educational, Fiction, Children's, Family Life, Friendship, Middle-Grade
Format: eBook, Paperback
Pages: 86

Halloween is here, and it is Alicia's favorite time of year. What's not to like about dressing up in a costume and getting free candy? But there is something even more exciting happening this year. For the first time, Alicia and her friends are throwing a virtual party in TullyTown!

Putting together a party in TullyTown isn't easy, and Alicia and her friends want to do the best they can to make sure it is enjoyed by plenty of avatars in TullyTown. For one of Alicia's friends, getting ready to throw a TullyTown party leads to looking for easy treats. But what if it's a trick?

Alicia has been using her tablet for a while and is getting more used to how to use the technology. However, there is always something new for her and her friends to learn.

Winner of both the Family Choice Award - 2021 and 5-Stars from Readers' Favorite Book Reviews


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My thoughts on Tricked with Treats

Alicia is back with another adventure with her tablet. She and her friends are obsessed with playing TullyTown, a game where they maneuver their avatars through daily life.

The story touches on themes of too much gameplay, letting games bleed over into real life, and of course internet safety.

Derek Fisher has a talent for keeping the story moving along and entertaining the reader, all while getting the message out about the safest ways to interact online. This is more important than ever in today’s world.

I highly recommend this second book in the Alicia Connected series. It’s fun and entertaining. The characters are believable and  the situations Alicia and her friends find themselves in create unique, subtle learning opportunities.

Alicia Connected Tricked with Treats

You might be interested in my review of book one of the Alicia Connected series.


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About Derek Fisher

Derek Fisher Author Profile image

Derek Fisher has spent decades in the computer engineering field with the last decade in cybersecurity as a leader, speaker, and instructor.

His passion has been to take complex security topics and make them simple and easy to understand. He holds several security certifications and teaches cybersecurity at Temple University where he is also an external advisory board member to the cybersecurity program.

Alicia Connected: The Big Gift was inspired by Fisher’s desire to make children aware of the dangers that kids face online and help them learn how to properly navigate the challenges imposed by a digital world.

“I saw an opportunity to take my knowledge of the cybersecurity field and experience raising my own digital native to put together a series about children growing up in the digital age,” said Fisher. “Technology is ever-evolving, and parents are often struggling to keep up with trends and ways to ensure their children are staying safe online.”

Through this engaging, relatable, and easy-to-understand story — which cleverly weaves in subtle security and privacy concepts —Fisher hopes to teach kids how to stay safe and secure.


Author Interview

How did you do research for your book?

I’ve spent many years in the cyber security field, as well as raising a daughter who has had very early
exposure to technology. This has allowed me to live many of the experiences in the book, whether
specifically with my daughter or through my experience in the cyber security field.

What made you write a book about safety and security online?

I’ve spent a good amount of time in cyber security teaching and giving talks at conferences. I always
enjoy raising the awareness of others regarding the use of technology. Technology can be wonderful
and brings us closer to others, as well as enables us to perform tasks that were impossible even twenty
years ago. However, with that technology comes risks. I want to be able to use this book to bring that
awareness to children while they are being introduced to technology.

If you could put yourself as a character in your book, who would you be?

Definitely the dad. Although he is not modeled after me, much of the inspiration for the character came
from my experience with my own daughter. Some of the things that he says are taken directly from the
conversations that I would imagine having with my own daughter.

Do you have a favorite dessert?

Although I do not have it often, bread pudding with raisins is my favorite dessert. It’s great on a cold
day, but something that you can’t have after a heavy meal. More often though, I’ll reach for my second
favorite dessert, carrot cake. I know that both are usually low down on the list for other people, so
maybe I’m odd.

Do you snack while writing? If so, what’s your favorite snack?

I do. I enjoy pretzels and pistachios the most, but sometimes I’m in the mood for an apple. I do find that
occasionally when I’m working to get some thoughts down on paper, I will reach for some chocolate
too. But I try not to do that too often.



Enter to win a signed copy of ALICIA CONNECTED: TRICKED WITH TREATS! (one winner/USA only) (ends Dec 17)

Please visit more stops on the tour for extra chances to win!


Purchase Tricked with Treats online from a local book store.


Easy Amazon Links

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Book Title: Alicia Connected: Tricked with Treats by Derek Fisher
Category: Middle Grade Fiction (Ages 8-12), 86 pages
Genre: Middle School Fiction
Publisher: Securely Built
Release date: July 2021
Tour dates: November 22 to December 10
Content Rating: G. Suitable for everyone.




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Posted 11/24/2021 by Gina in Blog Tour, Book Promotions, Book Reviews, Books, Fiction, Middle-Grade / 1 Comment

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