Twinkle and Shooting Stars by Patricia Leavy | Double Book Spotlight

Twinkle and Shooting Stars by Patricia Leavy | Double Book Spotlight | Giveaway

A Book Blog Spotlight Tour from iRead Book Tours.

Thank you to Patricia Leavy & Lauren of iRead Book Tours for providing me the information for this tour.

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Twinkle and Shooting Stars by Patricia Leavy | Double Book SpotlightTwinkle by Patricia Leavy
Series: Social Fictions #2
Published by BRILLSENSE on 12/03/2020
Pages: 162

Twinkle follows Tess Lee and Jack Miller after two years of marriage.

Tess is a wildly successful and world-famous novelist. Her inspirational books explore our innermost struggles and the human need to believe that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Jack is a federal agent. After spending decades immersed in a violent world, a residue remains. As they both heal from past trauma, their epic love, fostered by their ability to truly see one another, has brought them true happiness.

However, when an anonymous threat is made against Tess's life, everything changes. Will they learn to lean on each other, or will they fall apart into the darkness?

Their friends are along for the ride: Omar, Tess's sarcastic best friend, who calls her Butterfly; the female president of the United States, who Tess visits regularly to discuss politics and bake cookies; Joe, Jack's friend from the Bureau, who understands the sacrifices he's made; and Bobby, Jack's younger friend, who never fails to lend a calming presence.

Twinkle is a novel about the nature of doubt, the struggle to feel worthy of love, the relationship of the small part to the greater whole, and the ways in which love - from lovers, friends, or the art we experience - can help us move from trauma to healing and redemption.

Written as unfolding action, Twinkle is a poignant novel that moves fluidly between melancholy, humor, and joy. It can be read entirely for pleasure, selected for book clubs, or used as supplemental reading in a variety of courses in communication, psychology, social work, sociology, or women's studies/gender studies.

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Twinkle and Shooting Stars by Patricia Leavy | Double Book SpotlightShooting Stars by Patricia Leavy
Series: Social Fictions #1
on 06/10/2020
Genres: Education, Fiction, Family Life, Literary Fiction
Format: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook
Pages: 155

Tess Lee is a novelist. Her inspirational books explore people’s innermost struggles and the human need to believe that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Despite her extraordinary success, she’s been unable to find personal happiness.

Jack Miller is a federal agent. After spending decades immersed in a violent world, a residue remains. He’s dedicated everything to his job, leaving nothing for himself.

The night Tess and Jack meet, their connection is palpable. She examines the scars on his body and says, “I’ve never seen anyone whose outsides match my insides.” The two embark on an epic love story that asks the questions: What happens when people truly see each other? Can unconditional love change the way we see ourselves? Their friends are along for the ride: Omar, Tess’s sarcastic best friend who mysteriously calls her Butterfly; Joe, Jack’s friend from the Bureau who understands the sacrifices he’s made; and Bobby, Jack’s younger friend who never fails to lighten the mood.

Shooting Stars is a novel about walking through our past traumas, moving from darkness to light, and the ways in which love – from lovers, friends, or the art we experience – heals us. Written as unfolding action, Shooting Stars is a poignant novel that moves fluidly between melancholy, humor, and joy. It can be read entirely for pleasure, selected for book clubs, or used as supplemental reading in a variety of courses in communication, psychology, social work, sociology, or women’s studies/gender studies.

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This book is also available on Bookshop and Barnes & Noble.


Twinkle / Shooting Stars by Patricia Leavy * image Twinkle book coverTwinkle / Shooting Stars by Patricia Leavy
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Twinkle and Shooting Stars by Patricia Leavy | Double Book Spotlight

About Patricia Leavy

Patricia Leavy Hollyland author image

Patricia Leavy, Ph.D., is a bestselling author. She was formerly Associate Professor of Sociology, Chair of Sociology and Criminology, and Founding Director of Gender Studies at Stonehill College in Massachusetts.

She has published over thirty-five books, earning commercial and critical success in both fiction and nonfiction, and her work has been translated
into many languages. Patricia has received dozens of accolades for her books. Recently, her novel Shooting Stars won the 2021 Independent Press Award for Distinguished Favorite Contemporary Novel, her novel Film won the 2020 American Fiction Award for Inspirational Fiction, the 2021 NYC Big Book Award for Chick-Lit, and the 2021 Independent Press Award
Distinguished Favorite Chick-Lit, her 3-novel set Candy Floss Collection won the 2020 American Fiction Award for Anthologies and the 2021 NYC Big Book Award for Anthology, and her novel Spark won the 2019 American Fiction Award for Inspirational Fiction, the 2019 Living Now Book Award for Adventure Fiction, and the 2021 National Indie Excellence Award for New Adult Fiction.

She has also received career awards from the New England Sociological Association,the American Creativity Association, the American Educational Research Association, the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, and the National Art Education Association. In
2016 Mogul, a global women’s empowerment network, named her an “Influencer.” In 2018, she was honored by the National Women’s Hall of Fame and SUNY-New Paltz established the “Patricia Leavy Award for Art and Social Justice.”

She lives in Maine with her husband, daughter (when she’s not away at college), and her dog. Patricia loves writing, reading, watching films,
and traveling.



Win signed copies of TWINKLE and SHOOTING STARS (1 winner) (USA only) (ends Feb 26)


Visit the rest of the TOUR for more chances to win and learn more about this series.

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Posted 02/10/2021 by Gina in Book Reviews, Blog Tour, Book Promotions, Books, Fiction / 3 Comments


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