When Destiny Calls by Tricia McGill | Review

When Destiny Calls by Tricia McGill | Review & Giveaway

A book blog tour from Goddess Fish Promotions.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and Marianne & Judy at Goddess Fish for providing me the information for this tour.

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Book Details

When Destiny Calls by Tricia McGill | ReviewWhen Destiny Calls by Tricia McGill
Published by BWL Publishing on June 1, 2021
Genres: Fiction, Historical Fiction, Romance, Saga, Time-Travel, Multi-Generational
Format: eBook, Paperback
Pages: 177

From one crazy period in history to another.

Whisked by some unseen force from the Covid-19 ridden world of 2020 in Australia, to an equally horrific time in the past, carer Chloe Simpson finds herself in North London during the Blitz of 1940. Could be that Chloe became too immersed in the stories related to her by Minnie, a woman in the Australian nursing home where she cares for elderly people. Stories about the dreadful days and nights endured during the Blitz.

Engrossed in the stories surrounding photographs in 98-year-old Minnie Clacton's cherished album, back in time Chloe meets up with the young Minnie plus her own Great Great Grandmother Aggie.

In the midst of an air raid, Chloe is discovered, wet and confused, by a man and his dog. A man and his canine companion who coincidentally appeared prominently in the photo album alongside the young Minnie and Aggie. Did Chloe simply answer the call of Destiny?

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Source: Goddess Fish Promotions, Received from the author or publisher for review.


Purchase Links for When Destiny Calls

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Excerpt from When Destiny Calls

The grass beneath me was very wet, and I lay staring up through the branches of a nearby tree,
as the thought crossed my mind that it was very dark. I could have sworn there were a few lights
on in the park, and I recalled that I was on the way to the car park when I fell—or was pushed. In fact, my car was in sight just across the road, and hadn’t I pressed the unlock button?

I heard what sounded like the drone of a far-off plane—or perhaps it was the police helicopter
doing its usual sweep over the city. I rubbed my hand over my forehead, shocked when I
realised it was sticky with blood. Wanting to see what was wrong, I scrabbled about in my
pocket for my phone. It wasn’t there. Panic set in then. My attackers must have stolen it along
with my car.

Confused and sore, I pushed myself into a sitting position when a dog appeared in front of me.
His wet nose touched my chin and then he swiped his tongue over my face. “Hello boy,” I said,
sounding croaky, “Where did you spring from?” I had not seen many dogs in this park before,
and certainly none without an owner at the end of their leash. I looked around and frowned.

Surely, I had been sitting on a bench—it couldn’t have disappeared while I fainted, or whatever I
did before landing on the grass.


My thoughts on When Destiny Calls

When Destiny Calls is a very entertaining story, starting with Chloe in 2020 Australia working at a nursing home and continuing to the same Chloe mystically sent back to 1940s London. I became invested in this group of friends and their lives from the opening pages.

Since the tale is told from Chloe’s perspective, we don’t get a look at what happens after she disappears during a mugging in 2020. However, there is enough action as she learns to adjust to life during the London Blitz of WW2.

The pacing pulls you from one page to the next. All the essential characters are fully fleshed out, and the details are superb. I have been on a roll lately with books having a wonderful canine character. Tiger captured my heart.

I stayed on the edge of my seat while turning page after page, always worrying if Chloe would unexpectedly be pulled forward to 2020. My emotions ran a little high in the final chapters as the story was incredibly gripping.

I recommend this time-travel, historical fiction saga to all lovers of great fiction.


When Destiny Calls by Tricia McGill book cover image

I received a copy of the book for the tour. This review is my honest, unbiased opinion.


About Tricia McGill

Tricia McGill Author Profile image

Tricia McGill, an Award-winning author, spent her early days in Highbury, London, England, and moved to Australia many years ago, settling near Melbourne.

The youngest in a large, loving family she was never lonely or alone. Surrounded by avid readers, who encouraged her to read from an early age, is it any wonder she became a writer.

Although her published works cross sub-genres, romance is always at their heart.

Tricia’s love of animals has always shown up in her books. Tricia devotes as much time and money as she can spare to supporting worldwide conservation groups and is passionate about supporting those who do all they can to preserve our wildlife for future generations.

She also volunteers for a local community group that helps disabled adults and children to connect to the internet with provided computer equipment. When people ask what she does in her spare time, she is heard to ask, “Spare time, what is that?”



Tricia McGill will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Visit more stops on the tour for extra chances to win!

June 28: Harlie’s Books
June 28: Hope. Dreams. Life… Love
July 12: Our Town Book Reviews
July 12: Gina Rae Mitchell
July 19: Iron Canuck Reviews & More
July 19: Seven Troublesome Sisters
July 26: Travel the Ages
July 26: The Avid Reader


Purchase When Destiny Calls online from a local book store.


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Posted 07/11/2021 by Gina in Blog Tour, Book Promotions, Book Reviews, Books, Fiction / 7 Comments

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