Surprise! It's WWW Wednesday 09-25-2024 | #Reading #ReadingCommunity #BookMemes #BookX #Bookstagram #BookBloggers

WWW Wednesday 09-25-2024

Welcome to my WWW Wednesday for the week of 09-25-2024. This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived by Sam on Taking on a World of Words. So, let’s get to it!

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?


The rules for participation are simple:

Link to the original host

Answer the questions

Visit other blogs participating this week.

Note: For users of Blogspot, I’m unable to comment on your posts as a WordPress blogger unless you’ve enabled Name/URL comments. This is a known WordPress/Blogspot issue. Please consider enabling this feature to participate more fully in the community.

Simple and fun…right? We all need a bookish break sometimes. So, let’s move on to my answers for WWW Wednesday 09-25-2024.

See you in the comments!



What I am reading! WWW Wednesday - 28 July 2021

My TBR is full of NetGalley releases, Indie Author requests, blog tours, and BBNYA reads, but this one was a recommendation from a blogging friend. Sometimes, a book title, cover, or blurb resonates with me, and I have to start it right away. That’s how this particular read came about.

My current read is:

The Lady Glass Book cover

The Lady Glass – Anneka R. Walker

Theresia Dvorak has nothing left of her parents—nothing save her dowry, a priceless crystal vase stolen and sold by her own stepmother. Theresia will do anything to secure what is rightfully hers—even assume a false identity and steal her future back.

This is perhaps the slowest I have ever read a book that I am enjoying. It’s been my go-to book for “unwinding before bed.” Unfortunately, I guess I have been really tired lately. I have no trouble falling asleep!


What I recently finished! WWW Wednesday - 28 July 2021

Death and Other Inconveniences book cover

Death and Other Inconveniences by Lesley Crewe

National bestselling author Lesley Crewe’s new novel explores widowhood, complicated family dynamics, and growing up at any age. (Review coming soon!)


Oh No He Didn't!: Brilliant Women and the Men Who Took Credit for Their Work by Wendy Murphy (WWW 09-25-2024) meme post

Oh No He Didn’t: Brilliant Women and the Men Who Took Credit for Their Work by Wendy J. Murphy

Don’t you hate it when someone takes credit for another person’s idea?

By telling the stories of the brilliant women artists, inventors, scientists, architects, and mathematicians who were denied their due, Oh No He Didn’t! will help all women tackle obstacles and create a kinship of understanding that will inspire and transcend generations. (My Review)

What I am reading next! WWW Wednesday - 28 July 2021

Sunny Gale book cover

Sunny Gale by Jamie Lisa Forbes

It’s 1895, and fourteen-year-old Hannah Brandt is struggling with the hard life on a new Nebraska homestead. When a wild filly captures her imagination, she becomes obsessed with horses, which opens the door to her destiny. Just four years later, she enters the first Cheyenne Frontier Day rodeo, where she wins the relay race, and her fate is sealed.

I’ll be participating in a spotlight tour for this one with BreakEven Books and a full review tour with iReadBookTours later in October.


There you have it…my WWW Wednesday 09-25-2024! I hope to get back to making this a regular feature, but my calendar is really full for the last quarter of the year.

If you have a bookish blog, what book-related posts do you enjoy? I hope you enjoyed my answers. Would you mind leaving a comment below with your own answers? I love to chat with my readers, so I’ll be waiting to hear from you.

Until next time, peace & love!

Friday Finds July 23, 2016image letter G script - Fabulous Friday Finds July 16, 2021


WWW Wednesday Sam's original image

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Posted 09/25/2024 by Gina in Books, WWW Wednesdays / 5 Comments

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5 responses to “Surprise! It’s WWW Wednesday 09-25-2024 | #Reading #ReadingCommunity #BookMemes #BookX #Bookstagram #BookBloggers

  1. Hi! I have to admit that, even though I review a lot for NetGalley, I don’t actually understand on-line book tours, or how to host one. I’ll follow along here, and hopefully get a clue.


    • Thanks. I’m a panelist for BBNYA (Book Bloggers Novel of the Year). I did the overexcited thing too and agreed to 59 semi-finalist spotlight tours! Plus I have 4 full-length books to read for them by December 1st! We book people really don’t know our limits, do we?