WWW Wednesday 10-16-2024

WWW Wednesday 10-16-2024 pink w books banner

Welcome to my WWW Wednesday for the week of 10-16-2024. This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived by Sam on Taking on a World of Words.

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?


The rules for participation are simple:

Link to the original host

Answer the questions

Visit other blogs participating this week.

Note: For users of Blogspot, I’m unable to comment on your posts as a WordPress blogger unless you’ve enabled Name/URL comments. This is a known WordPress/Blogspot issue. Please consider enabling this feature to participate more fully in the community.

Simple and fun…right? We all need a bookish break sometimes. So, let’s move on to my answers for WWW Wednesday, 10-16-2024.

See you in the comments!



What I am reading! WWW Wednesday 10-16-2024

I am currently reading:

I put this aside to work on something more urgent, but I picked it up before bed last night and nearly couldn’t put it down. I can’t believe I left Chenille and her son, Justin, hanging all week!

This is book two of the Chenille Trilogy by Sally Dallas. My review of book one, Deceptions of Chenille, is HERE.

Delusions of Chenille by Sally Dallas book cover

Delusions of Chenille by Sally Dallas

Romantic crime thriller, refreshingly free of graphic violence and erotica. Chenille is psyched for a fresh start with her criminal activities behind her. The elements she truly desires in life still seem to elude her: a man who adores her, a fulfilling career, and a stable life for her son. Enter Brandon, a charismatic computer nerd who has his sights on the good life. His charm, coupled with her loneliness, lures her into his arms and his greed-filled world of cyber-crime. When international thugs kidnap her, she discovers Brandon’s involvement runs deep. She, again, finds herself in an inescapable web of her own creation, questioning how much to risk for love. The saga continues with intriguing, page-turning twists.

What I recently finished! WWW Wednesday - 28 July 2021


Vampires and Villains by Elizabeth Pantley Book Cover Magical Mystery Book Club #2 Siamese Cat with an umbrella drink

Magical Mystery Book Club #2 – Vampires and Villains by Elizabeth Pantley.

When this club selects a book, magic happens! They become the main characters in the story when the mystery comes to life.

The club agrees on each monthly book journey. This trip takes place on a cruise ship bound for Hawaii. Problem is, they were so excited about the cruising idea that they didn’t read the entire blurb on the back of the book.

Once on the ship, they meet a charming man who blends seamlessly into their motley group. Too bad they don’t know why he’s so scarce during the day but shows up to join them every evening for dinner, drinks, and a show.

When a dead body shows up on board, their new friend is labeled a suspect. Can they help him out by finding the real murderer? Or is he the real murderer?

The book club must solve the case to get off the ship, out of the book, and back to their home.

This book is part of a magical, cozy mystery series of nine books and growing.
Available in eBook, paperback, Kindle Unlimited, and audiobook.

I’m doing a quick refresh read of the early books in this series in preparation for a Magical Mystery Book Club feature I have planned.

What I am reading next! WWW Wednesday - 28 July 2021

A Celtic Yuletide Carol by Jennifer Ivy Walker Book Cover Medievel Historical Romance

A Celtic Yuletide Carol by Jennifer Ivy Walker

Once a royal Breton knight, Sir Cardin is now infamously known as Basati, the Basque Wolf. Savage and sullen, he drowns his guilt in raucous taverns, accruing enormous debt and acquiring vengeful enemies.

Ulla, widowed daughter of a Viking chieftain, is a skilled archer who lives as a recluse in a secluded woodland cottage. Rendered mute by trauma, she avoids humans, preferring the company of her wild wolf and falcon as she hunts in the Forest of Brocéliande.

When his mother’s dying wish calls Basati home, he finally meets the son he abandoned at birth and Ulla, the enigmatic priestess who is teaching the boy to hunt. As the holidays approach, Basati finds himself smitten with the beguiling beauty as he bonds with his once-forsaken child.

But past enemies plot against him, and Basati is ensnared in darkness. Can music lure the savage wolf into the light of love?


There you have it…my WWW Wednesday 10-16-2024! I hope to return to making this a regular feature, but my calendar is full for the last quarter of the year.

If you have a bookish blog, what book-related posts do you enjoy? I hope you enjoyed my answers. Would you mind leaving a comment below with your own answers? I love to chat with my readers, so I’ll be waiting to hear from you.

Don’t forget to visit Sam at Taking on a World of Words to see all the other participants!

I’ve listed a couple of friends who are also participating in WWW Wednesday 10-16-2024.

Celeste at A Literary Escape

Danni at For Book’s Sake

Becky’s Book Blog

WWW Wednesday Sam's original image

WWW Wednesday 10-16-2024


Until next time, peace & love!

Friday Finds July 23, 2016image letter G script - Fabulous Friday Finds July 16, 2021



A Celtic Yuletide Carol
  • Walker, Jennifer Ivy (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 212 Pages - 11/06/2024 (Publication Date) - Wild Rose Press (Publisher)
Vampires and Villains: Magical Mystery Book Club #2
  • Amazon Kindle Edition
  • Pantley, Elizabeth (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 234 Pages - 09/03/2022 (Publication Date) - Better Beginnings, Inc. (Publisher)
Delusions of Chenille: (Book Two of the Chenille Trilogy)
  • Amazon Kindle Edition
  • Dallas, Sally (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 263 Pages - 08/20/2024 (Publication Date) - Paso Publishing (Publisher)

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Posted 10/16/2024 by Gina in Books, WWW Wednesdays / 1 Comment

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