XNOR by Anand Purohit | $15 Giveaway, Guest Post by Author, Excerpt, Spotlight

XNOR by Anand Purohit | $15 Giveaway, Guest Post by Author, Excerpt, Spotlight

A book blog tour from Goddess Fish Promotions.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and Marianne & Judy at Goddess Fish for providing me with the information for this tour.

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Book Details

XNOR by Anand Purohit | $15 Giveaway, Guest Post by Author, Excerpt, SpotlightXNOR by Anand Purohit
Published by Tellwell Talent on 09/07/2021
Genres: Fiction, Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Post Apocalyptic, Science Fiction
Format: eBook, Hardcover, Paperback
Pages: 539

1759 was a defining year for the colonies that became Canada. It was also the year the British Empire rose to preeminence over other European nations and empires.

All that changes when technology deployed in 2047 to shield Canadians from an escalating world conflict inadvertently teleports a group of scientists, engineers, teachers, and medical people back to Nova Scotia, 1759.

Despite their technological superiority, they, like many new settlers, struggle to establish a homestead, feed their community, and deal with the constant threat from a violent world.

Established empires with their large populations are not about to let a small group of upstarts interfere in their lucrative slave trade and subjugation of whomever they please.

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Excerpt from XNOR

May 15, 2046
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Chan Wei is skeptical anything important will happen. I’ve been here before. Scientists and engineers are always excited about their latest project or idea. I’m willing to take risks. Sometimes it pays off immensely, but I must avoid the duds no matter how enthusiastic the supporters are.

Peggy Doyle meets him as he walks to the AI & Physics lab. “Hi, Peggy. I hear we’re in for a really big show.”

“So says Neil!” she laughs. “In all my years, I’ve never met a more erratic yet brilliant individual. You’ve given him a long leash. I hope he hasn’t strangled himself with it.”

“Thanks to your sales team, we’re having our best year. We can afford a misstep. What will our revenue be this quarter?”

Peggy smiles broadly. “I predict we’ll pass the billion mark for the first time! Our laser and AI divisions are steady thanks to our military sales. Graphene power storage has really taken off. We’re the world leaders.”

“Fantastic! When we go public, we’ll all be very rich,” Chan boasts.

“I’m thankful for the share options. The salary and bonuses go down well too,” she replies as they enter the lab.

Neil Gargano is bouncing around in his usual style. His project partner, Dr. Wu, is seated, smiling, and displaying more emotion than usual.

Chan asserts a challenge as only a company owner can: “Gentlemen, I’m prepared to be amazed or issue a pink slip. What will you be showing us today?”

Neil can’t contain himself. “Space is alive! We’ll show you proof. Space is alive!”

Chan is amused. “Peggy, is this something you can sell?”

Peggy takes the cue. “Let me see. I don’t see a fit with our laser division. Maybe we can sell the military some Alive Space. They buy some of the darndest stuff and pay well for it.”

Dr. Wu surprisingly backs Neil up, somewhat. “if this demo goes as planned, I think you’ll be recalibrating your expectations.”

“Great!” Chan enthuses. “Blow us away!”


XNOR by Anand Purohit | $15 Giveaway, Guest Post by Author, Excerpt, Spotlight

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Guest post from author, Anand Purohit

Ownership. The right or privilege to use a resource exclusively.

The most basic ownership right a person can have is exclusive control of their body. Yet, even that right is and has been challenged throughout history. The gross violation of slavery is often described as forceful use of a person’s labor for the benefit of another. Rape and forced child baring are other well discussed and documented violations.

For some reason, when my research of 18th-century people and customs turned up a record of George Washington selling the teeth of his slaves to a local ‘dentist’ for use as transplants into the mouths of privileged British elites, that was a bridge too far for me.

Apparently, it was acceptable conduct for even a most civil minded man like Washington to force his slaves to have their teeth extracted with probably nothing more than whiskey to dull the pain as long as he paid a pittance to the slave for their body part and pain.

The morals of the era included the right to seize land, people, anything valuable, based on victory during a battle the loser did not ask for or instigate in any way. It was called ‘prize money’, divided between the survivors on the ‘winning’ side.

Prize money could be used to buy prostitutes, luxuries, and Native land for a trifle compared to the wealth of the privileged class. They could dictate terms generous to their needs with no regard for fairness or impact on other people.

In the XNOR story, a community of 21 st century professionals find themselves thrust into this environment. They need a place to live and defend against aggression. They want to avoid sinking to the moral depths around them. Decisions must be made.

XNOR is a logical function used by AI developers to program equivalence. Equivalence is not the same as Equal. It’s broader, more subtle. We use equivalence when comparing pros and cons, goals and outcomes in our life decisions. The XNOR story explores decisions in the context of a historical fantasy.


Kindle Unlimited book w paper boats image used in

I love my Amazon Kindle Unlimited Subscription. So many books, so little time!


About Anand Purohit

Anand Purohit Author Profile image

ANAND PUROHIT was born and raised in a Caucasian, Christian family. After several years of inexplicable experiences, he traveled as a young man to India for insight. The shocking immersion, alone in a chaotic and foreign culture, forever changed him. Wandering among the slums, always on the edge of death and disease, his perception was shattered. He returned to Canada with a new name and legalized it to cement his commitment to a life of mindfulness.

While enlightenment proved elusive, the quest for greater understanding remained strong. Forty years of software design and business ownership did not quell the thirst. Constant study of history, logistics, physics, and metaphysics watered the desire to weld a nexus between analyst and mystic.

The days of designing complex software systems have passed. A new door has opened.



Anand Purohit will be awarding a $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Visit more stops on this Goddess Fish tour for extra chances to win!

Official Tour Page

Full Tour Schedule

November 8: Long and Short Reviews
November 15: Literary Gold
November 22: Lisa Haselton’s Reviews and Interviews
November 29: Fabulous and Brunette
December 6: Hope. Dreams. Life… Love
December 13: Booklover-Sue
December 27: All the Ups and Downs
January 3: Seven Troublesome Sisters
January 10: Kit ‘N Kabookle
January 17: Gina Rae Mitchell
January 24: The Obsessed Reader
January 31: Westveil Publishing


Purchase XNOR online from a local book store.


Easy Amazon Links

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Posted 01/16/2022 by Gina in Blog Tour, Book Promotions, Book Reviews, Books, Fiction / 6 Comments

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6 responses to “XNOR by Anand Purohit | $15 Giveaway, Guest Post by Author, Excerpt, Spotlight

  1. Eva Millien

    I enjoyed the excerpt and the guest post and XNOR sounds like a must read and I like the cover! Thanks for sharing it with me and have a wonderful weekend!