Final Strike by Vanessa M. Knight | Spotlight - $20 Giveaway - Exclusive Excerpt

Final Strike by Vanessa M. Knight | Spotlight – $20 Giveaway – Exclusive Excerpt

A book blog tour from Goddess Fish Promotions.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and Marianne & Judy at Goddess Fish for providing me the information for this tour.

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Book Details

Final Strike by Vanessa M. Knight | Spotlight – $20 Giveaway – Exclusive ExcerptFinal Strike by Vanessa M. Knight
Published by Inked Publishing on 10/13/2021
Genres: Fiction / Romance / Contemporary, Fiction / Romance / Suspense
Format: eBook, Paperback
Pages: 260

The final showdown may mean losing it all.

Julie Connolly thought she had perfected the art of emotional eating, but ever since she learned of her father's passing, she's taken it to new heights. The bastard has figured out how to destroy her life from the grave.

Her father's proposal-abandon her son Cody, so someone else can raise him, or lose her inheritance. The outrageous condition doesn't deserve a response but the lawyer her father hired demands an answer. Before she can tell the ambulance-chaser exactly where he can shove his demands, her worst fears come alive: Cody is kidnapped. Her only hope comes from Ben Mooring, a man she hates nearly as much as her father.

Though Ben Mooring lost his chance with Julie years ago, she and Cody still mean the world to him. He practically raised the kid for years when he was with Julie. When Cody goes missing, Ben drops everything to search for him. He might never win a spot in Julie's life again, but he can't rest while Cody is in danger and Julie needs him.

Julie and Ben join forces to find Cody, but they have to work quickly. Their chances of finding him diminish the longer he's missing. She trusts him with her son's life but can she trust him with her heart?


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Exclusive Excerpt from Final Strike

They’d set up everything in Loraine’s living room. Julie’s phone had been hooked up to some sort of tracker machine, and they were waiting for a ransom demand. No one had called, so all the fancy recording equipment sat dormant. Silent.

The rest of the room buzzed with activity. Julie just stared at her phone, willing it to ring. Maybe with Dale on the other line telling her he took Cody to the arcade, or the mall—or something.

“They weren’t at the zoo,” Allison said, checking another location off the whiteboard they’d listed possible places on. Ben was on the road with everyone they knew. Combing stores and parks and monuments. And here Julie sat. Doing nothing.

Okay. Maybe not nothing. She’d kept herself busy playing the part of good hostess. She’d made room for the electronic equipment and tables. She’d put together sandwiches and coffee for all the cops who’d walked through the house. Most were out searching the neighborhood, which was great. But that meant she was running out of people to serve. And when she wasn’t serving, she was staring and thinking. Neither made for strong mental health.

“Can I get you more coffee or another snack?” she asked the man fiddling with the recording equipment.

“No thanks. I can’t eat another bite, and if I drink anymore caffeine, I won’t be able to sleep tonight.” He patted his stomach.

She didn’t have the heart to tell him she wouldn’t sleep tonight, no matter what.


Purchase Links for Final Strike


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Waterstones     Chapters/Indigo    Smashwords 


Final Strike by Vanessa M. Knight cover image


About Vanessa M. Knight

Vanessa M. Knight Author Profile image

Vanessa M. Knight has always enjoyed writing and once she found mystery and romance, she was addicted. She props her laptop in the suburbs of Chicago with her husband, son, and a menagerie of 4-pawed, claw-babies (AKA cats and dogs.) That laptop has partnered in crime to write contemporary romances with a dash of humor and splash of snark.

When she has a few moments to spare, you can find her singing off-key (but she assures us it’s still considered singing), reading, kickboxing, or killing a few brain cells as she stares at the many sitcoms and dramas available through the Internet and TV.

For more information on Vanessa, including her Internet haunts, contest updates, and details on her upcoming novels, please visit her website at



Vanessa M. Knight will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Visit more stops on the tour for extra chances to win!

Full Tour Schedule

September 27: Booklover-Sue
September 28: Literary Gold
September 29: Gina Rae Mitchell
September 30: Novels Alive
October 1: Momma Says: To Read or Not to Read
October 4: Long and Short Reviews
October 5: Viviana MacKade
October 6: Westveil Publishing
October 7: Books to Light Your Fire
October 8: Dawn’s Reading Nook
October 11: Fabulous and Brunette
October 12: The Avid Reader
October 13: Lynn’s Romance Enthusiasm
October 14: Iron Canuck Reviews & More
October 15: The Key of Love

Save this post to use as your home base for entering the contest at each stop!



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Posted 09/28/2021 by Gina in Blog Tour, Book Promotions, Book Reviews, Fiction / 11 Comments

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