Category: Non-fiction

Dumplings Mean Family by Jennifer Shaw | Giveaway, Author Interview, & Spotlight

Dumplings Mean Family by Jennifer Shaw | Giveaway, Author Interview, &..

Dumplings Mean Family by Jennifer Shaw | Giveaway, Author Interview, & Spotlight

Jennifer Shaw’s new children’s book, “Dumplings Mean Family” is told from her son Ethan’s perspective as he shares what it was like to join their family after his adoption. “When Ethan and his siblings are adopted from China to the United States, everything seems so strange and different. Their new American family doesn’t even know how to make Chinese food! The children are worried. Will they ever get to eat their favorite meals again?

Finding My Sunshine by Shannon Leith McGuire | Author Interview, Spotlight, Giveaway

Finding My Sunshine by Shannon Leith McGuire | Author Interview, Spotlight,..

Finding My Sunshine by Shannon Leith McGuire | Spotlight & Giveaway
Shannon was drowning in darkness and pain; being born with a learning disability made her feel defeated by life. She tried drinking heavily in order to quiet the demons.
But the demons were her own voice, telling her she wasn’t good enough, she wasn’t smart enough, she didn’t deserve good things in her life.
Each of us has our own path. Some of us just need angels to help us find it.

Thrive: The Facilitator’s Guide to Radically Inclusive Meetings by Dr. Mark Smutny | Book & 1 Hour Consult Giveaway & Spotlight

Thrive: The Facilitator’s Guide to Radically Inclusive Meetings by Dr. Ma..

Thrive: The Facilitator’s Guide to Radically Inclusive Meetings by Dr. Mark Smutny | Book & 1 Hour Consult Giveaway & Spotlight

Imagine meetings where everyone is heard and all people matter.

Picture organizations that embrace all voices and are committed to justice, equity and opportunity. Imagine businesses, nonprofits and the public sector creatively engaging people in thousands of ways—seeking their best ideas, empowering the silenced, and building communities where all are treated with dignity and respect.

That’s what “Thrive” seeks to create.

Measure Mix & Marinate: Embracing the Key Ingredients to a More Fulfilling Life | Review, $25 Giveaway, Interview

Measure Mix & Marinate: Embracing the Key Ingredients to a More Fulfil..

Measure Mix & Marinate: Embracing the Key Ingredients to a More Fulfilling Life by Cheryl Schuberth | Giveaway, Author Interview, Review

Measure Mix & Marinate is a book best read slowly while relaxing so you can think about the words on the pages. There is a lot to absorb in this non-fiction inspirational book.

Culture Ignited – 5 Disciplines for Adaptive Leadership by Jason Richmond, Jeanne Kerr, and Malcolm J. Nicholl | Book & $10 Gift Card Giveaway – Spotlight Tour

Culture Ignited – 5 Disciplines for Adaptive Leadership by Jason Rich..

Culture Ignited: 5 Disciplines for Adaptive Leadership by Jason Richmond, Jeanne Kerr, and Malcolm J. Nicholl | Book & $10 Gift Card Giveaway – Spotlight Tour

Corporate leaders need to be prepared for any crisis and have a plan in place to act quickly, decisively, and empathetically.

In Culture Ignited: 5 Disciplines for Adaptive Leadership, culture change strategist Jason Richmond and coauthors Jeanne Kerr and Malcolm J. Nicholl reveal how companies whose leaders ignite their culture are able to weather any storm and get ahead of the competition.

Pin Loom Weaving by Margaret Stump | 40 Projects for Tiny Hand Looms

Pin Loom Weaving by Margaret Stump | 40 Projects for Tiny Hand Looms

Pin Loom Weaving by Margaret Stump | 40 Projects for Tiny Hand Looms

A must-have for all Pin Loom Weavers! Tips, Techniques, Tutorials, & Patterns are plentiful. Learn to build your own set of Pin Looms. Author Margaret Stump is a genius and one of the foremost experts in everything pin loom related.

Stargazer by David Scott | Exclusive Excerpt – Spotlight – $15 Giveaway

Stargazer by David Scott | Exclusive Excerpt – Spotlight – $15 ..

Stargazer by David Scott | Exclusive Excerpt – Spotlight – $15 Giveaway

For thousands of years, stars have held our attention and imagination. They influence our life—we wish upon them, sing songs about them, navigate by them, write about them, follow them, and even give their name to the actors we love. My memories have revealed a lifetime of navigating by the stars and moving beyond the fear and anxiety that self-doubt so insidiously cloaks us in. Yes, as Jiminy Cricket sang for us in Walt Disney’s Pinocchio, “when you wish upon a star . . . fate steps in and sees you through.”