Category: Recipes

Friday Finds | January 15, 2021 | Books-Food-Fun

Friday Finds | January 15, 2021 | Books-Food-Fun

Hello, my friend. I hope you are well today. I’m back this week with all the normal recommendations; books, recipes, and something fun to take your mind of any troubles you have. I have drama, magicians, and science fiction books. Soup & dessert for your recipes and a lovely shawlette to make. Let’s jump right in.

Friday Finds on Tuesday!

Friday Finds on Tuesday!

Friday Finds on Tuesday! Different Day, same book recommendations, recipes, and crafts you are used to on Friday! Several readers have mentioned that they would like to get the Finds earlier in the week so they can plan for the weekend. After researching a bit, it turns out this might actually be a good idea. Here are your finds for this week. #HalloweenTreats #CrockPotRecipes #BookSuggestions #HealthyAppleButter #KnitandCrochetPatterns

Teriyaki Barbecue Pineapple Chicken

Teriyaki Barbecue Pineapple Chicken

Teriyaki Barbecue Pineapple Chicken for dinner tonight? Yes, please! Teriyaki Barbecue Pineapple Chicken Sheet Pan Dinner I absolutely love one pot dinners. Recently, I came across this delicious sheet pan dinner from Frances at Bead, Yarn, Spatula, and had to share it with you. She has so many delicious recipes on her blog, and I […]

Fried Fruit Pies

Fried Fruit Pies

Fried fruit pies are a tasty treat that reminds me of my Grandma’s kitchen. I had forgotten all about the tasty goodness of a fried fruit pie. You can make this recipe with a wide variety of dried fruit. I know many of you have an abundance of apples from the last of the season’s […]

Almond Candy — chrispavesic

Almond Candy — chrispavesic

Chris Pavesic brings together two of my favorite things in this blog post. A delightfully simple almond candy recipe along with an excerpt of the book  Can’t Stop the Music*, both by authors C.D. Hersh. This is the co-author team of Catherine & Donald Hersh, high school sweethearts who write separately and together. What unique books they […]