Category: Newsletters

Friday Finds | October 23 | 2020

Friday Finds | October 23 | 2020

Gina’s Friday Finds – October 23, 2020 – Lots of great book recommendations this week, along with Halloween treats, pumpkin recipes, knit & crochet blankets, and ready to buy handmade items. Is your favorite book or author included in this week’s roundup? If not, leave a comment. Maybe I’ll include them soon. #Thrillers #ChristmasRomance #ScienceFiction #PumpkinRecipes #Cookies #SoupsRecipes #Knit #Crochet #Books #SeniorRomance #Fantasy #Childrens

Friday Finds on Tuesday!

Friday Finds on Tuesday!

Friday Finds on Tuesday! Different Day, same book recommendations, recipes, and crafts you are used to on Friday! Several readers have mentioned that they would like to get the Finds earlier in the week so they can plan for the weekend. After researching a bit, it turns out this might actually be a good idea. Here are your finds for this week. #HalloweenTreats #CrockPotRecipes #BookSuggestions #HealthyAppleButter #KnitandCrochetPatterns

Friday Finds | September 18, 2020

Friday Finds | September 18, 2020

Welcome to the Friday Finds | September 18, 2020 for more of my 3 Quick Things! I’m still experimenting with various ideas to keep this weekly post fresh and relevant for you.
Grab a cup of your favorite beverage and check out this week’s goodness: #FallRecipes #HealthySalads #ChickenRecipes #HistoricalFiction #AfricanAmericanLiterature #MiddleGradeFiction #Yarn #Mermaids #AmericanRevolutionFiction #PumpkinRecipes #Brownies #PoliticalFiction