Cut and Run by Annabelle Lewis | Review, Author Interview, & Giveaway

Cut and Run by Annabelle Lewis | Review, Author Interview, & Giveaway

A book blog tour from iRead Book Tours.

Thank you to the author, publisher, & Lauren at iRead for providing me with the information for this tour. iread book tour logo -

Book Details

Cut and Run by Annabelle Lewis | Review, Author Interview, & GiveawayCut and Run by Annabelle Lewis
Published by PePe Press on August 14, 2021
Genres: Contemporary Fiction, Fiction, Mystery, Paranormal, Thriller, Suspense
Format: eBook, Paperback
Pages: 287

Their story continues . . .

The four Boston clairvoyants, blessed—or cursed—with special powers, must fight a ruthless enemy and stop injustice. In Dead Cat, Run, the Sisters of Fate drove them together, but at what cost? The God Apollo wasn’t playing around. He’s still dead set on vengeance.

Sinister forces will have a wicked agenda. An energy grab, a mineral rights war, and deadly mercenaries create a mortally serious game. But the psychics’ sibylline abilities aside, they’re only human. At least three of them are. (What’s up with that?)

Can they stop the killers? And who will survive?

An energetic contemporary thriller, Cut and Run will have you on the edge of your seat as the dance between good and evil resumes.

Source: Amazon Purchase, iRead Book Tours

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Purchase Cut and Run



My thoughts on Cut and Run

Grab your copy of this book today. It’s a thrilling, witty, tale you don’t want to miss.

Cut and Run by Annabelle Lewis book cover image

Cut and Run is the sequel to Dead Cat Run by Annabelle Lewis. While you can read it as a stand-alone, I recommend reading book one first. It makes the sequel more enjoyable to have the entire back story in place.

The action was non-stop and kept me on the edge of my seat from start to finish. The characters continue to grow and evolve. The author’s writing style is witty and sharp. And if you follow my reviews, you know I’m partial to great dog characters, and Bones is one of the best I’ve come across.

The story itself has several threads that twist, turn, and eventually weave together to make a fabulous, suspenseful ending to an excellent, well-written sequel that may have surpassed book one in energy and depth.

I recommend this tale to readers who want to be entertained by a paranormal/supernatural thriller featuring a battle of good versus evil.


I received a copy of the book for the tour. This review is my honest, unbiased opinion.


Kindle Unlimited book w paper boats image used in Thrive

I love to read books through my  Amazon Kindle Unlimited subscription


About Annabelle Lewis

Annabelle Lewis Author Profile image

Annabelle Lewis—a pseudonym for the author—lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Regrettably? Perhaps. She still believes she’s a Texan even though the math no longer supports that. Nor her birthplace. Nor her residence. No offense, Minnesota. You’ve got your good points too, but only about six months of the year.

In her youth, Annabelle was a complete failure. Ask anyone who knew her. Any of her teachers and family would tell you this. High school graduation was a sad day for all when Annabelle walked proudly off the high school stage, her thoughts consumed with boys, beer, and after-parties, and later into the arms of her parents. Her father’s laughter and singular remark? “I didn’t think you’d make it. Get a job at the post office, they have a good retirement plan.”

A high bar and words to live by, but Annabelle wanted more. She needed to flunk out of college too. But damn, she sure did have a good time. Trivial arrest records not-withstanding, it was a growth period for our girl. And if you look closely, you’ll see a bit of what was to come when she majored in criminal justice. Her lifelong aspiration was to become a judge. Hmm.

For better or worse, Annabelle didn’t graduate from college but did find gainful employment and a fulfilling career. This path ended when she became a mom. Married to her wonderful George, who to this day can hardly remember an actual proposal, Annabelle finally became a mother. She didn’t have a clue how hard she would need to work to keep those self-imposed requirements of Downey-fresh, iron-pressed sheets, home-baked meals, and mom-of-the-year awards arriving. She composed a small self-affirmation song and made her children sing it to her for money. She was a very good mom.

After clearing the largest hurdles of motherhood and regrettably, begrudgingly, and not-without-tears, launching her children onto the world, she looked around and realized she had a lot to say. Picking up a laptop, she got to work.

Annabelle spends her days continuing to tackle the challenges of motherhood, for both her humans and canines. She also writes. And reads. And cleans. And cooks. And bakes. And cleans again. She also supports her husband, George, in an administrative capacity for their small business. She’s in charge of payroll and cuts George’s checks. This leads to no marital acrimony.

In the beginning, with the blank page staring at her and possibly in a hostile mood after being literally mauled by a dog and by the world in general, she had an idea. What if she could wield a force of good upon unsuspecting evil-doers? What if she had the resources to get the job done without dealing with committee and anyone else’s whiney-ass opinions?

It was gold. It took off. Annabelle sat down and began to write and couldn’t stop. To date, having written over a million words in the Carrows Family Chronicles and her second series on the Boston Clairvoyants, several items have become quite clear. Annabelle had a lot to say. Annabelle really enjoys writing. And although she hates all things technology, she begrudgingly pounds her head on her desk daily as obstacles are thrown in her path. Almost a hero.

Since entering her world of make-believe, she has rebelled against all intrusion of real-world responsibilities. Her house is a mess, but she tries. Her family is fed, but more often than not, on takeout. She vows to shower every day, but no, it’s a vow she’ll never keep. Her friends are neglected, but not in her heart.

Read her mordacious blog! Read her books! Follow her on social platforms! Sign up for her newsletter! These are all good things. What are you waiting for? Jump into bed with Annabelle. She’s having a swell time. You should join her.


Author Interview!

Tell us about a favorite book when you were a kid

I fell in love with books early. Fairy tales, picture books, comic books—Peanuts, I devoured what I could at home until I was old enough to pedal my bike alone to the library. There I spent hours roaming the stacks, amazed by every single volume and frustrated with giddy anticipation that there were so many worlds to explore and choices to be made. But the real favorite and love of my life came when I found the Chronicles of Narnia. I was never the same after entering that world and from that point on was reading whenever I found a moment to spare. Annabelle Lewis is a pen name and Lewis—is a humble hat tip to the great man who wrote the Narnian world – C.S. Lewis.

Regarding time frames, what is your favorite era to work with and why?

My work is contemporary fiction. I’ve placed the story in the “now,” and this definitely has its drawbacks. Even before the work can be published, advancements and the use of technology, slang, trends, and societal developments vex me and my characters. I worry about the work holding up but hope that years from now it will still be current and enjoyable enough to accept.

How many books have you written and which is your favorite?

It’s hard for me to choose, but I wrote a short story called Caliburnus that is very personal to me. It’s not part of a series, just a fictional story based on my journey as a special needs mom. It’s about a mother’s dream and the ache of hope.

Share a photo of a character inspiration

If you read my newsletter, there is a photo of a big, hairy, and wonderful inspiration—my puppy, Gemma. I often refer to her as a wild thug because she is. She came in hot and keeps us on our toes! She’s a mixed breed golden—but red, and Bones—the dog on the cover of Dead Cat, Run—is based on Gemma. I love my baby girl! Both the real and fictitious ones! There are a couple of pictures of Gemma in my April 2021 newsletter:

Talk about how you outline a book

The process can vary, but I always have a broad outline in my head of what the book is about. It’s the ‘elevator pitch’ I would present if given 10 seconds to explain the synopsis. Then I layer on the story with characters, and timeline, and events. Then I build a storyboard with a short explanation of what happens in each chapter. Often, however, I’m just dying to write the story and begin. Consequently, my characters often totally screw up my outline and I have to follow them where they take me. The story will often change, but the overall idea will not.

When you’re writing an emotionally draining (or sexy, or sad, etc) scene, how do you get in the mood?

If I know it’s time to get it on paper, I carve out a quiet time and space to make sure there are no distractions. All of my work would be on the soft side of the steamy scale so I don’t have to get in any particular mood or lingerie to write a sex scene. My daughter heartily thanks me for that particular omission in my writing!



Enter to win signed DEAD CAT RUN and CUT AND RUN by Annabelle Lewis (one winner/USA only) (ends Nov 12)

Please visit more stops on the iRead Book tour for extra chances to win!

Oct 25 – Olio by Marilyn – book review of DEAD CAT, RUN/giveaway
Oct 25 – Olio by Marilyn – book spotlight/author interview/giveaway
Oct 25 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book review of DEAD CAT, RUN/giveaway
Oct 26 – Book Reviews by Shreya Vijay – book review of CUT AND RUN/author interview/giveaway
Oct 26 –Bound 4 Escape – book review of DEAD CAT, RUN/giveaway
Oct 27 – Splashes of Joy – book review of CUT AND RUN/giveaway
Oct 29 – Books for Books – book review of CUT AND RUN
Oct 29 – @booking.with.janelle – book review of DEAD CAT, RUN
Oct 29 – @twilight_reader – book review of DEAD CAT, RUN

Nov 1 – The Page Ladies – book review of DEAD CAT, RUN/giveaway
Nov 1 – @twilight_reader – book review of CUT AND RUN
Nov 1 – Kam’s Place – book spotlight of DEAD CAT, RUN
Nov 2 – Book Corner News and Reviews – review of DEAD CAT, RUN/giveaway
Nov 3 – @booking.with.janelle – book review of CUT AND RUN/author interview
Nov 3 – Kam’s Place – book spotlight/book excerpt of CUT AND RUN
Nov 3 – Book Corner News and Reviews – review of CUT AND RUN/giveaway
Nov 4 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book review of CUT AND RUN/giveaway

Nov 4 – Gina Rae Mitchell – book review of DEAD CAT, RUN/giveaway
Nov 4 – Bound 4 Escape – book review of CUT AND RUN/giveaway
Nov 5 – Leels Loves Books – book review of DEAD CAT, RUN/giveaway
Nov 8 – The Page Ladies – book review of CUT AND RUN/giveaway
Nov 9 – Olio by Marilyn – book review of CUT AND RUN/giveaway
Nov 10 – Gina Rae Mitchell – book review of CUT AND RUN/author interview/giveaway
Nov 12 – Leels Loves Books – book review of CUT AND RUN/giveaway


Easy Amazon Links

Cut and Run (The Boston Cla...Shop on Amazon Kindle 41h8QuFHsYL. AC AC SR98,95Cut and Run (The Boston Cla...Shop on Amazon Paperback

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Posted 11/11/2021 by Gina in Blog Tour, Book Promotions, Book Reviews, Books, Fiction / 0 Comments

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