Deceptions of Chenille by Sally Dallas (The Chenille Trilogy Book 1) #BookReview  #AuthorInterview @SallyDallasAuthor #WomensFiction #Suspense #LightRomance #BookX #Bookstagram #ReadingCommunity #AmReading


Deceptions of Chenille by Sally Dallas is an intriguing novel with characters you love to hate. Once the author throws in a little larceny, lies, love, and a pinch of espionage, mafia, wine, and international travel, you won’t be able to put it down.

Book Details

Deceptions of Chenille by Sally Dallas (The Chenille Trilogy Book 1) #BookReview  #AuthorInterview @SallyDallasAuthor #WomensFiction #Suspense #LightRomance #BookX #Bookstagram #ReadingCommunity #AmReadingDeceptions of Chenille by Sally Dallas
Series: The Chenille Trilogy Book 1
Published by Pacific Premier Publishing on March 26, 2020
Genres: Fiction, Romance, Women's Literature, Suspense
Format: eBook, Paperback
Pages: 312

A sophisticated romantic thriller, in the vein of Gone Girl, without graphic violence. Chenille has mysteriously vanished. When her husband, Daniel, returns from a business trip, he finds her BMW in the garage, her cellphone in her purse, and her clothes undisturbed in the closet. She never goes anywhere without her phone. Where is she? They talked at noon and agreed salacious sex was the plan for the evening. He’s confident she wouldn’t leave him. They’re deeply in love, and on the fast track to successful careers, a house in the suburbs, and a family to fill it. She had to have been abducted.

When the police find reddish blotch on the front porch, and her blood-stained sweatshirt, Daniel becomes the primary suspect. Profiled as a jealous, controlling husband, he must prove his innocence. He puts the pieces of the puzzle together, yet can’t overcome his need to protect his wife.

As the investigation unfolds, shocking clues exposing her motivations, and true persona, are revealed. Chenille’s greed and tenacity have catapulted her into an inescapable web of her own creation, putting her life, and that of her young son, in danger.

Written with alternating, yet simultaneous points of view, a multi-cultural triad of love stories evolve, each with their own unexpected outcome. Deceptions of Chenille is an intriguing story of love, lies, and larceny that will leave you anxiously anticipating the sequel.

Source: Received from the author or publisher for review.

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Purchase Links for Deceptions of Chenille

Deceptions of Chenille (Book One of the Chenille Trilogy)
  • Amazon Kindle Edition
  • Dallas, Sally (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 309 Pages - 02/14/2020 (Publication Date) - Paso Publishing (Publisher)
Deceptions of Chenille (Chenille Trilogy)
  • Dallas, Sally (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 312 Pages - 03/26/2020 (Publication Date) - Pacific Premier Publishing (Publisher)

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My Thoughts of Deceptions of Chenille

I don’t think I have ever been so engrossed in a book that I didn’t care for the characters. What a tribute to the author!

Chenille is greedy, self-centered, and manipulative. She’s so easy to hate. Her husband, Daniel, is wrapped up in his world of work, sex, and denial. How do these two go from having what seems to be a perfect marriage to lies, larceny, and lost love?

I was hooked page after page, trying to figure out what was coming next: mafia, embezzlement, money laundering, international travels. The story adds layer upon layer of intrigue.

I won’t give any more of the plot so as not to spoil it for the reader. I believe this is a useful escapist novel. Book two is out now. What kind of dastardly deeds will Chenille attempt next, or has she truly reformed?

Deceptions of Chenille Pin

 My review of Book Two, Delusions of Chenille is coming soon.

Delusions of Chenille by Sally Dallas book cover


About Sally Dallas

sally Dallas author photo

Ten percent of the net proceeds from book sales are donated to non-profits that empower women worldwide. Check out her mission on her website, listed below.

After a successful career in finance, author Sally Dallas traded number crunching for creative writing. Her debut novel, Deceptions of Chenille, was published in early 2020. Years of experience in the corporate world, and entrepreneurship, have given her a unique perspective in developing multi-faceted characters—tenacious, assertive women who are not deterred by adversity. Look for the sequel, Delusions of Chenille, out now.


Interview with Sally Dallas, Author of Deceptions of Chenille

What inspired you to write in this genre?

When I became an empty nester and had time to rekindle my love of reading, I had difficulty finding books that held my interest. I’m borderline ADD. Romance novels were too cheesy, and thrillers too graphic. I wanted something in between. I wrote a book that I would like to read.

If an author fictionalized your life, in which genre would the story belong?

That would be just too boring, but the closest would be a coming of age story. My parents had very low expectations of me, so it was easy to exceed them.

Do you have a set writing schedule?

Now that I’m in the book promotion stage, my work times are sporadic, but when I’m writing, I’m glued to my computer every morning and goof off in the afternoon.

Do you need silence to write, or can you work in any environment?

Not really silence, because I listen to music, but I do need non-interruption.

What is your favorite type of music?

I like a wide range, from 70’s classic rock to 90’s pop-rock, with some 2000’s country thrown in—no new country, except Chris Stapleton.

What would it involve if you could set up your perfect writing scenario?

I have it! My own office in my home, and a husband who knows to leave me alone. When I need a break, we’ll go to a local winery and have a glass of wine while watching the sunset on the vineyard. Tough life.

How do you choose the names of your characters?

The name Chenille was initially chosen for search engine optimization, and then the story evolved around the name. The male characters are just mash-ups of first and last names floating in my head.

Deceptions of Chenille by Sally Dallas

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A news broadcaster, but back then, it was tough for women to get that gig (think Christina Applegate in Anchorman). I was not assertive enough to break barriers, so after college, I got a job at a bank and worked my way up to Vice President.

What is your most unusual writing quirk?

I don’t know if this is a quirk or just a method, but I am an obsessive outliner. My book is plotted from beginning to end before I put a word on paper.

Do you have a hobby you would like to share with us?

I’m an outdoor girl – fishing, hiking, camping, and skiing. I have three sons, so I had to be. My husband and I also enjoy traveling, wine tasting, and spending time with our four grandchildren.

What do you read for pleasure?

Right now, I’m reading Lianne Moriarty, The Hypnotist’s Love Story. Lately, I’ve been drawn to books after they become movies or TV shows because I want to know what made that book so unique that it was chosen for the big screen. Still haven’t figured it out.

Do you have a favorite snack or beverage while you are writing?

Coffee, coffee, and more coffee.

Who has influenced your writing the most?

Oh, to write like Sandra Brown! She is my hero. I also admire the writing style of Jodi Picoult, and I like the sophistication of John Grisham’s legal thrillers.

Is there anything you would like my readers to know about you and your book?

Yes! 10% of the net proceeds from book sales are donated to non-profits that empower women around the globe. My website explains my mission.


Deceptions of Chenille by Sally Dallas (The Chenille Trilogy Book One)

Deceptions of Chenille (Book One of the Chenille Trilogy)
  • Amazon Kindle Edition
  • Dallas, Sally (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 309 Pages - 02/14/2020 (Publication Date) - Paso Publishing (Publisher)
Deceptions of Chenille (Chenille Trilogy)
  • Dallas, Sally (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 312 Pages - 03/26/2020 (Publication Date) - Pacific Premier Publishing (Publisher)

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Posted 04/07/2020 by Gina in Book Reviews, Author Interview, Fiction, Review Updates Series, Throwback Thursday / 3 Comments

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