Does Grandma Remember Me by Evita Sherman | Review
A book blog tour from iRead Book Tours.
Thank you to the author, publisher, & Lauren at iRead for providing me the information for this tour.

Published by Mascot Books on 02/02/2021
Genres: Educational, Fiction, Children's, Family Life, Medical
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 38
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It’s a question that children often ask when facing a grandparent with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. As loved ones grow older, there are unfamiliar and confusing challenges that families must face. 'Does Grandma Remember Me' reminds young readers that no matter what may change, love remains the same.This heartfelt story is crafted in an easy-to-follow manner that family members, caregivers, and teachers alike can easily relay to a curious child who is seeking understanding and guidance.
It depicts the love between a grandmother and granddaughter during a time when they experience the stresses of either having dementia or witnessing memory loss.
Grandma’s dementia is not allowing her to remember what time it is, recall where to find certain items in her kitchen, or even remember moment-from-moment what she is seeking.
Frustrated and bewildered, Grandma becomes moody and even sad. Her granddaughter immediately picks up on these signs and wonders why the loving spirit Grandma has always shown her has seemingly evaporated.
Without the knowledge of her Grandma’s dementia diagnosis, or of the disease, the granddaughter begins to think her grandmother may not remember or love her anymore. This book is for everyone seeking ways to help children understand dementia.
Source: iRead Book Tours, Received from the author or publisher for review.
Purchase Links for Does Grandma Remember Me by Evita Sherman
Barnes & Noble The Book Depository Chapters/Indigo
My thoughts on Does Grandma Remember Me by Evita Sherman
Does Grandma Remember Me by Evita Sherman is a sweet, beautifully illustrated children’s book detailing a little girl and her ailing grandmother.
Dementia is such a complex subject for everyone to grasp, let alone a young child. The author does an excellent job of explaining things so a child can understand what’s happening.
The book’s central concept explains that even though grandma may not remember you, she still loves you. Love is expressed in many ways, including your memories of all the good times in the past.
This story really hit home for a grandmother like me. I’m glad there are authors like Evita Sherman writing stories about this subject.
I received a copy of the book for the tour. This review is my honest, unbiased opinion.
Does Grandma Remember Me by Evita Sherman
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[…] Does Grandma Remember Me? […]
[…] Does Grandma Remember Me? […]
I am interested in the “does grandma remember me” book as my grandchildren’s other grandmother is suffering from dementia. Thanks for introducing this one.
What a hard subject to write about. But, it sounds from your review, that the book has a lot of sensitivity.