FF Banner - Purple Roses - August 23-2024 08-23-2034

Weekly Friday Finds | 08-23-2024| Books ~ Recipes ~Indie Authors ~ Trivia & Riddles ~ Crafts ~ Blog Roundup

Welcome to the Friday Finds for 08-23-2024.

Hello, my friend. This is a little late and a wee bit shorter due to “life circumstances.” These are all good things, but they really threw me behind this week.

I saw the eye specialist this week. The good news is that they don’t think I will need any surgery. They had to put tiny tubes in the puncta of both eyes to help the tears drain. The blurry vision was from looking through tears all the time. I was so delighted! I love my doctor. Insurance…not so much. They denied the pre-authorization for the specialty eye drops. Since no one wants to pay $1500 for the tiniest bottle of drops, the doctor is searching for an alternative that will work well.

In a last bit of personal news. I’m heading north to visit the littles before they return to school. They do it right up there. They start back on the Tuesday after Labor Day. Schools down here started back two weeks ago! That’s still summer to me!

This will be a bit abbreviated as I have so much to do before I leave:

  • Write an article for Lou Kemp’s newsletter
  • Makeup abacus counters to take with me to ship from WI
  • Write all book reviews that are due soon
  • Finish the darned rainbow sweater! I’ve procrastinated for so long that the boy grew. (Why do they do that?)

Until next week,


FF August Divider Purple Roses

Weekly Friday Finds | 08-23-2024 | Blog News

These are the blog posts I shared this week.

Dinos Love Donuts Square image

Dinos Love Donuts by Ben Okon

Children’s Book


Tour Banner_Insta_LASR 17th Anniversary BAsh


An anniversary celebration with Prizes!



“Sedona: A Novel” by Kerry F. Freeman



Soak Up The Sun Book Cover

“Soak Up The Sun” by Tanith Davenport

Rock Star Romance


One Little Witch Square Offset

One Little Witch by Crystal Beach

Children’s Book



Tidewater by Eric B. Miller

Family Saga/Historical Fiction/WW1


A Carrows Murder book cover

A Carrows Murder by Annabelle Lewis 

Billionaire Mystery

FF August Divider Purple Roses

Weekly Friday Finds | 08-23-2024 | Recipes

French Magic Cake from Simply Recipes

Magic Cake (Gâteau Magique) bMark Beahm of Simply Recipes

This aptly named magic cake transforms one batter into a 3-in-1 layered dessert with a thick and fudgy bottom layer, a creamy custard center, and a fluffy layer of sponge cake on top. The magic all happens in the oven—no special ingredients or equipment required.


You can also check today’s corresponding email newsletter for more recipes. (Don’t get the exclusive Friday Finds email? Sign up on the sidebar! ) —>

FF August Divider Purple Roses

  Weekly Friday Finds | 08-23-2024 | Books

What are you reading this week? Here is a suggestion for one I think everyone will like.

Have I mentioned Sipsworth by Simon Van Booy to you? I borrowed a digital copy from my library on a tip from my book buddy, Carol (Reading Ladies), and she was right! I really enjoyed this one. My review is coming soon.

Sipsworth by Simon Van Booy book cover


Following the loss of her husband and son, Helen Cartwright returns to the village of her childhood after living abroad for six decades. Her only wish is to die quickly and without fuss. She retreats into her home on Westminster Crescent, becoming a creature of routine and habit: “Each day was an impersonation of the one before with only a slight shuffle—as though even for death there is a queue.”

Then, one cold winter night, a chance encounter with a mouse sets Helen on a surprising journey. Over the course of two weeks in a small English town, this reclusive widow discovers an unexpected reason to live.


FF August Divider Purple Roses

Weekly Friday Finds | 08-23-2024 | Independent Author News

Would you join a book club that gets sucked into their cozy mysteries? This series is perfect for binge-reading during Spooky Season. (Bonus: They are all available on Kindle Unlimited for now)
Get your FREE copy of Hexes and Hooligans: Magical Mystery Book Club #6.5 by Elizabeth Pantley

Hexes and Hooligans by Elizabeth Pantley book cover

This is from BookFunnel, and they will probably ask you to leave a review. Side note** You should always leave a review of the books you read, even if it just says, “I liked it” or even “It wasn’t my cuppa tea.” Reviews are EXTREMELY important for independent authors.


Author Image - Pricilla Bettis

Author Priscilla Bettis, who used to write horror fiction before significantly changing her genre, is now part of the  Brave Authors Christian writing group. Chevron Ross is also a member of this writing group, and you know I love his stories.

Her recent short story is “Prayers Heavy with Smoke.” (It’s free to read if you’d like at Radix, a Christian literary magazine.) Meera, a middle-aged grandmother, is desperately addicted to cigarettes. If she doesn’t quit, she won’t be allowed to see her granddaughter. Will a homeless youth help Meera turn from her habit?



Authors, if you participate in any promotions, please send me your promo details or any other news I might share with my readers.

FF August Divider Purple Roses

Weekly Friday Finds | 08-23-2024 | Blogs to Visit

Here are a couple of entertaining blogs I think you will enjoy.

The Book Duchesses shared their September reading list. It’s full of great choices! These two lovely friends from the Netherlands are quite prolific in their reading and blogging. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed if you give them a virtual visit.

The Book Duchesses logo


Pooja G writes about a variety of topics on her blog, LifesFineWhine, The Life & Ramblings Of A Zillennial. She recently wrote a touching story titled “Why I’m Thankful for My Anxiety.” I hope you will give it a read and be sure to leave a comment as she always reads and answers the comments on her blog. She also writes about food, family, blogging, SEO, offers blogging services, and so much more. She also recently published her first book of poetry, All the Words I Kept Inside.

LifesFineWhine Logo 1

FF August Divider Purple Roses 08-23-2024

Weekly Friday Finds | 08-23-2024 | Craft Time

Crochet pumpkin Bag with ghost for 08-23-2024

Halloween Pumpkin Candy Bag Crochet DIY Kit for Beginners – Halloween Ghost in Pumpkin Bag Crochet Materials With Instruction and Video Tutorial by YarnWonderlandUSA

Create your own Halloween magic with this Halloween Pumpkin Candy Bag Crochet DIY Kit! This enchanting kit provides all the materials and instructions you need to craft a charming and spooky pumpkin-shaped candy bag, perfect for collecting treats on Halloween night. Whether you’re a crochet enthusiast or a beginner looking for a fun project, this kit is designed to make the crafting process enjoyable and rewarding.

FF August Divider Purple Roses

Weekly Friday Finds | 08-23-2024 | Trivia Time

This week’s trivia question is another riddle since so many of you seemed to enjoy last week’s.

I’m full of words, yet I cannot speak,
I hold many stories but never a peep.
You’ll find me on shelves, in rooms, or in a nook,
What am I? I’m a ______.

Leave your answer in the comment section to be entered into this month’s trivia contest.

The answer to last week’s riddle.

someone's mother riddle

Answer: Someone

Thanks to all who played along!


FF August Divider Purple Roses

Remember, if you find something you like in this post, leave a comment and click the LIKE button at the bottom of the page. It means the world!

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Please share the 08-23-2024 Friday Finds with your friends and family. I love to get those “new subscriber” notices!

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See you soon for more Weekly Friday Finds Fun!


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Posted 08/23/2024 by Gina in Books, Crafts, Food, Lifestyle, Newsletters, Recipes, Weekly Finds / 14 Comments

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14 responses to “Friday Finds 08-23-2024 Weekly Friday Finds | 08-23-2024 | Books ~ Recipes ~Indie Authors ~ Trivia & Riddles ~ Crafts ~ Blog Roundup ~ Spooky Fun

  1. Thanks so much for mentioning my post, really appreciate it. And sorry to hear about your vision issues but I’m glad no surgery was required. Hope you find some affordable medication.

  2. Glad to hear your eyes are doing ok! I think all schools should start after labor day. Our local schools went back this week and I think that’s too early!
    The trivia answer is a book!

  3. mombo33

    Good news about the eyes except for those darn expensive drops — yeesh. Where in WI? I was just up in LaFarge for a few days last week. Love SW WI!! Enjoy your little kiddos!

    • Thanks, Mim. I’ll be in the Milwaukee area. We’re doing the HDSA 5K walk on Sunday. My daughter does Huntington’s research. So we always try to support them.

      • mombo33

        Have a terrific visit! I’m at the Elmhurst Public Library’s local author fest today (8.24) from 10 am – 2 pm. Since they have 70 authors registered I’m hoping a few readers wander into the place…

  4. chevronross79026a9347

    Dear Gina. Thanks for the nice comment about my stories. I hope your eye problem clears up. Thanks for all you do for authors and readers!

  5. Thanks for the shoutout! Happy to hear you enjoyed Sipsworth! Good news about your eyes! I paid $80 for my little bottle of drops after my cataract surgery!

    • Isn’t it ridiculous how much those tiny little bottles cost! I’m still waiting to see the price of the 2nd choice drops.