Welcome to the Friday Finds Roundup: February 28-2020.
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Friday Finds Roundup: February 28-2020 — Books
A Kite at the Edge of the World by Katy Grant
It had been a great day. Perhaps the Best Day…A seaside village many years ago. A boy makes a new friend who says he has always wanted to come to the seashore. This is his last wish to see where the world ends, and the blue begins—because he is dying. “Then we should do something fun today,” the younger boy announces. Fun! With all the doctors and hospitals, there’s been little time for fun. But what should they do? Flying a kite is great fun on a windy day. But first, they must make their kite. And they’ll need supplies. And the money to buy them. And they will have to get around all the grown-ups who might stand in their way. And so this never-to-be-forgotten day begins. This is a story of friendship. Of first loss. And of seizing the day.
Sold on a Monday by Kristina McMorris
An unforgettable novel by Kristina McMorris, inspired by a stunning piece of history.
The sign is a last resort. It sits on a farmhouse porch in 1931 but could be found anywhere in an era of breadlines, bank runs, and broken dreams. It could have been written by any mother facing impossible choices.
For struggling reporter Ellis Reed, the gut-wrenching scene evokes memories of his family’s dark past. He snaps a photograph of the children, not meant for publication. But when it leads to his big break, the consequences are more devastating than he ever imagined.
Inspired by an actual newspaper photograph that stunned the nation, Sold on a Monday is a powerful novel of love, redemption, and the unexpected paths that bring us home.
Ally Reynolds is a veterinarian specializing in raptor rehabilitation in New Hampshire. Other than one horrific incident in her childhood and a little extra “spark” for healing in her hands, both of which she has kept secret from even her best friend, her life has been singularly boring. It has also been extremely lonely. Ally longs for someone to share her life with, but how can she trust someone with her secret?
Yeshiva Girl by Rachel Mankowitz
YESHIVA GIRL is IZZY’s story. She is a fifteen-year-old Long Island girl who has never fit in at her liberal Jewish day school, but when her father drags her to the Orthodox Yeshiva across the Island, she’s conflicted. She doesn’t trust her father or his newly religious behaviors, but the principal of the yeshiva is not as rigid as she expects him to be, and the new synagogue the family attends has its benefits too. The problem is, all of this is a scrim to hide her father’s escalating problems at work. He has been accused once again of inappropriate sexual conduct with one of his young female students. And Izzy believes that the accusations are true, and just the beginning of the real story of who her father is.
In case you missed them, here are several reviews from the past week. They are each excellent stories about rising from the dust of parental neglect – to a rollicking adventure with Annie Oakley and friends – to a supernatural mystery.
From Foster Care to Millionaire by Cody McLain
Kingdom of Gods by Feather Stone
Friday Finds Roundup: February 28-2020 — Recipes
Six Sisters Stuff brings us Cadbury Chocolate Thumbprint Cookies this week.
Next is Maebell’s Low-carb/Keto Sausage Cheese Egg Bites.
Last up this week is an Apple Dump Cake from Walking on Sunshine Recipes.
Friday Finds Roundup: February 28-2020 — Creative Projects
These cute Circus Animal Knit Kits have everything you need in one box.
I don’t want to leave out my crochet friends, so here is an equally cute Apple & Pear Kit.
Thanks for reading the Friday Finds Roundup: February 28-2020. I hope to see you back here next week, but you are welcome to stop by anytime. I’m always here to answer your comments or questions.
Sold on a Monday: A NovelShop on Amazon
A Kite at the Edge of the W...Shop on Amazon
Yeshiva GirlShop on Amazon
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Um…Apple Dump Cake? Gina, I am trying to be good and cut back on desserts. You enabler you!!! 😉
Love your Friday Finds!!!
Hey, I added a low-carb Keto recipe too. It’s all about balance … right?