Ahha…Guide to the Golden Age: How to Prepare for Very Big Changes on Our Very Tiny Planet by DND | Excerpt ~ Author Bio ~ Gift Card
A book blog tour from Goddess Fish Promotions.
Thank you to the author, publisher, and Marianne & Judy at Goddess Fish for providing me with the information for this tour.
Book Details

Published by Tellwell Talent on 08/24/2022
Genres: Inspirational & Personal Growth, Non-fiction
Format: eBook, Paperback
Pages: 490
This "AhHa Guide..." is a curious combination of a 'Joy ride' of discovery, bizarre insights, and a mythic "Hero's journey" ascending up a mountain of Higher consciousness, based on a three law ten step vertical structure.
As it ascends in our present "Ascension" timeline, it rises to the climax having minor AhHa moments, and major AhHa moments of scintillating insight, and perhaps even an epiphany or two (depending on the prevailing winds)and most definitely a few chuckles or even more serious laughs on its "Journey to the Stars..."
Excerpt from Guide to the Golden Age
“Maybe the whales would be ok staying in the water”
How to begin? Since this is only my second book I can only guarantee one thing, it will definitely not hit the NY Times best seller list anytime soon,(ok let’s not jinx it just in case). In fact I don’t know if this will even make it into a bookstore, but it should do well in the streets and the flea markets and the alleys, well maybe not there. I have no clue where it will end up. But it doesn’t matter. After my life of 70 years this is my legacy, good, bad, ugly or indifferent.
I also have no highly respected, eloquent and world known personality to write this forward for me. I’m stuck with me. And I’m still not sure how to begin it. Maybe I’m experiencing ‘writer’s block’ or maybe I just can’t write. That’s it, I’m not a writer. What do you expect? I’m only a hippy philosopher. Thank God I got that off my chest.
So let’s try again. Let this be my guiding thought as I work my way through this thing…. that I will call a book.(who reads books anymore anyways?) Truth is I am a nobody. Yes I have been a hippy/artist most of my adult life, maybe at times even a hipster, but that’s just merely a very hip hippy.
I have not accomplished a lot in life, in fact I haven’t accomplished anything, and may not succeed in finishing this book either. But though I am a nobody, I am definitely beginning to realize that this ‘nobody’ is really everybody. Everybody means every being, like “everything…all of it”, and I know no one will believe me, but I’m saying it anyway, so there.
Some people call it the universe. I don’t think I have a big enough ego to compare myself to the universe. Then again the truth is, that’s exactly what I am, and this includes you all too. Some people even use that dreaded… G.. word. My tiny little individual self is all selves, as significant and insignificant as every other being in the world.
This is the whole premise of this writing. All us little beings from the tiniest quarks and leprechauns (whoops leptons) to humans and super galaxies are all One Vast Being…. Us…Now… Here. So yes I am, in reality indeed the universe, and I should have an ego the same size in order to believe it. It’s called the Law of One which I will get into in Chapter 1. I am still stuck in this forward and it kind of feels like I am going more backwards, then forward, but never mind, forwards or backwards we keep on keeping on.
Excerpt provided by the author/publisher for use in this post.
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Guest Post
The questions are…. what are the ten hardest things I learned from writing this book and getting it published?
And what are the ten best/worst things that I discovered writing this book?
This almost feels like when we were told as kids to compose a story and read it out loud to the other school kids. I think those were definitely easier assignments. But I may have had a better time doing this bigger assignment with no one watching over my back except me. And sometimes I just don’t get along with my self. And then we get into these arguments and yelling …and well you can just imagine the mess, me and myself make of it all .Somehow this also reminds me of a saying of Woody Allen where he says ….(imagine with me) …”I really have a hard time joining a group that would have me as a member, I don’t know, I think it has something to do with my self esteem, or maybe it was just something I ate… or something like that. Which somehow brings me right into the first question…”The hardest things I learned while writing and gettging this book published. So here we go…
1- definitely one of the hardest things was getting along with myself while still trying to get something done.
2-Getting ready to go to bed with myself, and not holding on to anything from our last argument. Usually I am quite willing to drop it all and forgive myself but this is not often the case with my alter ego. But he’s working at it. I give him lots of space sometimes most of the bed if that’s necessary.
3-I learned I’m really quite lost without a spell checker and coffee and cigarettes and lots of good sharp pencils to stab things when I get frustrated.
4-To get up each new day and make myself work whether I wanted to or not, no matter what the distraction of which there were many believe me…most of them I made up in fact, anything but to have to write. But I surprised myself I actually got the book written in spite of myself.
5-Getting through the publishing process and retaining my patience with the publisher. So I would usually take it out on myself rather than the project manager, I figured I could take. I think we both agree on that.
6-To make myself actually enjoy the writing process. I surprised myself with that one. I found I actually did enjoy most of it. It has a lot to do with creativity I think, and letting the “muse” out to play.
7-To have faith in yourself, that somehow “we”, me and myself or the little”I” and the big “I”,were doing something worthwhile and probably people would enjoy reading the final result.
8-Organizing the whole spectacle with all its ingredients, just like preparing and cooking a great meal…a lots of interesting visuals/figures,some science data, lots of great jokes from my sick and twisted mind and from a sick and twisted internet, lost of flavouring, spices,surprises and lots and lots of words. I found they came in real handy most of the time.
9-I’m running out of ideas here…help me out ‘self’ , oh ya getting along with myself, did I mention that?, well I think its worth mentioning again …
10-Getting that God blessed front cover looking just right even if it cost me for all the further revisions. I definitely whipped those visual artists at Tellwell into shape and we finally ended up with something worth looking at.
As for the second question…. the 10 best/worst things of the whole writing project I would have to say concerning the “best.”
1-Enjoying the rhythm and the flow of the book as it slowly organically grew rising ever upward to its climax. And what a climax it was that’s when I was utterly surprised when God Himself came in for a “cameo” appearance.
2- I enjoyed the humour, the cosmic jokes as they naturally built up to the final climactic chapters. I think God also enjoyed the cosmic humour. I”ll have to talk to Him/Her about that.
3-I enjoyed looking for the best of the best of jokes off the internet and pulling the worst of the best jokes out of my brain.
4-I actually enjoyed the rhythm of showing up for work day after day and getting lots of words typed in, into some sort of coherent order. I actually enjoy the organization of it all.
5-Since I wrote a big part of the book during the “Plandemic” lockdown in our world, I didn’t mind not going anywhere but rather staying home and keeping myself busy, well both of us keeping both of us busy. I always have to try to keep my other half busy and occupied, less danger of arguments erupting. During our creative process, we can both be very difficult to deal with.
6-Starting the book was really not that painful, but painful enough ( the reader would have to read a few of my blogs concerning the initial difficult beginnings in circumstances that I would rather not mull over. But ending the book was great fun I have to admit.
7- This is my favourite number. I enjoy this number, 7 is a very good number I like it. Even chapter 7 was a good chapter with an interesting number full of twists and turns, need I go on??
8- This is also an interesting number but not nearly as interesting, well lets not not get too carried away. As far as my favourite chapters I enjoyed the most… Chapter 11, (the Eleventh Hour), Chapter 12 The Twelfth House and of course Chapter 13 the Thirteenth Stargate. But then again to be fair Chapters 1 through 10 also had their charm, depending on how much alcohol I went through on that particular day.
9- I really really enjoyed learning how to use the spell checker, like I said to the lifeguard when I almost drowned in the ocean in Zipolite Mexico this winter….”You saved my Ass” likewise with the spell checker. “Grammerly” also helped me and kept me on the “straight and narrow”.
10- I enjoyed seeing my finished 470 page book with a really nifty cover in its soft cover version. I liked holding it in my hands, much more satisfying than merely holding an e-copy in my laptop. There’s something about a real book that is organically satisfying and also fits better on a bookshelf.
Oh ya…. about the worst.
1- The first review from a reviewer I actually paid a company to do costing me a painful $250. After I discovered he gave me a 2.5 rating, I immediately forgot everything he said about the book. I still have occasional bad dreams about it though.
2-Getting through the long and costly publishing process, did it really have to take almost a year?
3-Getting through the 2 years of writing the book. Did it really have to take 2 years? I think there’s only myself to blame for that one.
4-Never really knowing if the book was any good since only a couple of friends got through parts of the book or an earlier unfinished version. Until I received a fairer 4-star rating with Reader’s Favourite, I never was sure and could only wait until more people read it and actually liked it. I liked it, but I don’t really count.
5-Fixing all those dam typos… abundant, relentless, never-ending, irritating. I wished I had an editor. But immediately changed my mind on that idea when I found out what the cost would be for that luxury. Editors are expensive but not nearly as expensive as fixing your teeth.
6- Typing all those words, word after word, day after day, day and night, without sleeping, well sometimes sleeping on the job too, in fact sleeping on the job most of the time. I was amazed we actually got it typed up. My typing skills are not too impressive.
7-Again we are running out of ideas here; someone go to the writer’s lounge and wake those lazy good for nothings up, tell them I am having “writer’s block” and some pretty intense gas also, well don’t tell them, let’s just keep it our little secret (keep them upwind they’ll never know the difference)
8- A good number and it comes after 7 also a good number. That’s about all I have to say concerning both these numbers and probably the book as well…
9-We’re coming to the climax here… oh ya, the worst by far is getting through my resistance to setting up social media platforms to promote the book. I never dealt with social media. I am really an introvert who is not used to selling himself. I am used to selling myself whilst on a street corner wearing my favourite and rather sexy long dark coat whispering coyly to passersby. But that doesn’t count.
10- The worst of the worst ….finding something to do to fill up the massive emptiness one discovers when a major project is over and there is nothing to replace it with except the usual…drugs, alcohol, sex with minors, and developing strange relationships with sheep…but I survived that well enough except for a dream of two…..speaking of sheep funny how sheep can lull you to sleep. But that’s for another story and another book.
10-Trying to come up with my sequel to top this amazing book of mine, “AhHa…Guide To The Golden Age”. I think I may go the Volume 3 of the book… the “enlightened version”. The unenlightened version came very naturally. I think I can agree with myself on that one.
……………… That’s it ta ta …ho ho ho
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Full Tour Schedule:
March 29: All the Ups and Downs
April 5: Sandra’s Book Club
April 12: Archaeolibrarian – I Dig Good Books!
April 19: Gina Rae Mitchell
April 26: The Faerie Review – review only
May 3: Hope. Dreams. Life… Love
May 10: The Avid Reader
May 17: Lisa Haselton’s Reviews and Interviews
May 24: Fabulous and Brunette
May 31: Literary Gold
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Interesting guest post!! Thanks for sharing!!
This book looks very interesting. Thanks for sharing!
This sounds like an interesting book.
This sounds like a good book and I really like the cover.
It’s pretty isn’t it? Be sure you check out my other giveaways, today.
Sounds like a really informative read.
This sounds like a very one of a kind book that would be a unique read!
I liked the excerpt.
Thanks for hosting!