Is the Handwritten Letter Dead? Read my #1 way to keep it alive!

Do you love receiving handwritten letters, but don’t have the time to write your own? There is no need to fret, I’ve discovered a new way to help people without the ability or time to write personal notes.

I have the answer for you, my friends! Read on!

Girl waiting for letter at open mailbox insta Handwritten Letter article

Were you one of those kids that had a pen pal back in the day? I remember how exciting it was to get mail from someone who wrote it just for me. I had penpals from all over the USA plus several countries like Germany and France. Unfortunately, I didn’t speak those languages, but they were proficient in English. So I am well-entrenched in the idea that handwritten notes are the best!

In today’s fast-paced world, where our friends are only a computer click or cell phone text away, we’ve lost a bit of that personal connection we get from the handwritten note. Now I am as guilty as the next person. When the Christmas holiday rush is on, I have every intention of writing little notes to include in my holiday cards. However, that seems to be something that gets pushed aside until it’s almost too late. I end up just scribbling a “miss you, let’s get together soon” on most of the cards and some just get a simple signature. That’s not the way I want to do things.

In my quest to get my life better organized, I discovered the neatest thing. There is now a handwritten letter writing service available to help us out. What if you could type out your notes at your leisure and they could be transferred to your letters and cards in beautiful, customizable handwriting? Now, this isn’t a computer printing your words, it is, however, a computerized robot holding an actual ink pen, writing your programmed messages. What a genius idea!

Handwrytten robot writing note image
photo credit: Handwrytten


I know people who hate to write letters and notes due to their penmanship. Many times when I am in a hurry, my penmanship fails me. My third-grade teacher would be so disappointed in me. Lots of folks have health and medical issues that affect their ability to write legibly. Using a writing service, allows the customer to choose a handwriting style from the many options that will closely resemble their own writing style. Think of the joy a person could experience by once again sending personal letters and cards.

Choose a Handwritten Letter Writing Service

This service isn’t just for busy folks and their holiday cards, or people with illnesses or injuries that make writing difficult. Your business can create goodwill among your customers by sending them a handwritten note thanking them for their patronage, welcoming them to your business, or even explaining how you can be of service to them. Think of the labor and time you can free up by using the latest technology, while still keeping that hand-delivered personal touch.

I’m still researching all the ways this new technology can improve our lives. The possibilities seem endless. Here are a few that come to mind:

  • Holiday cards prepared anytime it’s convenient
  • Reaching out to a customer list
  • Perfect for my friend who can no longer hold a pen
  • No longer wasting cards & envelopes with writing mistakes
  • Weddings and family celebrations that require several handwritten notes
  • Thank you cards
  • Schedule birthday cards (with included gift cards) for the entire year at one time!

That last reason intrigues me the most. No more realizing I should have mailed the card a week ago, making a trip using expensive gas just to buy the card I need or suffering from plain-old forgetfulness. I could sit down with a nice cup of coffee on January 1st and while setting up my calendar for the new year, I could take care of all the birthday, anniversary, and celebratory cards and gifts I need to send for the ENTIRE year! I do love technology.

Pin size calendar & coffee image

I love the fact that the envelope and message are personalized while there is no mention of the Handwritten letter service anywhere in the materials. The only clue might be that it is postmarked from Arizona.

Can you see yourself using a service like this? I know I plan to give it a try very soon. The prices from this company are very reasonable for the simplicity it will add to my life.

If you would like to read more about the lost art of the handwritten letter, this is an excellent article to read.

Should You Feel Sad About the Demise of the Handwritten Letter?

I’m going to save this article on my resources page so you can always find it if you decide to look more into this new letter-writing technology or want to share it with someone who could benefit from the service.

Thanks so much for reading my thoughts today. I appreciate it.


(No affiliate links were included in this post)









Posted 06/15/2022 by Gina in General Info, Life, Lifestyle, Resources/Entertainment / 3 Comments

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3 responses to “Is the Handwritten Letter Dead? Read my #1 way to keep it alive!

  1. I remember having pen pals! One was from Japan…. So fun! Now I have blogging friends from around the world! I can’t remember the last time I wrote a physical letter. It’s not the writing of it that deters me…it’s getting to the post office to mail it! 😂😂😂