Last Chance by Darren E. Watling, a Sci-fi/Comedy | Excerpt ~ $15 Gift Card

Last Chance by Darren E. Watling, a Sci-fi/Comedy | Excerpt ~ $15 Gift Card

A book blog tour from Goddess Fish Promotions.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and Marianne & Judy at Goddess Fish for providing me with the information for this tour.

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Book Details

Last Chance by Darren E. Watling, a Sci-fi/Comedy | Excerpt ~ $15 Gift CardLast Chance: A Future Apocalypse Caught in a Trilogy by Darren E. Watling
Published by Tellwell Talent on October 21, 2022
Genres: Comedy, Fiction, Science Fiction
Format: eBook, Hardcover
Pages: 281

The earth's epilogue was a forgone conclusion.

Our World selects seven of the best human beings that man, woman, and other could put their faith in, to ensure human existence, each displaying traits of a master in his/hers/its field.
However, not all traits are in the best interest of humankind.

Out of this World places seven hospital patients on a Plan B shuttle. Life was difficult on Earth. A new planet presents new problems. The ex-Fruit and Nut Psychiatric Hospital patients are up for the challenge.

Into the Other World-The Twist. Not only a mid-1900s dance, it is also associated with a lemon, a warped shape, a frame of mind, a warped frame of mind, a face you pull from sucking lemons and an end of story, unexpected finish, not to be given away, glancing at the back cover.

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Excerpt from Last Chance

“Panicked, Venus had no idea where to go from there. She began to run down the almost deserted street. Her thoughts were a collective mess. The torture of the woman, Paul Elkato, FILTH, and the APC filled her less-than-settled mind. She ran, turning in only one direction, checking behind her the whole time. She had now lost her sense of direction.

Venus was extremely hot from the unintended, fast-paced getaway, and she felt as if a huge cloud had covered her entirety. She was out of oxygen, and it seemed the whole universe was spinning in the opposite direction. Dis-orientated, she kept moving. Realising the gravity of the matter, she knew she had to seek refuge and hide from Paul and FILTH. Investigating her surroundings, she noticed a large sign. With limited options, Venus reluctantly entered the establishment.

“Hello, and welcome to The Fruit and Nut Friendly Psychiatric Hospital,” came the receptionist’s opening dialogue.

Venus, wishing to keep her new secret, declared she was a nymphomaniac and needed help. The bi-sexual receptionist was more than willing to admit her into the system. Venus would only stay a short time before the doors to freedom were unintentionally opened.”

Excerpt provided by the author/publisher for use in this post.


Purchase Links for Last Chance

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I love my Amazon Kindle Unlimited Subscription. So many books, so little time!


About Darren E. Watling


Born Darren E. Watling, Subiaco, Western Australia, 1966. Darren excelled in English, maintaining ‘A’s, throughout his schooling, and wrote a play, ‘Laughing Gas’, for his school at the age of 10. Credited with one small, published article, Darren found inspiration and reward, arriving at his latest piece, ‘Last Chance’.

He completed an apprenticeship, as a fitter, at Princess Margaret Hospital, while continuing his passion for short story writing.

Traveling Australia for three years on a private bus gave Darren a beginning to the experiences and continued, humorous outlook he has on life.

Darren approached his mother Jill Stubbs Mills and asked for her blessing to take her short story, ‘Deception’, and rewrite it into a novel. (The feedback from her publisher about her story was exceptional). Jill agreed to her son’s request. Sadly, Jill now suffers with dementia, but, keeps her sense of humour.

Various forms of employment, including a movie extra, a welder on a crocodile farm, a drummer for a touring band and currently a roof plumber, gave Darren considerable ‘fuel’, for a fired up, comedic novel.

Darren has had several passions over the past 56 years while walking this Earth. Drums, Karate, tennis and continuing today- comedic writing.


Easy Amazon Info Link

Amazon – OneLink for every country   

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Using my link does not change the price you pay. Amazon pays me a minimal amount out of their share. 



Darren E. Watling will award a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Visit more stops on this Goddess Fish tour for extra chances to win!

Official Tour Page for Last Chance

Full Tour Schedule:

1: Archaeolibrarian – I Dig Good Books!
2: Books Blog
3: Edgar’s Books
5: Gina Rae Mitchell
6: It’s Raining Books
7: Kit ‘N Kabookle
8: Lady Hawkeye
9: Literary Gold
10: Locks, Hooks and Books
11: Long and Short Reviews
12: Momma Says: To Read or Not to Read
13: Sandra’s Book Club
14: Straight from the Library
15: Sybrina’s Book Blog
16: The Avid Reader

17: The Faerie Review
18: Lynn’s Romance Enthusiasm
19: Welcome to My World of Dreams
20: Our Town Book Reviews
21: Wendi Zwaduk – Romance to Make Your Heart Race
22: Tina Donahue Books – Heat with Heart
23: Les Pages aux Folles review
24: Stormy Nights Reviewing & Bloggin’
25: Fabulous and Brunette
26: Read book. Repeat.
27: Tracey Reads and rambles
28: Sapphyria’s Books
29: Beverley A Baird
30: Let me tell you a story
31: Coffee and Wander Book Reviews
32: Girl with Pen
33: Moonlight Compass Books
34: Dawn’s Reading Nook
35: Sea’s Nod


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Posted 01/18/2023 by Gina in Blog Tour, Book Promotions, Books, Science Fiction / 6 Comments

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6 responses to “Last Chance by Darren E. Watling, a Sci-fi/Comedy | Excerpt ~ $15 Gift Card

    • You picked it straight away! It is rather unique. I recommend an old towel to sit on, (for those with a weak bladder), while reading this humorous tale. I hope it is to your liking.

  1. Anita Yancey

    I love the different take on the book, which would make it a really good read.

  2. Bea LaRocca

    My favorite genre! Love the cover, synopsis and excerpt, Last Chance is a must read for me. Thank you for sharing your bio and book details and for offering a giveaway