My Little Bit & Big Byte series review has product details for both books, an author interview, and my thoughts on each book. I think you will enjoy this review. If you do, please leave a comment and share the post, but most importantly, let the author know that you enjoyed his books.

Thanks, Gina

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Little Bit & Big Byte Series Review Day at the Beach coverir?t=wwwginamitche 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B07KMJ9B82    Little Bit & Big Byte: A Day at the Beach – Craig T. Feigh

The first Children’s Picture Book using Technology-related characters! Let me introduce you to Little Bit & Big Byte. These two “chips off the old block” are the main characters in a NEW educational, entertaining, and endearing series of Children’s Picture Books that take you on thrilling adventures using adorable computer-related characters.

Travel through Cyberville with Little Bit, Big Byte, and other members of the Romie family as they experience life’s valuable lessons with their friends and foes. If your children or grandchildren love to use the computer, phone, or iPad, they will love Little Bit & Big Byte.


Paperback details

  • Paperback: 31 pages
  • Publisher: Palmetto Publishing Group (November 6, 2018)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1641112220
  • ISBN-13: 978-1641112222
  • Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.1 x 11 inches

E-book details

  • File Size: 7822 KB
  • Print Length: 33 pages
  • Publication Date: November 15, 2018
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B07KMJ9B82


My review of Little Bit & Big Byte, A Day at the Beach

5 of 5 stars

I recommend Little Bit & Big Byte: A Day at the Beach to everyone from 2- 102.

Little Bit & Big Byte: A Day at the Beach is the first children’s book I have seen that introduces young ones to the terms and concepts of computer use.

The story is wonderfully written and illustrated. The characters are engaging and well developed for such a short story. Parents can subtly re-enforce concepts like unsupervised surfing, viruses, peer pressure and more.

There is a hidden dog bone on every page, what a fun little tidbit for kids and parents.


Little Bit & Big Byte Series Review Go Green Book Coverir?t=wwwginamitche 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=1543963064  Little Bit & Big Byte, Go Green – Craig T. Feigh  

Little Bit & Big Byte are back for another fun adventure in the sequel to the popular Day at the Beach. It’s “Save the Environment” Week at school and the adorable “Chips off the old block” are excited to do their part to help conserve energy and recycle. Little Bit shares how we can all save water by brushing efficiently. Joy (the sister) sleeps more soundly with a night light. Big Byte has a tendency to use ALL of his electronics at the same time and realizes how effective “unplugging” can be. Even the Dad (CD) can do his part to ease traffic congestion by taking public transportation to work.

They also learn the complexities and necessity of recycling our paper, plastic and aluminum cans. Enjoy the colorful illustrations and be amused by finding the “hidden object” in each picture. Learn a valuable life lesson as Author, Craig Feigh perfectly illustrates the need for all of us to “Go Green.”

Paperback details

  • Grade Level: 3 – 4
  • Series: Little Bit & Big Byte (Book 2)
  • Paperback: 34 pages
  • Publisher: BookBaby (March 15, 2019)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1543963064
  • ISBN-13: 978-1543963069
  • Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.2 x 8.5 inches


My review of Little Bit & Big Byte: Go Green

5 of 5  Stars

Our favorite computer friends are back for a new adventure in Little Bit and Big Byte, Go Green. Join them as they learn about the importance of recycling, saving water, and electricity. The whole family gets with the program to better our world.

Vi and Russ, local bad guys, return to wreak havoc once more. Little Bit and Big Bite must clean up after the baddies and save their beloved pet pointer pup, Click, from the recycling truck.

The book is a fun read for all ages. Even adults will chuckle at the inside joke of the character names. The illustrations are fantastic and include a hidden recyclable symbol on every page. Be sure to watch for the scene-stealing antics of the adorable caterpillar.

You can’t go wrong with this second book in the series by Craig T. Feigh. I can’t wait to share the next adventure with the little ones in my life.



About Craig T. Feigh

Craig T. Feigh is an Author of several different genres of books.
He is most noted for his Little Bit & Big Byte Series of Children’s Books.
Little Bit & Big Byte are the first “technology-related” characters in Children’s Picture Books and are popular for any child who loves to use the computer, phone, or iPad.
Craig also writes Humor and Christian Living books.

Author Interview: Craig T. Feigh

Craig took time from his busy schedule to answer a few questions for us. I hope you enjoy them and please connect with him on his website or social media platforms.

How long have you been writing?

I was always a good writer in school, but my writing didn’t begin until the late ’80s.
I used to put creative messages on my Answering Machine, and people from all over the USA would call me to listen. Someone said that I should “write a book” and include all my Answering Messages and that’s what I did.
My first book was entitled:  What Do You Say To An Answering Machine.
I also came out with a line of Post Cards called “Phone Greetings” that had my messages on them.

What inspired you to write in this genre?

I like to write in a few different genres.
I’m a HUMOR Author at heart and was told that I’m the “Male, Irma Bombeck.” I like to find humor in most situations. I enjoyed writing, “All My Imperfections, I Inherited From My Mom.”
As a Christ Follower, I also like to write CHRISTIAN focused books. I think one of my best efforts was “The SURE WAY TO HIM.” My book “Christian Basic Training” came out last year.
My most popular genre is CHILDREN’S PICTURE BOOKS. I came up with the idea for “Little Bit & Big Byte” as I was searching for a technology-related children’s book for my son. Barnes & Noble had none, and the Manager said that it was a good idea, so I did it.

Which genre would your story fall into if your life was fictionalized?

Definitely CHRISTIAN as that’s where my Heart and Soul are.

Do you have a set writing schedule?

No. I usually outline what I want to say first. Then I put down all the relevant information that I want to get across. Then I try to write a chapter at a time. This could take a few hours, a day or a week depending on how my brain functions.
For my Picture Books, I have a general theme and write each page incorporating humor and a fun story.

Do you need silence to write or can you work in any environment?

I need silence. I’m lucky to have an office where I can write. Sometimes I get inspired by a great location as I wrote the most of “The SURE WAY TO HIM” at my lake home.

If you could set up your perfect writing scenario, what would it involve?

Set up a table on the beach in Hawaii (with a can of Passion Guava Juice) and let me go at it.
I would be able to write anything until I get sunburned to death.

Were you an avid reader growing up?

I wasn’t but am now. I never cared for reading much as I preferred being outside playing Sports.
But I realized as I got older that “knowledge is power” and I learned that being able to quote lines from books definitely makes one stand out in a conversation.

If you could form the ultimate writers’ group, which authors from the past would you invite to join you? 

 I would invite Dr. Suess. I would love to hear what makes him tick and capture some of that creativity for myself.

What is your go-to snack food and do you snack while writing?

 I don’t eat much while I write (mostly drink water).
But, if I took a break, I would most assuredly be eating Ice Cream as I have a sweet tooth.

Who has had the most significant influence on your writing?

Really no one. I think I have my own style, but I do enjoy reading Malcolm Gladwell as his books are so in tune with the times with creative information about everyday life.

This concludes my Little Bit & Big Byte series review. Please let me know what you think of this delightful children’s series.

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Posted 03/20/2019 by Gina in Book Reviews, Children's / 4 Comments

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