FELONIOUS FINALE (an Owl’s Nest Mystery) by C.S. McDonald | Book Review ~ 2 Signed Copies Available | @iReadBookTours

FELONIOUS FINALE (an Owl’s Nest Mystery) by C.S. McDonald | Book Review ~..

Is this the end?

While the title suggests a possible conclusion to the series, one can only hope that “Felonious Finale” won’t be the last we see of Alexa Owl and her quirky cohorts. C.S. McDonald has once again proven her talent for crafting engaging cozy mysteries with this latest installment, leaving readers eager for more of the Owl’s Nest adventures.

Multi-Book Spotlight Tour featuring Marianne Scott | 4 Books plus a Guest Post from the Author | #Mystery #Thriller @mariannescott44 @iReadBookTours

Multi-Book Spotlight Tour featuring Marianne Scott | 4 Books plus a Guest P..

Take your thriller & suspense loving friends on a ride that they’ll never forget for Christmas.

Give them a roller-coaster ride full of twists and turns on one of best-selling & award-winning author Marianne Scott’s novels. Order one or all today.

Enter the giveaway for a chance to win $50 PayPal gift card.

@Mariannescottwriter @acornsireadbooktours @mariannescottauthor @iReadBookTours @mariannescott44 @MScottauthor44

Do You Need a Holiday Budget Guide?

Do You Need a Holiday Budget Guide?

The importance of using a holiday budget cannot be overstated. It is a guiding tool for responsible financial management, promoting control, mindfulness, and family collaboration. By budgeting effectively, individuals can enjoy the holiday season without compromising their long-term financial goals or falling into the trap of post-holiday debt. Embracing a budgetary approach to the holidays allows for a more meaningful and joyful celebration that goes beyond materialistic excess.

Maya’s Tiny Warriors: An Immunology Book for Kids by Manasi Vegesna | Book Review ~ Author Guest Post ~ 1 Signed Copy Available | @iReadBookTours @manasikv_ #Educational #ChildrensPictureBook

Maya’s Tiny Warriors: An Immunology Book for Kids by Manasi Vegesna | Boo..

Manasi Vegesna and Sharifa Patrick have collaborated to create a wonderful tool for introducing young minds to the fascinating world of immunology. Maya’s Tiny Warriors entertains and educates, making it a valuable addition to the library of any child or adult curious about the inner workings of the human immune system.

@iReadBookTours @manasikv_

The Taken (Spirit Walkers Series #3) by Donnette Smith | Book Review ~ #FantasyRomance With a Dash of #Paranormal and #Mystery| @GoddessFish @Donnettetxgirl @authordonnettesmith

The Taken (Spirit Walkers Series #3) by Donnette Smith | Book Review ~ #Fan..

“The Taken” by Donnette Smith is a thrilling addition to the Spirit Walkers series, earning a solid 4.0 out of 5.0 stars. Readers seeking a blend of fantasy, romance, and mystery with a contemporary edge will find themselves riveted by the compelling narrative and well-developed characters.

And the Trees Talked Back by Frederick J. Burns | Children’s Book Review  | #Friendship #SelfDiscovery | Signed Copy Available – 1 Winner | @fredtheartist60  @iReadBookTours

And the Trees Talked Back by Frederick J. Burns | Children’s Book Rev..

Having read this to a 7-year-old who was thoroughly enthralled, it’s clear that the book’s magic extends to captivate both young and old alike. The creative narrative, touching lessons, and inspiring message make “And the Trees Talked Back” a perfect addition to every home, school, and library. This Nana wholeheartedly recommends this beautifully crafted tale for its ability to ignite the imagination and leave a lasting impression on readers of all ages.

@fredtheartist60 @iReadBookTours #ChildrensFiction #Friendship #Tolerance #Wonder

Christmas Cove by Sarah Dressler | Book Review ~ Guest Post by Author ~ $25 Gift Card | #Romance #HolidayRomance @GoddessFish @thesarahdressler

Christmas Cove by Sarah Dressler | Book Review ~ Guest Post by Author ~ $25..

“Christmas Cove” is not just a romance novel set during the holiday season; it is a multi-layered story that explores the transformative power of Christmas, the resilience of small-town life, and the ability to shape one’s destiny amid unexpected challenges. Dressler’s skillful storytelling and the enchanting world of Christmas Cove make this novel a delightful and memorable addition to the holiday reading list.

Nursery Rhymes for Kinder Times®, Vol. 1 by Pam Gittleman | Book Review ~ Signed Book ~ Guest Post from Author | @forkindertimes  @PamGittleman  @iReadBookTours

Nursery Rhymes for Kinder Times®, Vol. 1 by Pam Gittleman | Book Review ~ ..

Nursery Rhymes for Kinder Times®, Vol. 1 by Pam Gittleman | Book Review ~ Signed Book ~ Guest Post from Author |

What happens when Three KIND Mice put their heads (and bodies!) together to get some cheese on top of the counter? Will Humpty Dumpty be left in pieces when his friends notice that he’s fallen off the wall? And who will get bags of wool–and toys and books–from Baa Baa BRIGHT Sheep? Read all about the beloved characters from traditional nursery rhymes in this endearing collection of eight updated rhymes that nurture kindness, empathy and gratitude!

Entr #giveaway for a chance to win.

@forkindertimes @PamGittleman @iReadBookTours

Santa’s Magical Reindeer: Becoming Pen Pals by Michele Monaco | Book Review ~ Guest Post by Author ~ Giveaway (1 Signed Copy) | Children’s Picture Book @ireadbooktours @sleighbellcity

Santa’s Magical Reindeer: Becoming Pen Pals by Michele Monaco | Book ..

Santa’s Magical Reindeer: Becoming Pen Pals by Michele Monaco | Book Review ~ Guest Post by Author ~ Giveaway (1 Signed Copy) | Children’s Picture Book

Right after Thanksgiving is the busiest time of year for Santa and his crew of eight famous reindeer! Every year, the Famous Eight sleigh team from the North Pole eagerly helps Santa by going on a quest to find kids who believe in Christmas magic. In Santa’s Magical Reindeer: Becoming Pen Pals, Prancer, Vixen, and Dasher go on an adventure in search of eager pen pals. On their journey, they find three rambunctious girls who eagerly exchange letters with them and become lifelong friends.

Enter #giveaway for a chance to win!

@sleighbellcity @iReadBookTours

Unbred: The Unconventional Journey of the Minority Entrepreneur by Oscar Valdez | Spotlight ~ Excerpt ~ $20 Gift Card | @GoddessFish

Unbred: The Unconventional Journey of the Minority Entrepreneur by Oscar Va..

Unbred: The Unconventional Journey of the Minority Entrepreneur by Oscar Valdez | Spotlight ~ Excerpt ~ $20 Gift Card | @GoddessFish

Entrepreneurship is considered one of the most ancient professions in human history. So, why then, is entrepreneurship so difficult to break into for minorities? What are the social and economical roadblocks and what can you do to tear them down and make a mark for yourself as a true corporate misfit?