Review: Lost In Thought – Memories of an Abused Child, the Horrifying True Story is the author bravely opening his heart and soul for the reader.
Title: Lost In Thought: Memories of an Abused Child, the Horrifying True Story
Author: Karson Lee
Publisher: Independent
Genre: Child Abuse; Dysfunctional Families; Biographies & Memoirs
Print Length: 269 pages
Audible Length: 6 hours, 16 minutes
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Review: Lost In Thought by Karson Lee
What would you do if you knew a child who was being abused? If that child was a member of your family? Would you call the authorities and have the child taken away or would you turn a blind eye?
These are the kind of questions that Lost In Thought provokes. The author, who lived through the atrocities mentioned in this book, paints a vivid, if disturbing, image of child abuse and how it affects the psyche as one grows older. What begins as abuse leads quickly to suicidal thoughts and loss of control.
Lost In Thought is the unbelievable true story of a child who was in this predicament. His mother, who was hooked on prescription pills, sexually abused him for years and convinced him that nothing was out of the ordinary. Family members knew of the horrifying situation, yet did nothing to stop it. He distanced himself from his family as he grew older only to become more of an outcast.
This is the powerful true story of a man who was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome on the Autism Spectrum in his mid-twenties, overcame adversity, and took back control of his life before it was too late.
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Review: Lost in Thought by Karson Lee
Lost in Thought by Karson Lee is a tough book to read. This memoir details the years of sexual, mental, & physical abuse the author suffered at the hands of those who should have loved him the most, his mother and father. The abuse began at a very early age, and escalated as his parent’s drug and alcohol abuse increased. No child should ever have to go through this horror.
The story chronicles his climb out of misery and into the loving arms of his wife and her family. Thank goodness for them because I’m not sure Karson would still be with us without them.
His aim in baring his soul to us is to shine a light upon the horrors of child abuse, not for personal gain, but to prevent it from happening to others.
Please give Lost in Thought a chance. It’s a story that needs to be told!
Available on Amazon in Kindle, Paperback, and Audiobook.
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Review: Lost In Thought: Memories of an Abused Child, the Horrifying True Story by Karson Lee
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