Welcome to my review of The Field by Tracy Richardson.
The Field is an excellent book that I can honestly recommend for readers of all ages. It’s not your typical YA fiction novel.
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Series: The Catalysts #1
Published by Brown Books Publishing Group on Reprint April 23, 2019
Genres: Adventure, Enviromental, Fantasy, Fiction, Metaphysical, Science Fiction
Format: eBook, Hardcover, Paperback
Pages: 248
Eric Horton sees fire.
When he sleeps, he dreams of a world screaming in the midst of devastating explosions. These dreams terrify him, and as more strange happenings unfold around him, he’s unable to shake the feeling that what he’s seeing isn’t just a dream.
When a new student, Renee, appears in his science class, he could swear he’s known her forever. But how could that be? As they get to know each other, he meets her father, who explains the experiments he’s been conducting involving “the Universal Energy Field” and “Collective Consciousness”—two things Eric has never heard of before. They seem to be tied to the idea that we are all connected by the same energy and are all more powerful than we realize. Eric begins to learn more about these groundbreaking concepts—but can they be real?
As his life continues to shift and his knowledge of the Field increases, Eric will be tested beyond anything he’s experienced before. He must decide whether he believes in that part of himself which ties him to the world around him, and he must access it—or lose everything he’s been working to keep.

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Short Description:
Eric has a lot on his plate. Crazy dreams (or are they premonitions?) of a world on fire; an inexplicable connection to the new girl in school; a new supernatural awareness on the soccer field that is equal parts mystery and gift. Eric begins to question reality itself as more strange things unfold to shake his grasp on the world around him.
Back Cover Copy:
“The idea of accessing and harnessing Dark Energy seems like science fiction to some, but believe me, it is very real. We have to set aside what we think we know about the world around us and open our minds to new discoveries . . . Just because you can’t see it and you don’t understand it, doesn’t mean it isn’t real.”
Can we really all be connected by the same energy field, the same power, the same consciousness? Even with countless odd occurrences happening around him and a supernatural awareness blooming within him, Eric Horton still finds the concept hard to believe. But he must open his mind to all the possibilities before him if he is to succeed in saving what he could never forgive himself for losing.
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My thoughts on The Field by Tracy Richardson
The Field by Tracy Richardson is a wonderful young-adult novel. However, I truly believe this story is not only for young adults. I found it highly entertaining, and I am far from young.
The storyline has a lot of soccer and science in it, and yet you don’t have to be knowledgeable in either to enjoy The Field. The author captures the feelings of high schoolers very well. I bet we can all remember those days of angst, indecision, joy, and every other emotion that encompasses the passage from youth to adult. Relationships are an important theme throughout the book. It’s interesting to see how the changing of family & friend dynamics have lasting effects on people.
“A Science Fiction Winner”
Richardson creates an entirely believable world. Whether you consider this book sci-fi, metaphysical, or fiction, I’m confident you will enjoy reading it. It is very well-written, and the characters come alive while you are reading.
I would recommend this book to readers from teens on up. Lovers of soccer, science, physics, and all-around excellent science fiction will enjoy The Field by Tracy Richardson.
You might like to read my review of Catalyst, Book 2 in this series. Catalyst by Tracy Richardson | The Catalysts Book 2
Interview with Tracy Richardson, author of The Field
How long have you been writing?
I started writing about 15 years ago when my kids were in middle school.
What inspired you to write in this genre?
I have a BS in Biology and have always been a science geek! The Field incorporates the actual science of quantum physics.
Do you have a set writing schedule?
No, I have a full-time job and am doing lots of book events right now, so I fit writing in when I can. I generally write for a few hours on Saturday and Sunday when I can.
Do you need silence to write or can you work in any environment?
I can write in any environment. On more than one occasion I’ve been working at a coffee or tea shop and looked up to find that everyone has left and the staff is cleaning up! I definitely get in the writing ‘zone’. I prefer to have some background noise, but not music with words that I would listen to generally.
If you could set up your perfect writing scenario, what would it involve?
I would go to my favorite tea shop for 2-3 hours, get a pot of tea or an iced tea and write. I generally can’t write longer than 3 hours at a time.
Were you an avid reader growing up?
If you could form the ultimate writers’ group, which authors past or present would you invite to join you?
EL Konigsburg, Madeleine L’Engle, Megan Whelan Turner, Kristin Britain, Neil Gaiman, CS Lewis, JRR Tolkien, JK Rowling, Amy Kaufman,
What is your go-to snack food and do you snack while writing?
I like chocolate and fruit. I don’t really eat while I’m writing. If I’m home in the evening writing, I might have a glass of wine.
Who has influenced your writing the most?
Madeleine L’Engle. Her melding of science fiction and spirituality is the most similar to the themes in my novels.
Must you wear shoes to write?
Ha! Absolutely not!
Is there anything you would like my readers to know about you & your book?
The Field is a story about how at a human or macro level we are all connected just like subatomic particles are connected through the quantum field entanglement. We’re all in this together!!
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Thanks, Gina for such a nice review!