Review: This Time by Azaaa Davis – Nadira Holden, demon hunter, resurrected from the grave to fight once more to save her world. Can she adapt to present-day life? What mysterious ailment alternately saps her power and gives her strength? Read on to find out more about this powerful debut novel.
Title: Nadira Holden, Demon Hunter (Book 1)
Author: Azaaa Davis
Publisher: Camp-Davis Productions
Genres: Urban Fantasy/Paranormal/Occult Fiction
Print Length: 248 pages
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Synopsis and edition information is from Goodreads and Amazon.
Review: This Time by Azaaa Davis
Legendary demon hunter Nadira Holden paid the ultimate price to end the war between demons and hunters. Resurrected in present-day New York, many years have passed, everyone moved on without her, and the demons she once battled have made peace with humans. Nadira no longer has a purpose here. Dying again might be her ticket back to that “next life” she experienced. Except humans are disappearing, and Nadira’s father is one of the missing.
Feeling a strong obligation to find him before sorting out her own fate, she begins investigating. She won’t rest in peace unless she can prove the demons are behind the disappearances. But Nadira is running out of time. The darkness within her is causing her to lose her humanity while the rest of mankind is on the verge of enslavement to the demons they now worship. Fight with Nadira in a new urban fantasy series that combines monster-slaying action, family drama, and simmering romance. Experience why not even death can stop her.
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My Review: This Time by Azaaa Davis
This Time by Azaaa Davis is an incredible debut novel. Azaaa’s world-building is fabulous. It’s so in-depth and meticulously crafted. The characters are solid and believable. As for the storyline, it draws you in and keeps you reading “just one more page.”
I found the premise of demons and demon-hunters to be intriguing but not caricatured. The author can pull empathy from you for many of the leading characters, whether they are good or bad. How true that we all have those traits inside us. Just like Nadira, we don’t know what we are capable of until we have to protect family, friends, or even our world.
Book one wraps up its story completely but drops a bombshell leading to book two. A perfect ending leaves you desperate for the next book.
I’m looking forward to reading the following books in the series. I would recommend This Time by Azaaa Davis to lovers of paranormal, fantasy, and other-world adventure.
My Favorite Quote:
”With all the books and universities in the world, lessons learned from our elders and the information available on the internet, you’d think there would be so few secrets left in the world. Yet, it seems, the world is still full of surprises. Sometimes you simply need to know when to look up and when to stay focused,”
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About Azaaa Davis
Azaaa Davis is a writer of urban fantasy novels.
She fell in love with reading as a high school freshman and continues to read, write, and draw today. Her background in social work helps her portray realistic characters in otherworldly—and sometimes terrifying—situations. A New York native, Azaaa currently lives in New Hampshire with her husband and daughter.
She debuts with This Time, A Nadira Holden Novel, about demon hunters, family ties, and the magic of love.
She is working diligently to finish writing more fantasy novels.
An interview with Azaaa Davis, author of This Time, Book one of the Nadira Holden Demon Hunter series
How long have you been writing?
I’ve been writing fiction on and off since middle school. I use to draw characters and come up with character bios and then share them with my friends. I’d write flash fiction and short stories, and pass them along to interested classmates. It was a lot of fun. I’m so glad I can now share my stories with the world through independent publishing.
What inspired you to write in this genre?
Urban fantasy is an exciting genre that mixes elements of magic and the supernatural with the realism of modern life in a city. I love that the stories are relatable and almost-sort-of-kinda believable.
If an author fictionalized your life, in which genre would the story belong?
My life would be a romance if someone wrote a story about me. I fell in love and then moved away from all that was familiar to pursue happiness.
Do you have a set writing schedule?
I used to and managed to write, edit, and publish two novels. I don’t right now since I’m pregnant and don’t have a definitive publication date for book three in the Nadira Holden, Demon Hunter book series.
Congratulations, Azaaa!
Do you need silence to write, or can you work in any environment?
Because I come from a big, noisy family, I can write, read, and sleep in any environment.
Were you an avid reader growing up?
Absolutely! I use to read a book or two a week in high school. My reading pace has slowed down dramatically now that I am raising a family, but I still enjoy reading fiction in my free time.
Do you snack while writing, and if so, what is your favorite snack?
Vegetarian sausages straight from the toaster oven!
Who has influenced your writing the most?
TV shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and book series like Anita Blake Vampire Hunter.
Is there anything you would like my readers to know about you and your book?
My urban fantasy novels are fun, otherworldly, and uplifting. I enjoy reading and writing about strong female protagonists and women of color.
Find Azaaa here:
That Night (Nadira Holden, Demon Hunter Book 2) is now available!
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