Genre: Adult Fiction 18+

Hidden Buddha: Lama Rinzen in the Hungry Ghost Realm by Jim Ringel (Lama Rinzen Mysteries #2) | Author Guest Post, Spotlight, Giveaway 

Hidden Buddha: Lama Rinzen in the Hungry Ghost Realm by Jim Ringel (Lama Ri..

Join me today for a look at Hidden Buddha: Lama Rinzen in the Hungry Ghost Realm by Jim Ringel (Lama Rinzen Mysteries #2). It’s crime fiction wrapped inside a Buddhist mystery. Reborn as a doctor in a haunted hospital on Colorado’s eastern plains, lama must learn the realm’s lesson & discover why patients & staff are mysteriously disappearing.

@JimRingelWrites @iReadBookTours

Juno and the Lady by G.J. Kemp (An Acre Story Book #1) | Book Review, Giveaway

Juno and the Lady by G.J. Kemp (An Acre Story Book #1) | Book Review, Givea..

Today I’m reviewing Juno and the Lady by G.J. Kemp, book one of the Acre series. This epic fantasy series is on tour with iRead Book Tours. Enter the giveaway to win a set of all four books. Details are included with my review, as well as more details on the tour and the dates of my reviews of the rest of the series.