Genre: Fiction

From a Wonky Path to an Open Road by Janey de Nordwall | Review

From a Wonky Path to an Open Road by Janey de Nordwall | Review

In 2019, BAFTA-winning film producer, Janey de Nordwall packed her bags (and her cat), fired up her 1970s VW campervan and headed off from her London home to Scotland for a solo road trip that would change her life.

Her forty days and forty nights on the road was a soul-searching adventure – from mid-life crisis to life-affirming journey. We join Janey as she prepares for her trip. Charlie the van is packed to perfection whilst Kenny the cat is readied for action. We learn about how she came to the point where getting away from it all and recharging her emotional batteries was vital for her survival.

The Search for the Scepter by Julie Dinges | Spotlight

The Search for the Scepter by Julie Dinges | Spotlight

The Search for the Scepter by Julie Dinges | Spotlight

When Princesses Rosalie and Scarlet went to bed on a warm summer night,
they didn’t expect to awake to such a fright.
Their father the king’s scepter was taken by a thief.
The royal family was in utter disbelief!
The princesses sneak out of bed and find a clue.
Their mission is clear, they know what to do.
Along their journey, they meet friends who help them track the thief down.
Will they find him and return the scepter to their father who wears the crown?