Tag: action

The Other Side of Whale Road

The Other Side of Whale Road

The Other Side of Whale Road by K.A. Hayton | Spotlight
When his mum burns down their house on the Whitehorse estate, sixteen-year-old Joss is sent to live in a sleepy Suffolk village.
The place is steeped in history, as Joss learns when a bike accident pitches him back more than 1,000 years to an Anglo-Saxon village. That history also tells him his new friends are in mortal peril from bloodthirsty invaders. Can he warn their ruler, King Edmund, in time?
And will he ever get home?

Harlot’s Fire by LM Pampuro | Review-Excerpt-Giveaway

Harlot’s Fire by LM Pampuro | Review-Excerpt-Giveaway

Harlot’s Fire by LM Pampuro | Review-Excerpt-Giveaway
Harlot Grace, the brains behind the street drug Gray Death, has escaped from the hospital.
Brendan Curry’s tour bus is missing. Curry’s father is the lead prosecutor on Harlot’s case.
Special Agent Alia Price needs to find both – one for justice, the other to save his life.
With help from a Rockstar and his caravan, Price goes on an undercover journey that takes her from a major music festival to deep within a national forest. Will she reach both in time?

Harlot’s Fire is the continuation of the earlier released Harlot’s grace, Harlot’s fire brings a strong female lead to the spotlight.

The Happy War by Eve Gaal | Review

The Happy War by Eve Gaal | Review

After a successful blind date, Linda and Eric want to change the world. With a fiery passion for both each other and their common cause, they hatch a twisted plan—the first step: to assemble a loyal team of hotshots, each with a specific skill set. Assigned to special regions worldwide, the team launches a two-week campaign to conquer war, anger, and hate.

Friday Finds | June 26, 2020

Friday Finds | June 26, 2020

Friday Finds | June 26, 2020 – A weekly roundup of books, recipes, & more. This week includes a CONTEST for readers, Keto, Vegan, Gluten-Free recipes, COOKIES!, Glow In the dark Mason Jars, leafy greens seed kits & all the books: Children’s, Memoirs, Thriller, Action, Adventure, Historical Fiction, Weaving,