Tag: Biography

Oh No He Didn’t! Brilliant Women and the Men Who Took Credit for Their Work by Wendy J. Murphy, JD | 1 Signed-Copy Available | #BookReview #NonFiction #WomensStudies #Biography @iReadBookTours @WMurphyLaw @CynrenPress 

Oh No He Didn’t! Brilliant Women and the Men Who Took Credit for Thei..

This isn’t just a history lesson—it’s a wake-up call. “Oh No He Didn’t” is a must-read for anyone who cares about giving credit where credit is due and ensuring women’s voices and achievements are no longer overlooked or downright stolen. This book is as informative as it is empowering.

Oh No He Didn’t! Brilliant Women and the Men Who Took Credit for Their Work by Wendy J. Murphy, JD.

#BookReview #NonFiction #WomensStudies #Biography @iReadBookTours @WMurphyLaw @CynrenPress 
#BookX #Bookstagram

Jane Austen’s Best Friend by Zoe Wheddon | Spotlight

Jane Austen’s Best Friend by Zoe Wheddon | Spotlight

Jane Austen’s Best Friend by Zoe Wheddon | Spotlight Tour | All fans of Jane Austen everywhere believe themselves to be best friends with the beloved author and this book shines a light on what it meant to be exactly that. Jane Austen’s Best Friend; The Life and Influence of Martha Lloyd offers a unique insight into Jane’s private inner circle. Through this heart-warming examination of an important and often overlooked person in Jane’s world, we uncover the life-changing force of their friendship.