Resilience Road by Beth Koritz is the story of her journey to overcome divorce, disease, and life’s obstacles, with honesty & humor. In sharing her own deeply personal experiences, Beth introduces us to the tools and philosophies she has developed along the way and now uses in her therapy practice. This is the story of a courageous comeback that is really a breakthrough to living an authentic life on your own terms.

Resilience Road by Beth Koritz | Reviewresilience road: exploring your authentic life path by Beth Koritz
Published by Aquarian Press on 05/20/2019
Genres: Autobiography, Memoir, Non-fiction, Psychology, Self-help
Format: Audiobook, eBook, Hardcover, Paperback
Pages: 232

How many times have you taken a look at your life and thought these words? "Things have got to change."
Well, Beth had said them before, but when she opened her eyes in the ICU, paralyzed from the neck down and facing a tremendous fight to regain very basic functions, she knew she finally meant them.

Her story is one of resilience: in the face of disease, life's unexpected curves, and a journey that veers off the track. With total honesty and refreshing humor, Beth reflects on the checklist-style life she'd been living and conquering. Career. Husband. Kids. House in the suburbs. But then her body tells her in no uncertain terms that it's time to slow down and take a hard look at what she has... and what she really wants.

In sharing her own deeply personal experiences, Beth introduces us to the tools and philosophies she has developed along the way and now uses in her therapy practice. Resilience Road is the story of a courageous comeback that is a breakthrough to living an authentic life on your terms.

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My thoughts on Resilience Road by Beth Koritz:

This book is aptly named. The author overcomes several obstacles in her life. She writes about them in an honest, straightforward style that is easy to read.

Some of the obstacles in our life are unavoidable, while others are brought on by the choices we make. Regardless, we can learn from reading about how the author grows, matures, and re-builds her life.

While your path to living an authentic life will certainly differ from hers, Beth Koritz gives sounds advice to help you see that the path is there.

The resources, quotes, and inspirational material included in the book make it worth the cost.

Resilience Road by Beth Koritz | Review


Resilience Road by Beth Koritz

About Beth Koritz

Beth Koritz author Image

What do you get when you've been through divorce, paralysis, and a late-in-the-game career change? Ask Beth Koritz, and she'll tell you that what you get is perspective and the chance to live your life without fear that you're breaking someone else's rules.

Beth became a licensed professional counselor after several years working in and owning a variety of businesses, including business development coaching. Now she uses her expertise in Body Positive Psychology, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Thought Field Therapy to help clients find and live their authentic lives with strength and resilience.

Beth is the mother of two daughters who are her inspiration and daily reminder of what matters most. In her spare time, you'll find Beth surrounded by yarn, hooks, and needles, attending concerts, visiting the mountains, and dreaming of living part-time in Colorado.


Resilience Road by Beth Koritz


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Also available on Barnes & Noble and The Book Depository 

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Posted 05/02/2020 by Gina in Book Reviews, Non-fiction / 0 Comments

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