Tag: fiction

When We Come Back: More Stories by D.H. Schleicher | Book Review ~ 2 Hour Reads #ShortStories

When We Come Back: More Stories by D.H. Schleicher | Book Review ~ 2 Hour R..

I have the privilege of reviewing When We Come Back: More Stories by D H Schleicher.

This thought-provoking 2-Hour read of Short Stories will entertain the reader through multiple re-reads. I pick up a new tidbit every time I read it.

#IndieAuthor #iartg #Booktwt #MustRead @SchleicherSpin

Book Review: Fire Ants by Adam K. White | Children’s Picture Book | 4.5 Stars

Book Review: Fire Ants by Adam K. White | Children’s Picture Book | 4..

Fire Ants by Adam K. White is a beautifully illustrated children’s picture book.

The Antlanta village fire department needs a better system to put out fires. Their current ways result in more damage than help.

A young rookie ant on the force has a plan to improve their firefighting. Is he brave enough to present it to the chief? Will his plan fail?

#NetGalley #IndieAuthor

The Adventures of Fawn Series by Al E. Boy | 4 Book Set | Reviews ~ Spotlights ~ Win the entire magical series in hardback!

The Adventures of Fawn Series by Al E. Boy | 4 Book Set | Reviews ~ Spotlig..

The Adventures of Fawn series is fantastic for readers of all ages. It’s delightfully refreshing, with many lessons to be learned for children and adults. You can discuss as much or as little as your child is ready for. It’s also perfect for a winter’s bedtime reading, no matter your age.

The author, Al E. Boy, generously donated a 4-book hardback set of this magical series to one reader via Rafflecopter. Open internationally. Enter today, what do you have to lose?

#ComingOfAge #HolidayFiction #HeirloomBooks #SantasReindeer

A Smile in Your Pocket by Jarrod Zayas | 4.5 Star ~ Children’s Book Review | #

A Smile in Your Pocket by Jarrod Zayas | 4.5 Star ~ Children’s Book Revie..

A Smile in Your Pocket by Jarrod Zayas put a smile on my face.

The story addresses how changes to routines can make us stressed and sad. Miles is dealing with this uneasiness as he senses the adults in his life are worried. Miles doesn’t like the gray day, new rules, or the feelings brought on by change.

Thanks to an observant, caring teacher, he learns that changes affect everyone. She teaches him a trick to lift his spirits and he happily shares this solution with everyone he meets.

NetGalley November 2022 Follow-Up | Was it an epic FAIL?

NetGalley November 2022 Follow-Up | Was it an epic FAIL?

Read my NetGalley November 2022 Follow-up to see just how miserably I failed. A wise man once told me…”It could always be worse!” I’m gonna apply that rule here. Haha

I joined several of my fellow book bloggers for NetGalley November 2022, where we attempted to catch up on our NetGalley reading in the hopes of raising our requested/feedback ratio. This is my follow-up report.

Are any of these on your To-Be-Read list?