Tag: literary fiction

When We Come Back: More Stories by D.H. Schleicher | Book Review ~ 2 Hour Reads #ShortStories

When We Come Back: More Stories by D.H. Schleicher | Book Review ~ 2 Hour R..

I have the privilege of reviewing When We Come Back: More Stories by D H Schleicher.

This thought-provoking 2-Hour read of Short Stories will entertain the reader through multiple re-reads. I pick up a new tidbit every time I read it.

#IndieAuthor #iartg #Booktwt #MustRead @SchleicherSpin

Mother Knows Worst by Sofia Bella Roma | Spotlight ~ Author Bio

Mother Knows Worst by Sofia Bella Roma | Spotlight ~ Author Bio

Today I‘m taking a look at Mother Knows Worst by Sofia Bella Rosa. The author’s description of the book says this is a true story, but the names have been changed to protect the guilty. That phrase gives you a peek at the dry wit found in the story.

Learn more about the book and author in this post.

#multicultural #relationships

God’s Intervention: A Second Chance for Humankind by Kenneth B. Little and Helen Davies | Excerpt, Guest Post, $15 Gift Card Raffle

God’s Intervention: A Second Chance for Humankind by Kenneth B. Littl..

Today, I’m closing out the @GoddessFish virtual book tour for God’s Intervention: A Second Chance for Humankind by Kenneth B. Little and Helen Davies. Can God’s emissary put humankind back on the right path to save our world? This thought-provoking, literary fiction tale is sure to please most readers.

Espoused by Jean Marie Davis | Review – Interview – $25 + Book Giveaway

Espoused by Jean Marie Davis | Review – Interview – $25 + Book ..

Espoused by Jean Marie Davis | Review – Interview – $25 + Signed Book Giveaway

Espouse: to take in marriage; to make a marriage permanent by court decree; the court-approved process by which couples may stay together beyond the legal 15-year term

There is no such thing as divorce. Fifteen years is the legal life cycle of a marriage. If a couple wants to stay married, they must hire a lawyer and petition the court to become espoused.

Mirrors of Life Part 2 by Neal Owens

Mirrors of Life Part 2 by Neal Owens

This sequel to the award-winning debut novel is set in today’s political climate. Derrick learns political strength is needed to ensure the sustainability of his civic-minded conglomerate, and prevent the blockage of future projects that threatens to supplant the business powers that be in America.

Erich Hornsby, the Neo-Nazi chairman of the business powers, plots Derrick’s murder and manipulates the voters to elect his puppet, John Donaldson, president. In full control of the White House, Hornsby attempts to raise the Fourth Reich.

I found the book gave me so many points to ponder. The storyline is set in a quasi-fictional America. You don’t need to read book one to enjoy this one. To be honest, we have lived in this scenario for the last four years.

Knee Deep by Karol Ann Hoeffner | Review

Knee Deep by Karol Ann Hoeffner | Review

Knee Deep by Karol Hoeffner – Camille’s story unfolds as a Mardi Gras memoir, one girl’s journey through the parties and the parades as her community comes together and rises up from the chaos following the devastating hurricane. Knee Deep is a creative blend of modern romance and realism laced with paranormal elements and French Quarter flare. 

Review: While Earth Still Speaks

Review: While Earth Still Speaks

Review: While Earth Still Speaks by Nancy Werking Poling is a thought-provoking book. Not everyone interprets a book the same way. Won’t you read on to see if this book is right for you?         Title: While Earth Still Speaks Author: Nancy Werking Poling Publisher: Screech Owl Press Genres: Ecology/Magical Realism/Fiction Print […]