Tag: paranormal

Spotlight: Titanian Warrior (Titanian Chronicles 3) by Victoria Saccenti | Excerpt ~ $15 Gift Card 

Spotlight: Titanian Warrior (Titanian Chronicles 3) by Victoria Saccenti | ..

Today I’m shining a spotlight on Titanian Warrior by Victoria Saccenti.
Read an excerpt, meet the author, and enter to win a $15 gift card.

When she learns Master O plans to use Hagen as a weapon to conquer all races, she devises a desperate plan to free him—a plan that opens a portal to a world she’s never known. And a destiny entwined with danger that could destroy them all.

#RomanticFantasy #Paranormal #ReleaseDay
@GoddessFish @VictoriaSAuthor

Holy Terror by John R. Dougherty | Spotlight ~ Author Guest Post ~ Giveaway (signed copy of book plus $50 Paypal cash)

Holy Terror by John R. Dougherty | Spotlight ~ Author Guest Post ~ Giveaway..

In Holy Terror by John R. Dougherty, the greatest warrior of the Creator’s angelic army takes matters into his own hands when he turns vigilante, which brings him face to face w Satan. Now he has even more decisions to make.

Read the book and author details and be sure you enter the giveaway for a signed copy of the book plus a $50 Paypal cash prize!

#supernatural #mystery @AuthorJRD @iReadBookTours

Searching (Dragons of New York #1) by Rachel Graves | Spotlight, Excerpt, $50 Giveaway

Searching (Dragons of New York #1) by Rachel Graves | Spotlight, Excerpt, $..

Rachel Graves, the author of Searching (Dragons of New York #1), joins me on the blog today to talk about how she chose New York as the setting for her new Paranormal Urban Fantasy.

As more bloodless bodies surface, threats from secret societies and corrupt politicians force the dragon and the sorcerer to work together. If Ravenna and Ian can’t catch the killer, the people they love the most may be the next to die.

Shadow of Murder (Mac Faraday Mystery Series #14) by Lauren Carr | $50 Paypal Gift Card Giveaway, Review, & Book Details

Shadow of Murder (Mac Faraday Mystery Series #14) by Lauren Carr | $50 Payp..

Shadow of Murder (Mac Faraday Mystery Series #14) by Lauren Carr | $50 Paypal Gift Card Giveaway, Review, & Book Details

Join me today for a review of Shadow of Murder by Lauren Carr. Book 14 of the Mac Faraday Mystery Series is a gripping thriller with paranormal overtones. Enter to win a $50 gift card! And as always, I can’t get enough of canine mayor & investigator, Gnarley!

The Beached Ones by Colleen M. Story | Giveaway (ends July 18, 2022), Author Interview, Trailer, & Book Info

The Beached Ones by Colleen M. Story | Giveaway (ends July 18, 2022), Autho..

The Beached Ones by Colleen M. Story | Giveaway (ends July 18, 2022), Author Interview, Trailer, & Book Info
A Virtual Book Tour w @iReadBookTours: THE BEACHED ONES by @colleen_m_story: A fascinating journey blurs boundaries between fantasy & reality. This suspenseful ghost story takes the reader on a tightrope walk to an emotionally charged ending. Enter to win a FREE copy of the book along with a bookmark & beach-themed notebook/journal with a matching pen.

Murderous Interruptions by C.J. Carson | $25 Giveaway, Excerpt, Book Details, & Author Bio

Murderous Interruptions by C.J. Carson | $25 Giveaway, Excerpt, Book Detail..

Murderous Interruptions by C.J. Carson | $25 Giveaway, Excerpt, Book Details, & Author Bio

Take a peek at Murderous Interruptions by CJ Carson. I have an excerpt & all the details you need to fall for this book. Enter to win the $25 Gift Card Giveaway! A Paranormal Mystery from The Veils of Parallel Times, Book 2