The Mysteries of Tarot: A Work of the Imagination (Tea and Tarot Cozy Mysteries Book 7) by Kirsten Weiss | Book Review #BlogTour #CozyMystery #MysticalGuide  @GoddessFish

The Mysteries of Tarot: A Work of the Imagination (Tea and Tarot Cozy Mysteries Book 7) by Kirsten Weiss | Book Review #BlogTour #CozyMystery #MysticalGuide  @GoddessFish 

A book blog tour from Goddess Fish Promotions.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and Marianne & Judy at Goddess Fish for providing me with the information for this tour.

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Book Details

The Mysteries of Tarot: A Work of the Imagination (Tea and Tarot Cozy Mysteries Book 7) by Kirsten Weiss | Book Review #BlogTour #CozyMystery #MysticalGuide  @GoddessFishThe Mysteries of Tarot: A Work of the Imagination by Kirsten Weiss
Series: Tea and Tarot Cozy Mysteries Book #7
Published by Misterio Press on May 31, 2023
Genres: Cozy Mystery, Literary Fiction
Format: eBook, Hardcover, Paperback
Pages: 214

How to Read the Cards for Transformation

When Tarot reader Hyperion Night sent his manuscript, The Mysteries of Tarot, to a friend to edit, it was a simple guide to reading Tarot. Hyperion couldn’t anticipate that his editor’s notes would evolve into a murder mystery, or that his friend would go missing. Shockingly, the annotated manuscript eventually made its way back to Hyperion, who forwarded it to the authorities.

Now this astonishing Tarot guide is available as a book. The Tarot guidebook features:
Tarot basics―How to manage different interpretations of cards in a spread, how to read court cards, and a clear and simple method for dealing with reversals.
Detailed card breakdowns― Keywords, flash non-fiction narratives, and a deep dive into the symbols of each of the 78 cards of the Major Arcana and Minor Arcana.
Questions to apply to the cards for transforming your life―Insightful questions for each card to help you dig deeper into your Tarot reading practice.

Bonus feature: the guidebook also includes his editor’s comments on the more esoteric and philosophical interpretations of the Tarot, as well as his notes on the baffling mystery that engulfed him.

Gain deep insight from the cards, transform yourself, and solve The Mysteries of Tarot with this work of experimental fiction that’s part Tarot guidebook, part murder mystery.

Source: Goddess Fish Promotions


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Excerpt from The Mysteries of Tarot

The Moon

Messages from the unconscious. Mystery. Confusion. Dreams. Illusion.

Last night, I dreamt of a departed aunt I’d had a contentious relationship with. She walked down the hallway of my apartment and sat beside me in the living room.

Suddenly I remembered she was dead and understood I was dreaming. But instead of the dream ending, like it usually does when I become aware, we talked—the kind of talk we’d never been able to have when she was alive. She apologized for some things she’d said and done and helped me understand why she’d said and done them. And her reasons weren’t awful. They made a lot of sense.

I apologized too, because I hadn’t been innocent in the turn our relationship had taken. We forgave each other. I woke up feeling lighter. Free.

The Symbols

I’m still not sure if it was “only” a lucid dream or a visitation from my relative. I don’t know if it matters. It was all very lunar, very moonlike. And not just because the Moon card can represent dreams. Moons with their waxing and waning also represents illusion and confusion, messages from the subconscious crawling up out of the muck like that lobster creeping from the water in the card. A dog and a wolf, representing the refined conscious and the more primitive subconscious, howl at the moon’s light.

And all of those things had been at play in my life. I’d created a false—or at least incomplete—story in my mind of the cause of my estrangement from my relative (illusion/confusion). But the truth bubbled up from my subconscious in last night’s dream. If it hadn’t, I’d still be carrying that burden.

What Does This Card Mean for You?

When the Moon card appears in a Tarot reading, it suggests we may not be seeing things clearly. But the truth is out there — or in there, as the case may be.

How can you bring your subconscious impulses or knowledge into conscious light? The road between the two towers in the card is long, dark, and winding. Have patience. Be brave.

Notes: The Moon

44 As to The Moon, I feel like I’m swimming in it. At first my father’s death seemed like an accident, a fall from the balcony outside his bedroom. He’s been drinking more than usual lately. But the servants swear he wasn’t drinking that night. And the balcony railing is low. He could have fallen by accident.

I keep replaying our last conversation. Had he been thinking then of taking his own life? Was that why he’d come to see me? Because he knew I’d been a failure when I’d tried my hand at self-deletion? Maybe he wanted me to talk him out of it?

I don’t understand. But I’ll try to keep up with the daily edits, where I feel I have something to add. I need to keep my mind busy. -T

Excerpt provided by the author/publisher for use in this post.


Purchase Links for The Mysteries of Tarot

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Guest Post from Kirsten Weiss, author of The Mysteries of Tarot

Embracing the Mystical Brew: A Hyperion Night Guide to Decoding a Three-Card Tarot Spread

My new book, The Mysteries of Tarot, is part Tarot guidebook, part murder mystery, so I… guess it’s classified as experimental fiction. But it’s still a “real” guidebook for learning how to read Tarot.

In the guidebook, a character from my Tea and Tarot cozy mystery series, Hyperion Night, discusses the classic 10-cardCeltic Cross spread. But he left out the versatile three-card spread! So I thought I’d give him an opportunity to discuss it here. And in a nod to his fictional partner in their tea and Tarot room, it seems he’s gone a little off the rails with the tea metaphors…


Step right up, fellow mystics and seekers of cosmic truths! Prepare to be enchanted as we embark on a journey into the realm of Tarot. In this blog post, I shall unravel the art of deciphering a three-card Tarot spread, guiding you through the mystical steps that can help you sip from the cup of hidden wisdom contained within the cards.

Step 1: Steep Your Intention. As you enter this mystical domain, find your center and embrace the brewing potential of your intention. Focus your thoughts and desires, allowing the steam of purpose to rise within you. Clarify the area of life or the burning question that beckons you to seek the guidance of the cards. Let this intention be the essence that infuses your reading with its flavorful depths.

Step 2: Shuffle and Pour the Cards. Take your Tarot deck and shuffle it with a flourish, a dance of cards that stirs the energy of the universe. When the moment feels ripe, let your intuition guide you to draw three cards, unveiling them with the grace of a tea leaf unfurling in hot water. Place these cards face down, creating a sacred tableau of mystery before you.

Step 3: Positions and the Dance of Interpretation. Now, dear seeker, it is time to explore the choreography of the cards within their positions. Each card holds a unique role:

a) The Past: In this dance step, the card reveals the influences and experiences from the past that have shaped your present. Allow the whispers of memory and echoes of time to intertwine, for they hold the key to understanding the intricate rhythms of your journey.
b) The Present: Here, the card steps forward, unveiling the current energies and influences that swirl around you like the steam rising from a freshly brewed tisane. Absorb the essence of this card, for it reveals the essence of your present moment and sets the stage for what is to come.
c) The Future: With a flourish, the card takes its place, casting its gaze upon the horizon of what lies ahead. It offers glimpses of potential outcomes, a flickering flame of possibility that dances with your dreams. Take heed, for it offers guidance, but remember, the future is never set in stone.

Step 4: Unveiling the Hidden Flavors. Now that the cards are revealed, turn them face up one by one, savoring the layers of meaning that unfurl before you. Engage your senses and dive into the vibrant tapestry of imagery, symbols, and intuitive whispers that emanate from each card. Unravel their individual messages and listen to the harmonious interplay between them.

Seek the synchronicities and connections that bind the cards together like the intermingling flavors of a well-blended tea. Does a symbol repeat? Do colors harmonize? Allow the flavors to meld, for within this alchemical fusion lies the secrets and revelations that will guide your path.

Step 5: Trust the Whispering Leaves. While the cards have their traditional interpretations, let the leaves of your intuition steep in the cup of divination. Trust the whispers that arise from the depths of your soul, for they are the essence of your connection to the cosmic brew. Let your intuition guide you to the hidden layers and nuanced meanings that transcend the boundaries of the cards themselves.

Step 6: Sip and Contemplate the Elixir of Insight. As the tea leaves settle, take a moment to sip from the elixir of insight you have brewed.


My thoughts on The Mysteries of Tarot

“The Mysteries of Tarot: A Work of the Imagination” by Kirsten Weiss takes readers on a captivating journey through the world of Tarot, blending elements of a cozy murder mystery with a comprehensive guide to reading the cards. With its unique format and unexpected humor, this book offers a refreshing and engaging approach to Tarot that will appeal to both seasoned practitioners and curious beginners.

The story revolves around Hyperion Night, a Tarot reader who unwittingly finds himself caught up in a puzzling murder mystery when his manuscript on Tarot is transformed by his editor’s notes. As the plot unfolds, Hyperion’s friend goes missing, and the annotated manuscript becomes a key piece of evidence. The Tarot guidebook, which is now available to readers, provides a wealth of knowledge on Tarot basics, detailed card breakdowns, and insightful questions for self-transformation.

One of the book’s strengths lies in its clear and simple explanations of Tarot fundamentals. Hyperion offers practical advice on managing different interpretations of cards in a spread, reading court cards, and dealing with reversals. The detailed breakdowns of each card, both Major and Minor Arcana, include keywords, flash non-fiction narratives, and an exploration of the card’s symbols. This comprehensive approach allows readers to gain a deep understanding of each card’s meaning and significance.

The inclusion of the editor’s comments adds an intriguing layer to the guidebook. Delving into esoteric and philosophical interpretations of Tarot, these annotations offer alternative perspectives and further enrich the reading experience. Moreover, the editor’s notes on the baffling mystery that unfolded during the manuscript’s creation add an element of suspense and curiosity.

Weiss skillfully blends mystery, meditation, and self-reflection throughout the book. By posing thought-provoking questions for each card, readers are encouraged to delve deeper into their own Tarot practice and explore how the cards can help transform their lives. The book’s meditative quality allows readers to open themselves to the Divine mystery of life, expand their intuition, and find practical solutions to personal concerns.

“The Mysteries of Tarot” also offers a unique feature that sets it apart from traditional Tarot guides. Even if readers don’t have a Tarot deck, they can use the book for bibliomancy. By holding a question in mind, readers can open the book at random and find passages that resonate with their query. This inventive approach adds an extra layer of versatility and accessibility to the book.

Weiss’s writing style is engaging and accessible, making the book an enjoyable read for all audiences. The unexpected humor sprinkled throughout the story adds a delightful touch, balancing the serious nature of the mystery and Tarot exploration. Readers will find themselves entertained while also gaining valuable insights into Tarot and self-transformation.

Ultimately, “The Mysteries of Tarot: A Work of the Imagination” is a book that will leave readers with a unique and personal experience. Each reader is likely to take away something different from this story, whether it’s a newfound understanding of Tarot, a fresh perspective on life’s mysteries, or simply a sense of enjoyment from the well-crafted narrative.

I received a copy of the book for the tour. This review is my honest, unbiased opinion.


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About Kirsten Weiss

Kirsten Weiss Author image

From Kirsten Weiss:

I believe in free-will, and that we all can make a difference. I believe that beauty blossoms in the conscious life, particularly with friends, family, and strangers. I believe that genre fiction has become generic, and it doesn’t have to be.

My current focus is my new Mystery School series, starting with Legacy of the Witch. Traditionally, women’s fiction refers to fiction where a woman—usually in her midlife—is going through some sort of dramatic change. A lot of us do go through big transitions in midlife. We get divorced or remarried. The kids leave the nest. Our bodies change. The midlife crisis is real—though it manifests in different ways—as we look back on where we’ve been, where we’re going, and the time we have left.

Now in my mid-fifties, I’ve spent more time thinking about the big “meaning of life” issues. It seemed like approaching those issues through witch fiction, and through a fictional mystery school, would be a fun and a useful way for me to work out some of these ideas in my own head—about change and letting go, faith and fear, and love and longing.

After growing up on a diet of Nancy Drew, Sherlock Holmes, and Agatha Christie, I’ve published over 60 mysteries—from cozies to supernatural suspense, as well as an experimental fiction book on Tarot. Spending over 20 years working overseas in international development, I learned that perception is not reality, and things are often not what they seem—for better or worse.

There isn’t a winter holiday or a type of chocolate I don’t love, and some of my best friends are fictional.


Easy Amazon Info Link

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Kirsten Weiss will be awarding a $5 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Visit more stops on this Goddess Fish tour for extra chances to win!

Official Tour Page for The Mysteries of Tarot

Full Tour Schedule:

June 5: Jazzy Book Reviews
June 5: Gina Rae Mitchell
June 12: Beverley A Baird
June 12: Carey PW
June 19: Reader Barn
June 19: Deborah-Zenha Adams
June 19: Our Town Book Reviews
June 26: Country Mamas With Kids
June 26: Andi’s Book Reviews


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Posted 06/05/2023 by Gina in Blog Tour, Book Promotions, Book Reviews, Books, Fiction / 5 Comments

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5 responses to “The Mysteries of Tarot: A Work of the Imagination (Tea and Tarot Cozy Mysteries Book 7) by Kirsten Weiss | Book Review #BlogTour #CozyMystery #MysticalGuide @GoddessFish

    • You are most welcome, Kirsten. Thank you for sharing your book and providing me with a guest post.