Friday Finds Spring Flowers Banner 05-31-2024

Weekly Friday Finds | 05-31-2024 | Books ~Author News ~ Recipes ~ Crafts ~ New Trivia Question

Hello and welcome to the 05-31-2024 edition of the weekly Friday Finds. I hope you have had a wonderful week and are ready for a relaxing weekend.

I’ve received my first set of excerpts to read and judge for the 2024 Book Blogger’s Novel of the Year Award. I am really excited to jump into reading them this weekend. I can’t talk about which books are on my list yet, but they sound fascinating.

We are still plodding along on farm renovations that have been needed for ages. A return to the annual barn party/reunion finally spurred us into action.

I really hope you find something special in today’s post. This is truly a labor of love for all my readers.

Until next week,

Peace & love to you!



Friday Finds Spring strip divider

Weekly Friday Finds | 05-31-2024 | Blog News

This is a bookish-themed post I shared this week about building your reading list (TBR).

Master Your Reading List: 10 Practical Tips for Avid Readers

Avid bibliophiles need a reading list. It doesn’t have to be in-depth or chiseled in stone, but it helps to keep you on track and avoid reader burnout. Here are a few essential tips to get you started on the road to better reading.

Master Your Reading List 10 Practical Tips for Avid Readers


These are the books I’ve reviewed or featured on the blog this week:

Crossing Day by William A. Glass

“Crossing Day” is a gripping thriller that paints a chillingly plausible picture of a modern South still shackled by its past. The narrative deftly explores the dynamics of power and prejudice, with the Confederacy’s alliance with Nazi Germany adding a dark twist to the tale.

BookCover_ Crossing Day
Amazon Purchase Link


Murder at the College by P.H. Turner

Quinn is a private detective with scorch marks from her last relationship and a handsome charmer for a client. There’s chemistry between them, but there’s a problem. Ben might be a killer.

Murder at the College book cover image
Amazon Purchase Link


The Sapien Empire (Book 1) by Nathan Ogloff

I highly recommend “The Sapien Empire” to fans of intense, character-driven post-apocalyptic stories. Ogloff’s vivid world-building and compelling character arcs make for a thrilling read.

The Sapien Empire book cover
Amazon Purchase Link


Ghosts of Mars by Stuart White, The Adventures of Eva Knight, #1

Ghosts of Mars: The Adventures of Eva Knight by
Amazon Purchase Link

Today, I’m spotlighting the 7th-place Finalist in the 2023 Book Bloggers’ Novel of the Year competition.

Mars. 2045.
My name’s Eva, and I’m a Martian.

Well, technically the first Martianborn human – I’m not, like, green or anything.


I have more reviews scheduled for next week, so please check back often.

Friday Finds Spring strip divider

Weekly Friday Finds | 05-31-2024 | Recipes

BBQ’d Cauliflower

BBQ'd Cauliflower
Recipe courtesy of Jeff Mauro & The Food Network

Want to jazz up a cauliflower recipe and still cook it on the grill? I can’t wait to try this one. I may have to buy a cauliflower because it looks so delicious. I might not be able to wait for our fresh garden produce.


Peach, Bourbon, and Bacon Baked Beans

Peach, Bourbon and Bacon Baked Beans image
Recipe credited to Katie Lee & The Food Network

Katie from The Food Network upgrades the usual baked beans by adding a sweet-smoky combo of peach preserves and crispy bacon to her cookout-ready side dish of Peach, Bourbon, and Bacon Baked Beans.

These are my two cookout sides for the 05-31-24 Friday Finds. Want more of the menu?

It’s in the Friday Finds email newsletter! 

Don’t get the Friday Finds email? Sign up on the sidebar! —> This week’s exclusive recipe is for … a summer granita.

(or you could ask me in the comments, and I’ll share it with you.)

Tune in next week for more delicious recipes.

Friday Finds Spring strip divider

  Weekly Friday Finds | 05-31-2024 | Books

Goodreads Big Books of Summer image 05-31-2024 FF

Today’s recommendations are brought to you by Goodreads Big Books of Summer Collection.

By Any Other Name by Jodi Picoult

By Any Other Name: A Novel
  • Amazon Kindle Edition
  • Picoult, Jodi (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 528 Pages - 08/20/2024 (Publication Date) - Ballantine Books (Publisher)

The God Of The Woods by Liz Moore

The God of the Woods: A Novel
  • Amazon Kindle Edition
  • Moore, Liz (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 490 Pages - 07/02/2024 (Publication Date) - Riverhead Books (Publisher)

When Among Crows by Veronica Roth

When Among Crows
116 Reviews
When Among Crows
  • Amazon Kindle Edition
  • Roth, Veronica (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 171 Pages - 05/14/2024 (Publication Date) - Tor Books (Publisher)

Stardust Grail by Yume Kitasei 

The Stardust Grail: A Novel
  • Amazon Kindle Edition
  • Kitasei, Yume (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 313 Pages - 06/11/2024 (Publication Date) - Flatiron Books (Publisher)

The Paradise Problem by Christina Lauren

The Paradise Problem
  • Amazon Kindle Edition
  • Lauren, Christina (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 349 Pages - 05/14/2024 (Publication Date) - Gallery Books (Publisher)

Friday Finds Spring strip divider

Weekly Friday Finds | 05-31-2024 | Author News

Jean Oram Author image

Best-selling author Jean Oram is proud to announce that she has opened her bookshop, where you can buy her books directly.

Why buy directly from the author? 

Here are a few reasons why you might try out shopping directly from an author:

  • It’s possible to create big series bundles for readers so you can binge-read AND save.
  • We can keep prices lower for you and still make a living while we keep on writing.
  • It’s easy to offer special discounts, coupons, and sales.
  • There will be fewer emails sent to you about books you’ve already bought because my store will start to know what you’ve bought and can make personal recommendations.
  • Sometimes retailers (especially the biggest one) will shut down an author’s account or ban a book for no apparent reason other than it got caught up in an accidental bot glitch, which means it can take weeks to resolve. Having a Plan B is good, so readers don’t think we fell off the planet.
  • Readers will OWN their books. Sometimes, retailers delete paid books from reader’s libraries.
  • There are no limitations to how many books an author can put into one bundle! More books = more savings!
  • We can offer books to you earlier!
  • And other business decisions I won’t bore you with!

*I am not affiliated with Jean in any way other than being a fan of many of her books. Watch for my reviews coming soon.*

If you are not ready to jump into the buy-direct market, you can still find all her titles on the traditional big retailers, like Amazon.


StoryOrigin KU Fantasy & Paranormal Promotion
Click the image or this link to see the complete list of books.

Two of my favorite people (and authors) are participating in a new StoryOrigin group promotion. Look for Anca Antoci and Mark J. Engels in Page Turners: Unveiling the Best in KU Fantasy & Paranormal.

Friday Finds Spring strip divider

Weekly Friday Finds | 05-31-2024 | Creative News

Last week’s Friday Finds featured paper crafts. Today, I’m bringing you a bit of my own creative news. I am seriously considering adding the handmade items I sell on Etsy to my website. Etsy has increased fees, and honestly, I feel as if I am promoting Etsy more than building my brand.

Here is a quick peek at a few of my listings on Etsy.

Top 4 GRM Etsy Listings for 05/31/2024 FF

Are these things you would be interested in buying directly from me?

Please let me know in the comments or use the contact form to share your opinion.

Weekly Friday Finds | 05-24-2024 | Trivia Time

This week’s trivia question is:

What were the first hockey pucks used in early outdoor hockey games made of?

Please leave your answer in the comments. If you are also a newsletter subscriber, you’ll receive double entries.

The answer to last week’s question:

What is the name of the craft that involves using paper strips in decorative designs? I was looking for Quilling, but I am happy to count Origami, too. So, thanks to all who played along.

Quilling - Paper bird image
                Example of Quilling

Quilling is an art form that involves rolling, shaping, and gluing paper strips to create decorative designs. The paper shapes can be used independently or to decorate other objects, such as cards, pictures, boxes, or jewelry. The name quilling is thought to come from the art’s origins, when birds’ feathers, or quills, were used to coil the paper strips.

Blog Trivia Entry Jar image for 05-24-2024

Let’s fill the trivia jar up with all your guesses and comments!


Remember, if you find something you like in this post, leave a comment and click the LIKE button at the bottom of the page. It means the world!

Red Heart - Like this post image - for Weekly Friday Finds 02-23-2024
Find this at the bottom of the page & CLICK!

Please share the 05-31-2024 Friday Finds with your friends and family. The blog follower and email subscriber list is growing by leaps and bounds. The more eyes I get on my work, the more fun finds I can bring you.

If you are feeling exceptionally generous…donations are always welcome! LoL

Support me on K0-fi button

See you soon for more Weekly Friday Finds Fun!



Credit for all images in the 05-31-2024 Friday Finds is given to the appropriate owners. Please do not copy or share without proper credit.



Posted 05/31/2024 by Gina in Books, Crafts, Food, Lifestyle, Newsletters, Recipes, Weekly Finds / 2 Comments

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2 responses to “Weekly Friday Finds 05-31-2024 | Books ~Author News ~ Recipes ~ Crafts ~ New Trivia Question ~ Best Summer Reading

  1. Back in the day (before my time), hockey pucks could be fashioned from frozen horse dung, which was both plentiful and free. I don’t know if that was the official method . . .