Book Review | The Sapien Empire by Nathan Ogloff (Book 1) | #ScienceFiction #Dystopian #PostApocalyptic #SciFi

Book Review | The Sapien Empire by Nathan Ogloff (Book 1) | #ScienceFiction #Dystopian #PostApocalyptic #SciFi @unusualauthor 

Quick Summary:

I highly recommend “The Sapien Empire” to fans of intense, character-driven post-apocalyptic stories. Ogloff’s vivid world-building and compelling character arcs make for a thrilling read.

Book Details

Book Review | The Sapien Empire by Nathan Ogloff (Book 1) | #ScienceFiction #Dystopian #PostApocalyptic #SciFiThe Sapien Empire by Nathan Ogloff
Series: The Sapien Empire #1
Published by Independent Author on February 6, 2024
Genres: Fiction, Dystopian, Post Apocalyptic, Science Fiction
Format: Audiobook, eBook, Hardcover, Paperback
Pages: 313

Shindo Dacan is a socially awkward but gifted engineer who has made the most brilliant machines seen since before the All-Silence—machines that ruler Vibrun Magrite used in his creation of the Domain as he brought all four of the city-states within his iron grip. With the help of a friend of his, Shindo is secretly planning to provide prosthetic limbs to the many victims of the war his machines have waged.

When Magrite finds out and slaughters Shindo’s friend before his eyes, Shindo tricks Magrite into funding a warrior mech to wreak revenge and is unwillingly rewarded with a woman from Magrite’s harem, Jarim Alsaedon.

With his mech machine and Jarim’s help, Shindo stages a coup d’état that leaves Magrite dead and him and his accomplice as platonic dual heads of state.

As Shindo and Jarim work to rebuild their civilization, they’re beset by factions both within and beyond the Domain’s borders. Can Shindo learn how to design a stable peace before the new world he’d envisioned becomes a wasteland of death and destruction?

Source: Received from the author or publisher for review.

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Purchase Links for The Sapien Empire

The Sapien Empire
  • Amazon Kindle Edition
  • Ogloff, Nathan (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 313 Pages - 02/06/2024 (Publication Date) - Nathan Ogloff (Publisher)

Also available in Paperback, Hardcover, and Audiobook!

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My thoughts on The Sapien Empire

“The Sapien Empire” by Nathan Ogloff is a compelling dystopian novel that immerses readers in a world reminiscent of “Mad Max,” with elements drawn from various post-apocalyptic games. Shindo Dacan, a socially awkward yet brilliant engineer who has created some of the most advanced machines since the All-Silence, is at the heart of the story. The tyrannical ruler Vibrun Magrite exploits these machines to dominate the four city-states under his control.

Shindo’s life changes dramatically when he uses his engineering talents for good. Secretly, he plans to provide prosthetic limbs to the many victims of Magrite’s wars. However, when Magrite discovers Shindo’s intentions, he mercilessly kills Shindo’s friend right in front of him. In a daring move, Shindo tricks Magrite into funding a warrior mech, which he uses to exact revenge. In the aftermath, Shindo finds himself unexpectedly allied with Jarim Alsaedon, a woman from Magrite’s harem.

Together, Shindo and Jarim stage a coup that ends with Magrite’s death. They then assume the roles of platonic co-leaders, working tirelessly to rebuild their fractured civilization. Internal factions and external threats continuously challenge their efforts, raising the question: Can Shindo design a lasting peace before their world descends into further chaos?

“The Sapien Empire” focuses on themes of survival, innovation, and societal reconstruction amidst the remnants of a devastated past. Shindo’s transformation from a subjugated engineer to a key leader in a nascent society is filled with peril and the ever-present danger of repeating history’s mistakes.

Nathan Ogloff’s debut novel, which took over a decade to complete, marks the beginning of an ambitious eight-book series. This promises an extensive and intricate exploration of this revived world.

I highly recommend “The Sapien Empire” to fans of intense, character-driven post-apocalyptic stories. Ogloff’s vivid world-building and compelling character arcs make for a thrilling read.

I received a digital copy of the book from the author.

Unless otherwise noted above, books are from my library or Kindle Unlimited.

This review is my honest, unbiased opinion.


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About Nathan Ogloff

Nathan Ogloff Author Profile Image

Nathan Ogloff was born in New Westminster, British Columbia, and has been fascinated by stories ever since he wrote a couple of pages for a time-travel book in third grade.

He believes we live in an interesting time that seems to be on the knife's edge between a spectacular future or an abysmal landscape of decay. Through his stories that force us to take a deeper look at ourselves, he aims to foster a world of mutual understanding.

Although he is not the most qualified guy to fix the world's problems, his writing just might give those who are an idea of how to do it an idea. When he's not writing, Nathan spends his time adding to his ever-increasing heavy-metal Spotify playlist and creating spaceships in Lego Studio.


Purchase The Sapien Empire online from your local bookstore.


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Posted 05/26/2024 by Gina in Book Promotions, Book Reviews, Books, Fiction, Science Fiction / 0 Comments

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