What it Means to Be Me by Danielle Falk | $10 GC Giveaway, Excerpt, Review

What it Means to Be Me by Danielle Falk | $10 GC Giveaway, Excerpt, Review

A book blog tour from Goddess Fish Promotions.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and Marianne & Judy at Goddess Fish for providing me with the information for this tour.

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Book Details

What it Means to Be Me by Danielle Falk | $10 GC Giveaway, Excerpt, ReviewWhat It Means to Be Me by Danielle Dawn Falk
Published by Tellwell Talent on 08/22/2021
Genres: Children's Picture Book, Educational, Inspirational & Personal Growth, Juvenile Nonfiction, Children's, Multi-Cultural, Self-Esteem
Format: eBook, Hardcover, Paperback
Pages: 40

"I am me as can be . . ."

Encouraging and heartfelt, "What It Means to Be Me" takes readers on an inspiring journey of self-discovery and self-worth.

Written in rhyme, this engaging read about learning, dreaming, and growing is meant for absolutely anyone to connect with the message of this sweet story.

Read along and celebrate everything it means to be your own true self.

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Source: Goddess Fish Promotions, Received from the author or publisher for review.


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Excerpt from What it Means to Be Me

The world is a great, big place, with billions of people here on Earth,

And trillions of stars up in space.

It may not be easy to know right from wrong,

To feel that you fit in, or to know where you belong.

It is OK to feel confused and to be unsure of where you are going,

But here is something that is worthy of knowing:

In our world, it is important to be accepting and inclusive of each other,

While also celebrating and encouraging what makes us unique from one another.

You will learn so much along the way;

Growing up does not happen in just one day.

Remember that getting to know yourself is a very good start.

Your life is full of meaning; find the wonder that sets you apart.


Purchase Links for What it Means to Be Me

Amazon     Bookshop/IndieBound

The Book Depository       Waterstones       The Wordery


My thoughts on What it Means to Be Me

This diverse children’s rhyming picture book will make a great gift for every family. It doesn’t really matter what the age of the reader is, the message is important for everyone.

What it Means to Be Me encourages everyone to be themselves which promotes self-assurance, confidence, a healthy frame of mind, and so much more.

The rhymes make this a perfect book for young ones learning to read. The illustrations are beautiful and eye-catching making the words have even more meaning. The settings are as diverse as the children featured in the book. There are parks, backyards, oceans, city streets as well as many different animals that can be identified and talked about while reading the book.

I think young ones will love to read this book over and over.

I recommend this book to everyone looking for a gift or an addition to their family library.

What it means to be me book cover young girl under a rainbow

I received a copy of the book for the tour. This review is my honest, unbiased opinion.


Kindle Unlimited book w paper boats image used in

I love my Amazon Kindle Unlimited Subscription. So many books, so little time!


About Danielle Dawn Falk

Danielle Falk Author Profile image

Danielle Dawn Falk has a lifelong passion for writing. Growing up, she often struggled with feelings of being unaccepted, as well as not fitting in with her peers.

When she became a mother, some of her goals were to help her son and daughter realize how unique and special they are, while at the same time, teaching them to show acceptance and compassion toward everyone else.

She hopes that through her writing, she will inspire her children, as well as many others, to do just that.

Danielle lives with her family on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada



Danielle Dawn Falk will be awarding a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Visit more stops on this Goddess Fish tour for extra chances to win!

Full Tour Schedule:

November 22: The Reading Addict
November 22: Andi’s Kids Books
November 22: Travel the Ages
November 29: Gina Rae Mitchell
November 29: Our Town Book Reviews
November 29: Crowvus Book Blog
December 6: Sandra’s Book Club
December 6: Iron Canuck Reviews & More
December 6: Westveil Publishing
December 13: Fabulous and Brunette
December 13: Notes From a Romantic’s Heart


Purchase What it Means to Be Me online from a local book store.


Easy Amazon Links

510Q7K9UALL. AC AC SR98,95What It Means to Be MeShop on Amazon Kindle 51D99fcz18L. AC AC SR98,95What It Means to Be MeShop on Amazon Paperback 510n5NVftHL. AC AC SR98,95What It Means to Be MeShop on Amazon Hardcover 


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Posted 11/28/2021 by Gina in Blog Tour, Book Promotions, Book Reviews, Children's, Non-fiction / 5 Comments

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5 responses to “What it Means to Be Me by Danielle Falk | $10 GC Giveaway, Excerpt, Review

  1. Eva Millien

    I enjoyed the excerpt and What It Means To Be Me sounds like a great book for kids to read and I can’t wait to share it with them! Thanks for sharing it with me and I like the cover! Thanks, Gina, for sharing your thoughts! Have a magical holiday season!