Category: Children’s

A Vacuum for My Birthday?! by J.M. Gulmire | 5-Star Children’s Book Review | #Childrens #Humor @JMGulmire

A Vacuum for My Birthday?! by J.M. Gulmire | 5-Star Children’s Book R..

A Vacuum for My Birthday?!

Sam is dying to know what she’s getting for her 9th birthday. Her mom tries to throw her off by saying that her present is a vacuum cleaner. This leads Sam to imagine fighting monsters and even saving the world with a robot vacuum. What will she really get for her birthday?

@JMGulmire #Humorous #Childrens #Book

Best Buddies: What’s in a Name? by Mother Melania Salem | 4.5 Star Children’s Book Review ~ Author Guest Post ~ Giveaway

Best Buddies: What’s in a Name? by Mother Melania Salem | 4.5 Star Ch..

In Best Buddies: What’s in a Name, as with all her books, Mother Melania tries to celebrate virtue and God’s saving work in our lives.

What happens when a homeless dog befriends a homeless teen? Join them and find out!

Enter the giveaway for a chance to win a signed book and $25 Amazon Gift Card.


Soso and The Kako Leaf by Bella Disu | Children’s Book Review | #Confidence #SelfEsteem | @iReadBookTours

Soso and The Kako Leaf by Bella Disu | Children’s Book Review | #Conf..

Soso and the Kako Leaf by Bella Disu | Children’s Book Review

Follow the life of young Soso as she encounters mysteries and unearths traditions that have existed long before she was born.

Be part of her adventures as she gains confidence, self-esteem, and an understanding of her deep cultural heritage.

Review: The Giving Back Tree by Tarky Lee | Fantastic 5-Star Children’s Book for ALL Ages! | #Giveaway @GoddessFish @TarkyLee

Review: The Giving Back Tree by Tarky Lee | Fantastic 5-Star Children’..

The Giving Back Tree can be looked at as a companion book to Shel Silverstein’s classic, The Giving Tree.

Love is a powerful healing force in this tender and magical adventure that reminds us the end is also a new beginning.

Beautifully written and illustrated, The Giving Back Tree teaches a simple lesson: we can grow back.

Read my review, learn more about the book ant the author, and hurry to purchase your own copy of this wonderful book.

@GoddessFish @TarkyLee

Little Aiden: A Feelings Book for Toddlers (Little Aiden Series #1) by Albert Choi | Children’s Book Review

Little Aiden: A Feelings Book for Toddlers (Little Aiden Series #1) by Albe..

Little Aiden: A Feelings Book for Toddlers (Little Aiden Series #1) by Albert Choi

Have you always wanted to introduce emotions and feelings to your toddler, but don’t have the right book on hand? Or perhaps you have found a few books on emotions and feelings, but they aren’t enough to keep your toddler engaged throughout the entire book.

“Little Aiden: A Feelings Book for Toddlers” by Albert Choi is a highly recommended book for parents and caregivers looking to introduce emotions and feelings to their toddlers. Its charming storytelling, vivid illustrations, and important message make it an essential resource for emotional education.

#ChildrensBook #ToddlerFeelings #Caregiver #Gift

Doctoroo and the Case of the Picnic Pirates by Dr. Rachel Wellner | Children’s Book Review ~ $50 Sephora Card ~Author Guest Post on Encouraging Picky Eaters

Doctoroo and the Case of the Picnic Pirates by Dr. Rachel Wellner | Childre..

Doctoroo and the Case of the Picnic Pirates by Dr. Rachel Wellner

Will Doctoroo discover why bear cubs in the Tumbling Potomac Pirates won’t practice their somersaults, cartwheels, or handsprings in time for the cubs to perform on the Fourth of July?

Encourages healthy eating habits in a fun way for kids.

#giveaway #childrensbooks #kidlit #picturebook @iReadBookTours

Traveling Tootsie by Karen and Kathy Honaker | 5-Star Children’s Book Review | Guest Post from the Authors

Traveling Tootsie by Karen and Kathy Honaker | 5-Star Children’s Book..

When Katie & Steven’s yellow teddy, Tootsie, stows away for Daddy’s Washington DC trip, they are able to travel along, too—just not in the way they first imagine!

Traveling Tootsie is a delightful picture book suitable for all families, daycares, libraries, and schools.

@iReadBookTours @TravelingToots #picturebook #childrensbook @AmplifyPubGroup #Giveaway