Review: Clouds and Earth by Sayde Scarlett is book one of the Peace Outside trilogy. This militaristic science fiction thriller is non-stop action with not just a central mystery, but several sub-plots weaving throughout. 

Review: Clouds and Earth by Sayde Scarlett Book cover: Black background with a green glowing digital globeir?t=wwwginamitche 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B07PD29RZ4      



Title: Clouds and Earth – The Peace Outside, Book 1

Author: Sayde Scarlett

Genre: Militaristic Science-Fiction, Thriller




Synopsis from Goodreads:

The Long War changed everything. For Lt. First Class Sandy Attiyeh, the peace she helped create seems to be working for everyone but her. This new world is so…well, so dull.

With her commanding officer keeping her at arm’s length, citing her rather unpredictable temperament, Sandy is willing prey for Lyndon Hamilton, CEO of Hamilton InfoSec, who needs someone to engage in a little corporate espionage. He offers good pay, interesting work, and excitement. Perfect.

But when Sandy’s face starts to show up on activists’ pamphlets, and rumours begin to circle regarding her alleged war crimes, any hopes she had of a future in the civilian world begin to unravel. Unable to escape Hamilton’s twisted ambitions, Sandy, caught between her old comrades and her new employer, must find a way to save the peace she gave everything for.

Clouds and Earth is the first installment in The Peace Outside trilogy and is a dark and thrilling tale of intrigue and espionage set in the data-driven world of tomorrow. Startling and prescient in equal measure, it is a must-read for fans of sci-fi and contemporary fiction alike.



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Review: Clouds and Earth by Sayde Scarlett

The Peace Outside, Book 1 of 3

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E-Book Details:

  • File Size: 1019 KB
  • Print Length: 252 pages
  • Publisher: Xlibris UK (November 9, 2018)
  • Publication Date: November 9, 2018
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B07PD29RZ4
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • X-Ray: Not Enabled
  • Word Wise: Enabled
  • Lending: Not Enabled
  • Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
41GwwKbVVGL. AC AC SR98,95Clouds and EarthShop on Amazon


Paperback Details:

  • Paperback: 252 pages
  • Publisher: Xlibris Corp (November 9, 2018)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1543493238
  • ISBN-13: 978-1543493238
  • Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.6 x 9 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 12.3 ounces
414H6TO7MML. AC AC SR98,95Clouds and Earth: The Peace...Shop on Amazon


Audiobook Details:

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length: 9 hours and 20 minutes
  • Program Type: Audiobook
  • Version: Unabridged
  • Publisher: Sayde Scarlett
  • Release Date: August 22, 2019
  • Whispersync for Voice: Ready
  • Language: English, English

Clouds and Earth is also available on Barnes and Noble.


My Review – Clouds and Earth by Sayde Scarlett

Clouds and Earth fits many genres; military fiction, science fiction, a political thriller, suspense or mystery. Overall, it’s a story of the relationships between people and how our interactions have consequences.

It’s refreshing to see the main character as a kick-ass female soldier, frequently landing on the wrong side of the rules, but always with the greater good in mind. The story also has several other strong females excelling in typically male-dominated roles. However, don’t think this book is all about females. Male characters are abundant with exciting stories, and they play an integral part of the plot.

The author has built a world with futuristic gadgets, weapons, transportation devices, and most importantly, peace. The actions of a few put this new world at risk.

There is an underlying mystery that runs throughout the book that is never entirely addressed or solved. I am certainly hoping that comes to the forefront in the next edition of the series.

I recommend Clouds and Earth to lovers of futuristic science fiction and well as general fiction. It reminds me a bit of Dan Brown’s Deception Point. I will read book 2 when it’s released. I need to know where these characters are going.


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Review: Clouds and Earth by Sayde Scarlett Author photoSayde Scarlett was born and raised in Dubai, UAE, but relocated to the United Kingdom to read Politics and International Relations at Royal Holloway, University of London. After university, Sayde worked in the performing arts sector alongside being a political and antiwar activist. Sayde now works as a financial crime investigator.

In 2017, Sayde published her debut collection of poetry, Love Crimes. She primarily writes science fiction, fantasy, and poetry.

A short interview with author Sayde Scarlett

How long have you been writing?

I’ve been writing seriously since 2013/14

What inspired you to write in this genre?

My fascination with future technology and my experiences as an anti-war activist.

In which genre does your life story belong?

That depends since I don’t know how it ends yet. Could be a contemporary comedy or a contemporary tragedy.

Do you have a set writing schedule?

No. I just write in the afternoon when I come home from work, and I feel like it.

Do you need silence to write, or can you work in any environment?

I need some measure of silence and calm but not absolute silence.

If you could set up your perfect writing scenario, what would it involve?

A desk facing a window, not a wall, in a villa overlooking a lake.

Were you an avid reader growing up?

No, I struggled in school because it was an unhealthy environment for me. At the age of twelve, I found a book called: ‘Gone With The Wind’ in the school library and read it voraciously. That’s when I realized I loved reading, but that no one had given me anything good to read until then.

If you could form the ultimate writers' group, which authors past or present would you invite to join you?

Oscar Wilde, WH Auden, Lord Byron, Virginia Woolfe, Margaret Mitchell.

Do you snack while writing, and if so, what is your go-to favorite?

Chocolate covered rice cakes.

Who has influenced your writing the most?

Byron, Shakespeare, and Wilde.

Is there anything you would like my readers to know about you or your book?

It’s partially inspired by the Shakespeare play, Coriolanus, but imbued with the issues modern veterans face.


Author’s contact info:


Twitter: @Sayde_Scarlett

Facebook: SaydeScarlett

Instagram: Sayde_Scarlett

YouTube: Sayde Scarlett


Please direct media inquiries to:

Ellen Whitfield of JKS Communications


This concludes my review of Clouds and Earth by Sayde Scarlett.

I hope you enjoyed the review and are intrigued enough to check out the book.


More reviews by Gina


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Posted 09/03/2019 by Gina in Book Reviews, Fiction / 0 Comments

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