Review: Then Came Darkness by D. H. Schleicher is a great historical fiction thriller. Can one family survive a psychopath in this dust-bowl era mystery?
Review: Then Came Darkness by D. H. Schleicher
Title: Then Came Darkness
Author: D. H. Schleicher
Publisher: Mabus Publishing
Genres: Historical Fiction – Thriller – Murder – Mystery
Print Length: 264 pages
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Synopsis and edition information is from Goodreads and Amazon.
Review: Then Came Darkness by D. H. Schleicher
Summer. 1936. Upstate New York. First, the banks were coming for their farms. Then, a record heatwave scorched the land. And then came Joshua Bloomfield, driven by revenge and greed, seeking to reclaim an inheritance of blood money and the family he believed was rightfully his. Will Evelyn Kydd find a way to save her farm and protect her family from the monster in their midst, or will they all be devoured by the darkness descending upon the hills?
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My Review: Then Came Darkness by D. H. Schleicher
D. H. Schleicher is a master with words. He puts the reader into the heart of the dust bowl era where a heaviness of doom hangs in the air. I found myself holding my breath several times from the foreboding sense that something atrocious was about to happen.
The story itself is gripping yet unsettling. The majority of the characters have an abundance of flaws. Finding a hero is difficult. In times such as these, people do what they must to survive. The time frame the story takes place is especially harsh, where even children must mature quickly or suffer the consequences.
The storyline does jump back and forth in time, especially in the first few chapters, while defining characters. This writing technique is not my personal favorite, as I like my stories linear. However, once you settle in, the story moves quickly. The opening pages make it clear we are dealing with a psychotic killer. I flipped back to the beginning a couple of times to make sure I had people straight in my head.
What’s never in doubt is the children are the real stars. Through the toughest of times, they find their moments of peace and joy. Whether it’s jumping on a bed, skipping stones, or having a rare ice cream treat on a sweltering day, kids will find a bit of happiness. I don’t want to forget Sue, the dog. She has a point of view in this unique mystery.
The came darkness is an intense historical fiction thriller. As much as I disliked some of the main characters, I never once considered putting the book down. The story is gritty, real, and believable. The author crafted the perfect ending for such a dark, brooding tale.
I would recommend Then Came Darkness to lovers of historical fiction, murder mysteries, and thrillers.
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Review: Then Came Darkness by D. H. Schleicher
A quick interview with D. H. Schleicher, author of Then Came Darkness
How long have you been writing?
I’ve been writing since I was seven-years-old. My first book was a stick-figure illustrated melodrama about a diamond heist.
What inspired you to write in this genre?
I’ve been fascinated by The Great Depression for as long as I can remember. I always knew I wanted to write a novel that took place during this era. During a visit to Upstate New York many years ago, I attended an art exhibit of Walker Evans’ Depression Era photography, and that’s when Then Came Darkness was born.
Were you an avid reader growing up?
Yes, I grew up reading a little bit of everything: the classics, fantasy, horror, “choose-your-own-adventures.” One of my favorite series was the Bunnicula series.
If you could form the ultimate writers’ group, which authors past or present would you invite to join you?
I would invite Graham Greene, William Faulkner, Raymond Carver, Toni Morrison, Michael Ondaatje, and Ron Rash.
Who has influenced your writing the most?
Movies and books have equally influenced me. Stanley Kubrick, Alfred Hitchcock, The Coen Brothers, David Lynch, and Paul Thomas Anderson are some of my favorite directors. Graham Greene, Toni Morrison, and Ron Rash have been significant literary influences.
Where to connect with D. H. Schleicher
Amazon Author Page Goodreads Author Page Twitter Website
Review: Then Came Darkness by D. H. Schleicher
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Then Came Darkness is available in Kindle Unlimited at the time of this post.
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