Publisher: Independent

Hold On Tight by Jerry Harwood | Book Review ~ Excerpt ~ $10 Gift Card Available

Hold On Tight by Jerry Harwood | Book Review ~ Excerpt ~ $10 Gift Card Ava..

Hold On Tight by Jerry Harwood is s sweet, clean romance novel!

When event planner Megan Rouche’s boyfriend lands a job in Atlanta, he proposes. But she chooses to stay in her small Tennessee town to care for her grandmother. There she kindles a new relationship. However, all is in jeopardy when Frank returns on behalf of his Atlanta company with big plans to develop a new factory in Bakewell and marry Megan.


Only Prince Charming Gets to Break the Rules: Gender and Rule Violation in Fairy Tales and Life by Anne E. Beall, PhD | Author Guest Post ~ Book Raffle

Only Prince Charming Gets to Break the Rules: Gender and Rule Violation in ..

Explore the fascinating link between gender stereotypes in fairy tales and real-world life with Only Prince Charming Gets to Break the Rules: Gender and Rule Violation in Fairy Tales and Life by Anne Bealle.

This thought-provoking book carefully analyzes 200 folktales and fairy tales from around the world, uncovering a universal disparity in how male and female characters are punished for breaking the rules. Through a blend of thorough research and literary investigation, the book sheds light on how these stereotypes affect our families, politics, and education.

A powerful feminist critique of social norms, this academic yet accessible exploration shows how our most cherished tales shape our cultures.

Enter #giveaway for a chance to win.

@iReadBookTours @BeallRT

BBNYA Winner’s Tour: #5 ~ The Reaper’s Quota (The Reaper Chronicles #1) by Sarah McKnight | Book Review #Dark #Satire

BBNYA Winner’s Tour: #5 ~ The Reaper’s Quota (The Reaper Chroni..

The 2022 BBNYA Official Victory tour for the 5th place winner features, The Reaper’s Quota (The Reaper Chronicles #1) by Sarah McKnight – @mcknight_writes. I enjoyed this unique tale of life as a Grim Reaper. It’s thought-provoking, entertaining, & humorous.

#Satire #DarkHumor

@BBNYA_Official @The_WriteReads #BBNYA2022

The St. Ciaran’s Chronicles: A YA Mystery Novel by Will Mullin (The Lonsdale Files #1) | Book Revie

The St. Ciaran’s Chronicles: A YA Mystery Novel by Will Mullin (The L..

The St. Ciaran’s Chronicles: A YA Mystery Novel by Will Mullin (The Lonsdale Files #1) | Book Review

A beautiful Catholic school on the surface…with a nest of dark secrets lying underneath.

If Aidan can uncover the truth about what transpired on his first night in college, he will expose the dark secrets lying beneath the pristine facade of St. Ciaran’s College. If he fails, he stands to lose far more than the chance to ever find out what happened to his best friend.

#YA #Mystery #ComingOfAge #YABooks

Moon Life by Marlene Fabian Stiles and Hank Fabian | Fantastic Author Interview ~ Excerpt ~ $25 Gift Card

Moon Life by Marlene Fabian Stiles and Hank Fabian | Fantastic Author Inter..

Moon Life by Marlene Fabian Stiles and Hank Fabian | Fantastic Author Interview ~ Excerpt ~ $25 Gift Card

It’s the year 2051, the International Space Institute has sent two rival astrobiologists to search for extraterrestrial life on Europa, the mysterious ice moon of Jupiter.
#SciFi #ScienceFiction #SpaceExploration
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