Tag: Children Picture Books

Marcus and the Emperor’s Coin (In God We Trust Series #2) by Dennis Conrad | #BookReview #ChilrensPictureBook #Christian @iReadBookTours @DennisConradAuthor | $100 Gift Card Available

Marcus and the Emperor’s Coin (In God We Trust Series #2) by Dennis C..

In “Marcus and the Emperor’s Coin,” Dennis Conrad skillfully blends adventure, faith, and moral lessons, creating a delightful reading experience for young audiences. The book’s engaging narrative and Courtney Smith’s illustrations make it a worthy addition to the In God We Trust Series, providing wholesome content for children on their spiritual journey.

#BookReview #ChilrensPictureBook #Christian @iReadBookTours @DennisConradAuthor | $100 Gift Card Available

One Day Book Blast: Rocketship Ride by Franco D’Auria | $10 Gift Card | #Childrens #picturebook #imagination @GoddessFish #childrensbooks

One Day Book Blast: Rocketship Ride by Franco D’Auria | $10 Gift Card..

“Rocketship Ride” by Franco D’Auria is a children’s picture book that invites young readers on an imaginative journey with two loving brothers. The vibrant illustrations and short rhymes make it perfect for early readers.

#Childrens #picturebook #imagination @GoddessFish #childrensbooks

Children’s Book Review | Gunner Goes 4-Book Series by Karl Riemensperger | Heartwarming!#McNeelyFamilyRescueAndSanctuary#PictureBooks #EarlyReaders #BedtimeStories

Children’s Book Review | Gunner Goes 4-Book Series by Karl Riemensper..

Join Gunner, the lovable 4-year-old Black Labrador mix, in a heartwarming series, “Gunner Goes”, that captures the essence of family, love, and the joyous moments of a dog’s life.

The “Gunner Goes” series is not just about a dog; it’s a celebration of life’s adventures, love, and the special moments that make every day extraordinary. Get ready to laugh, learn, and fall in love with Gunner!


Santa’s Magical Reindeer: Becoming Pen Pals by Michele Monaco | Book Review ~ Guest Post by Author ~ Giveaway (1 Signed Copy) | Children’s Picture Book @ireadbooktours @sleighbellcity

Santa’s Magical Reindeer: Becoming Pen Pals by Michele Monaco | Book ..

Santa’s Magical Reindeer: Becoming Pen Pals by Michele Monaco | Book Review ~ Guest Post by Author ~ Giveaway (1 Signed Copy) | Children’s Picture Book

Right after Thanksgiving is the busiest time of year for Santa and his crew of eight famous reindeer! Every year, the Famous Eight sleigh team from the North Pole eagerly helps Santa by going on a quest to find kids who believe in Christmas magic. In Santa’s Magical Reindeer: Becoming Pen Pals, Prancer, Vixen, and Dasher go on an adventure in search of eager pen pals. On their journey, they find three rambunctious girls who eagerly exchange letters with them and become lifelong friends.

Enter #giveaway for a chance to win!

@sleighbellcity @iReadBookTours

The Adventures of Captain Jimmy Jams by Summerton Thompson Connor | Children’s Book Review ~ $10 Gift Card |  #BedtimeStory @GoddessFish @TellwellPublishing #TellwellTalent

The Adventures of Captain Jimmy Jams by Summerton Thompson Connor | Childre..

“The Adventures of Captain Jimmy Jams” by Summerton Thompson Connor is a beautiful and imaginative children’s book that is sure to become a cherished part of any bedtime routine. Its stunning illustrations, whimsical storytelling, and evoking of childhood dreams make it a delightful choice for parents seeking a soothing and captivating story to read to their little adventurers.

@GoddessFish #Childrens #BookReview #BedtimeStories

Tiny Green Unicorns by Renée James | Children’s Book Review ~ Author Guest Post ~ $15 Gift Card | @GoddessFish @reneejamesbooks

Tiny Green Unicorns by Renée James | Children’s Book Review ~ Author..

“Tiny Green Unicorns” by Renee James is a must-have for any family’s collection of children’s books. With its captivating narrative, vibrant illustrations, and heartwarming message, this book is sure to become a beloved favorite among young readers. Whether you’re seeking a magical adventure or a charming distraction, this book has it all.

@GoddessFish @TellwellTalent @reneejamesbooks

A Smile in Your Pocket by Jarrod Zayas | 4.5 Star ~ Children’s Book Review | #

A Smile in Your Pocket by Jarrod Zayas | 4.5 Star ~ Children’s Book Revie..

A Smile in Your Pocket by Jarrod Zayas put a smile on my face.

The story addresses how changes to routines can make us stressed and sad. Miles is dealing with this uneasiness as he senses the adults in his life are worried. Miles doesn’t like the gray day, new rules, or the feelings brought on by change.

Thanks to an observant, caring teacher, he learns that changes affect everyone. She teaches him a trick to lift his spirits and he happily shares this solution with everyone he meets.

Where is He? Tank the Tortoise by Parimalasri Docktor | Children’s Book Review | $10 Giveaway

Where is He? Tank the Tortoise by Parimalasri Docktor | Children’s Bo..

“Where is he?” is about Tank, the Russian tortoise who lost his owner and was placed in a pet store. He missed his owner and routine habits. He goes to a new home. When not in the box, he roams around the house. His favorite meal is string beans.

Where is He? Tank the Tortoise is a #ChildrensPictureBook by Parimalasri Docktor. Use this story to open discussions with children about death and pets. Perfect for early readers, libraries, and families.

@GoddessFish @TellwellTalent